I saw my service female aquaintance today. I first preformed orally on her as she layed on my bed with her legs up,bent at knees and spreaded as I licked her wet butt to wet cunt up and down over and over again as her oozing cum flowed and as she was 30 seconds away from orgasm I slowed it down a bit and her cum flowed even more intensely on my face as I brought her to an enormously big orgasm. And then I said to her that I enjoyed that more than she did and she giggled because she knew she felt more ectasy than I did because shes the one who just had a massive cum. Then I asked if she wanted to have outercourse and she said yes and remained in the same position but moved to the middle of the bed as I layed on my side and once again I was moving it up and down from her wet butt to wet cunt but instead of using my mouth and tongue I was using my cock til I also had an enormous cummm because not only the feel of it was exciting, the sight of her butt and cunt was also a major turn on. Now I imagine if she had a cock and we did exactly the same thing it would be just as fun.
Now what kind of sex are you having at the moment or already had or will have? Post it.
Now what kind of sex are you having at the moment or already had or will have? Post it.