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Lady bug

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  • Lady bug

    Originally posted by Babe View Post
    Good morning,

    It's the 6th of February it's -20 C outside and has been for weeks.

    I was in my kitchen earlier this morning because i could not sleep, and out of nowhere, through the corner of my right eye, i see something on the wall just above the counter.
    So i look and it's a red, sort of round bug, Immediately, i reached for a drinking glass and a piece of paper to trap the bug inside. When i got it in the glass and paper, i saw it was a lady bug.
    Anyone that knows me knows i really don't like any bugs, whatsoever. Thy bug me. I won't go out of my way to hurt a bug, but if they're in my living area - watch out.

    I set it free into the cold, i'm such a monster.
    It's a bug, and this particular kind of beetle can carry parasites, so why risk keeping it alive, right? Rigght?

    So, i sat down, and searched for lady bugs at google and i found this


    I Love Ladybugs

    Ladybugs - What Do They Mean When You See Them

    After my mother died, each of my two sisters and I saw a multitude of ladybugs in our houses around the same time. Since it was in the middle of winter, that was quite an odd and unusual coincidence. We all felt that the ladybug must hold a message for us. Below is the information which I gathered and share with my sisters.

    The ladybug is a member of the beetle family. They are found in nearly all climates. They are hemispheric in shape, have short legs and are usually bright colored with black, yellow or reddish markings. The females lay eggs.

    Their life cycle requires about four weeks, so several generations are produced each summer. This cycle ties the ladybug to the energies of renewal and regeneration. Those who may have this totem are usually family oriented with strong morals and social values.

    The name lady bug finds its origins in the middle ages when this beetle was dedicated to the Virgin Mary and called the "beetle of our lady." This name links the ladybug to spiritual ideals and religious devotion. It also holds a link to mothers.

    Past lives associated with religion or the church are common for those with this animal totem and some form of daily meditation or prayer is recommended.

    This tiny little beetle brings with it a powerful message. Because the life cycle of the adult ladybug is short it teaches us how to release worries and enjoy our lives to the fullest. When it appears in our life it is telling us to "let go and let God."

    An adult ladybug can consume several thousand aphids and other scale insects within a few months. Since aphids & other insects can be harmful to crop production, farmers and growers have long considered the ladybug a good omen. Because of its diet, the ladybug often has parasites and people with this animal totem need to take care of their digestive system.

    The ladybug is also one of the few beetles that are well liked by humans. Unlike other beetles, the ladybug brings a feeling of joy to us. Its small size signifies a delicate and loving nature. It portrays the energy of harmlessness and can show us how to stop self harm.

    The shell on its back protects it from predators. Its wings fold against the body serving to protect its soft underside. Ladybugs have sharp instincts and feel vibrations through their legs. This allows them to sense energy of whatever they touch and is another form of protection. In spite of the ladybug's size, it appears to be fearless.

    Seen often as a messenger of promise, the ladybug reconnects us with the joy of living. Fear and joy can not co-exist. We need to release our fears and return to love - this is one of the messages that the ladybug brings to us.

    Ladybug teaches us how to restore our trust and faith in the great spirit. When the ladybug appears, it is telling us to get out of our own way and allow the great spirit to enter into our lives.

    Praise God I've had about 100 ladybugs in my hallway all winter long and none have died they continue to grow. I can sense the greatness that come from them they are our protecters thank u Jesus.
    mrscrosby 5 days ago

    My cat Cleo took his well deserved rest this past week. After 18 great years I couldn't ask for more. I walked past his water dish and scooped a ladybug out. I googled the meaning of a ladybug in my cats water and it lead me here.
    Someonearound Jan 26 2013

    The weather got colder and my bedroom became infested with ladybugs. I don't believe in God and don't feel this is a sign, too many of them
    Adele831 Dec 28, 2013

    Thank you for the information it is truly a blessing.
    amwadd Dec 6, 2013

    I have had no one pass away yet my home has been loaded with ladybugs for weeks now. I have been on an emotional roller coaster lately
    Bpc1 Dec 4, 2013

