
No announcement yet. launches - 1st preview

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  • launches - 1st preview

    I'm proud to announce that my solo membership website has officially launched today! This website is literally a labour of love for me. From my earliest amateur, self-shot sets on, there's been an intention to launch a membership-driven Now, a little over a year later, we're opening the doors.

    This website is the little engine that could. On many levels I'm so far removed from the TS porn industry, I bear little resemblance to it. Let's face it: TS porn takes itself seriously; it?s very heavily focused on young, glam models; it's look is very much a veneer - plastic both in terms of look and attitude.

    I'm something entirely different.

    I'm irreverent to TS porn; my works as likely to make you laugh as it is to get you off (and if I've done my job right, you'll do both -- a lot!); I'm older than most TS models and my work?s a lot more raw. Nearly every set either arises out of personal experience or things which interest me. My work reveals more about who I am than what other porn reveals about other models.

    But while I'll stray far from the "mainstream" TS porn, that's not to say this is not a professional operation. I've been lucky enough to attract some of the most talented porn professionals into working with me on my site. And I'm continuing to add new folks all the time.

    By some miracle, my work has resonated for many of you. I love doing this... and so long as you all keep supporting my work, I plan to make it.

    So lean back in your favorite stained chair, loosen those pants and get a grip on yourself and enjoy some of the cheesiest, yet hottest, TS porn on the market today.

    We're launching with a special $14.99 per month rate. It won't stay that price forever, so get over there and join while you can!

    WENDY ;*

    And to entice you? Here's the first of many previews coming over the next week:

    Managed (with the ever hot Sadie Hawkins) (Producer: Remy)

    Originally posted by Managed
    As the old saying goes, "Sometimes it's hard to get good help" but, for me, it seems the script has been flipped and I now firmly believe "Sometimes it's good to get hard help"! I took a job as a manager at a swanky boutique and, since I owed a friend a favor, have been saddled with the "Employee from Hell". My friend?s daughter is an 18-year-old, text-addicted blonde. Her apathetic attitude and flying fingers give me a headache, but when it's the sexy Sadie Hawkins - she's got a special way to spell relief...C-O-C-K ? and with her young, firm ass, she really does put the ?tail? in ?retail. Once we strip down to our lacy lingerie and get down to business, I find those texting fingers can work their magic - on her own personal ?my-bod?! It's not too long before Sadie shows me who's the boss!
    Last edited by Wendy Summers; 03-13-2012, 03:39 PM.
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  • #2
    Hi, gook luck to you site


    • #3
      Very Nice
      SINcerely, Lora-Lana


      • #4
        New Site

        i have enjoyed looking at you, your newsletter nad look forward to your new site.