    Thanks. I saw a ladybug this winter morning and was wondering what it meant. Sounds accurate. Let go and let go. I was preparing to fight.
    BlaqPaladon Dec 4, 2013

    My husband passed away unexpectedly and suddenly last December. He has been sending us ladybugs ever since!
    AimeeReilly Nov 16, 2013

    I had a dream with a ladybug and it was weird because my dad was really sick and his day was just coming close so the dream was about a ladybug. that I was looking for a parking and next to the passenger seat there was a ladybug and was telling me to stop going in circles so I told the ladybug to shut up and the ladybug did so I finely found a parking and I was telling the ladybug I found a parking so when I go to garb my bag and look inside the ladybug trend weight so a couple days my dad passed on 9-28-2013 RIP DAD the ladybug was giving me a messaged to let go AND I DID and my dad is free of pain and in piece and a lady buy has a way in my heart I will never for get that special ladybug
    magalygon1212 Nov 13, 2013

    Wow as I was at the bus stop one pitched on my chest and wouldn't fly off. Now I know why.
    angielolo Nov 2, 2013

    I have now seen two ladybugs in my home- one last night, one tonight. So good to know they are good luck!
    betsyannpia Oct 31, 2013

    today is my mothers birthday out of nowhere hundreds of ladybugs are crawling all over my downstairs screens. Can't believe it! is there a message here?
    ccic Oct 29, 2013

    My cat snowwhite has disappeared since 4 days now. You may find this ridiculous, but she was like a sister to me. Today I come home from school and find plenty of ladybugs. I have searched for her and cried and I have made prayers to know whether shes okay or not. I guess this is a message.
    SnowwhiteILU Sep 27, 2013

    Wow very inspiring. I was just laying here in my bed with weight of the world on my shoulders. All of a sudden I look down and this ladybug is crawling on my arm. Let go and let God is really sitting with me. I've been over stressed about everything and its nice to know that God has ways of sending us messages
    justnishia Sep 10, 2013

    Two days after my brother past away, I was sitting in the dining room when I saw something from the corner of my eye looking at me. It was a white ladybug. Before that night I never knew they existed. I'm happy to know its significance.
    L0972a Aug 27, 2013

    This was a very helpful and enlightening article. It really did fill me with hope. I have family issue and money problems that seem like they will never end. But recently my bedroom is filled with ladybugs. I am 3 stories up and live in a cement jungle so I really can't imagine where they are coming from. In the morning when I wake up, they are on the bed framing my silhouette. Reading the article makes me fill optimist that there will be a positive outcome to this situation and that I need not worry or be mad about the current situation.
    AngelGotMail Aug 20, 2013

    It's all just an America heresy!! You don't even have any history so go look into someone else's culture and learn with silence.
    noonehereeurope Aug 13, 2013

    OMG!! I never knew this about ladybugs. The day of my 16 year old sons funeral i saw a whole bunch of ladybugs. I thought to myself that it must be a sign. Sure enough it was. Everytime i see.a ladybug i tell my family that my son visited me that day. I thought this was something i conjured up in my own head. It is apparently true.
    lorries66 Aug 9, 2013

    Let go and Let God
    Shinelly Jul 26, 2013

    When I was pregnant with my son we had just moved into our own apartment in october. My family had moved out of state to be with my grandfather who was dying from cancer. When we moved in I found a lady bug. Over then next several months we had lady bugs appear on holidays and whenever we needed a little cheering up. When i went into labor in January this was no exception. when my bf brought in my bags from the car a lady bag had hitched a ride to my son's birth. When we brought home our son a ladybug had been waiting on his bassinet for his arrival. This whole time I was pregnant my grandfather had been battlign cancer and it was winning. We took a trip in February so he could meet his great grandson. my mom saw somewhere that ladybugs can be a sign of rebirth. I feel strongly that these ladybugs were a sign for my grandfather and my son. We lost my grandfather While we were visiting him that month. his last wish had been to meet his great grandson and so he did. Winter came and we didnt see any ladybugs, but just last weekend we took our son to the zoo and while we were on the shuttle bus back to our car a ladybug came out of no where and landed on the window next to us. I feel this was a sign from my grandpa that he was watching over his grandbaby and I. I have never felt like I had anything like a gardian angel till these ladybugs showed up. Everytime I see one now I am very overjoyed.
    Cmichelle92 Jul 15, 2013

    My daughter was born a stillborn April 3 2013 and her nickname is Ladybug. We see them all the time now and I cry tears of joy and sometimes sorrow but I know that its just her spirit making her presence known and letting us know that everything will be okay.
    SereneAngel4313 Jun 5, 2013

    My daughter was stillborn on March 25, 2008 and Ladybug were the theme we had set up in her nursery. Since she passed away, I have ladybugs land on me constantly, my husband does too at work as he works outside alot. They are a symbol of joy for us and we take it as a sign from her that she is thinking of us. We were blessed with another precious little girl 18 months later and then 2 years after that had our son. Both of the kids have ladybugs land on them all the time. Truly a sign from our angels. God bless you SereneAngel4313, i'm truly sorry for your loss and sorry another Mommy has to endure this nightmare.
    Hugs and prayers to you.
    renee2013 Jun 27, 2013

    Wow. My mom past away in December and I have been seeing lady bugs everywhere. Tonight there was one on the ceiling of my bathroom and its been raining today so I put it in a little cup with some salad and leave until tomorrow to release it lol. And reading this seriously gives me understanding why I have been seeing them. Losing my mother definitely made me lose my self spiritually and emotionally. I guess this gives me a boost to let go and move on.
    AnnaVla May 1, 2013

    I lost my dog of 16 years last week and on the ceiling in the waiting room of the vet clinic was a lady bug. It reminded me that I had seen many this year. I took the lady bug home with me and left it on my dogs grave that night after reading your wonderful blog. Thank you. I believe it is the angel that took my dog to heaven.
    Wineotracie Apr 10, 2013

    March 28, 2013: Day of my mother's passing, was also her birthday.
    All of these events happened before I was actually made aware of my mother's passing. Early that morning I spotted one lone ladybug on a bush, at lunch time that day I was driving home to eat and I drove through a cloud of ladybugs. At 5:00, when leaving work, I spotted one lone ladybug inside my car, that was, literally, minues before I got the call that my mom had passed away. I had never heard about the association between ladybugs and death. Now when I see one, I know it is my mom's way of telling me, "it is ok. I am at peace and am dancing with the angels"
    brandileeme Apr 8, 2013

    This is very helpful.. our family dog Buster died a week ago and my mom is absolutely heartbroken.. she had me look things up about ladybugs because ever since we lost our dog, her room has been completely covered with lady bugs.. we never got to say bye or tht it will be okay to buster before he was gone.. this makes me think that he is telling those exact words to my mom with the ladybugs.. thank you so much..
    lilcramer99 Mar 28, 2013

    Wow! I have been finding ladybugs all over my house since my Mom passed away. Thank you so much for this article
    megan336 Mar 26, 2013

    My brother passed away in December of 2012, and all of a sudden I have been seeing ladybugs like crazy but they seem to be attracted to my mom. We go to the cemetery and I will gently take them of her back and hair. When my little nephew was being born, I found one that looked like she sat on, still alive as we arrived at the hospital. Even this moring I went to my brothers room (where he had passed) and saw a ladybug crawing on the window form the inside. I went to get a piece of paper to bring it outside, but when I got back it was gone. I have never seen as many ladybugs as I have since my brother passed. I figured I would look up to see if there was any significance to it or if it is a (just so happen) situation. Anyway, thanks for the research
    Twistar Mar 25, 2013

    My loving father died 3 years ago March 11th. I came to visit his gravesite, with a heavy burden on my heart as my 18 yr old daughter, his only grandchild, will soon be getting a kidney transplant. A long time coming.
    So much worry and stress as I pray to be her donor. Dad loved her more than life.
    Just as I sat down by his headstone, a lady bug landed on my hand. Then two more showed up, then another.
    It's Dad's way of giving us his loving bear hug that we so terribly miss!! I love you dad!! <3
    Pancetta Mar 13, 2013

    Last edited by Babe; 02-06-2014, 11:44 AM.
