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Thailand Study 1 in 43 boys getting heart problems from vax

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  • Thailand Study 1 in 43 boys getting heart problems from vax

    I been talking on here about how covid is one of the largest scams in history and basically just a massive profit center for Big Pharma. The lies frauds and BS keeps coming out. Meanwhile the Cdn government is pushing this on kids every day. They are criminals in my opinion and this proves it.

  • #2
    Isn’t there a complain about Covid forum somewhere else ?

    coz it ain’t here


    • #3
      I don]t know anymore but i see people getting a 4th shot and when they get covid its fucking brutal. I see unvaxxed people barely anything happens. I had my last shot (the 3rd one) 10 months ago (so I am essentially unvaccinated at this point) and I have likely had covid a couple of times and no after effects after a few sick days.

      For me, at least, I will only take what is necessary to travel. They got me on that one. So the 4th shot can kick rocks as far as I am concerned. I am not a wacky conspiracy but i have come to the strong position that we can live with covid and i am not afraid of getting it. And vaxxed or unvaxxed you can trasmit, get sick, etc etc.

      So, I am pretty much tuning it all out. But I think people who never took the vaccine are probably feeling pretty good about their choices at this point.

      PS - the ultimate joke is that we are considered safe right now by the government if we had two shots in 2021 of a vaccine made for a strain that is no longer in the general population.


      • #4
        You really need to stop getting your "news" from random internet sites.


        • #5
          I dont know man it just shocks me that the Canadian and US government with great help from the media can push this daily for kids as young as 6 months old to get the shot when all this evidence is coming forward on the heart issues it can cause. Especially when covid has almost zero risk to young people unless they have comorbidities. It is clear that these countries are bought and owned by Pfizer and money is the reason they push this on kids. How are they better than a drug dealer pushing illegal drugs? at this point I have more respect for the Pablo Escobars of the world.


          • #6
            Originally posted by luvtsfun View Post
            You really need to stop getting your "news" from random internet sites.
            So you are implying this is not a real study because it is not on CNN or whatever news you watch?


            • #7
              When the media and governments shut down any discussion, you know something is up.


              • #8
                When this Covid will finish


                • #9
                  A link for the study


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by marinav2 View Post
                    "This version is not peer-reviewed"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Jacob David View Post
                      When this Covid will finish
                      We will have covid in the world for years to come. What will "finish" it is for enough people to stop demanding restrictions ,masks, and endless shots for something that none of those can stop. The shots are also for a strain that no longer exists so it is alarming that people are just thinking they have to take this like it is religious dogma. Personal choice is fine, we need to keep it that way.

                      I think we are getting there but I fear if case counts go up in the fall as normal, people will panic and demand the PHOs do shit again. Of course, we also have this weird as fuck PM who ignores the reality that there is no need or basis to keep unvaxxed people off of airplanes. he just wants to keep this narrative that unvaxxed are dangerous because he wants to be a dick and didn't like all their resistance.

                      For me, I am done with it as far as any worry. I have had it and its cool, a few days of blah then back to normal. I wont let it slow down my life ever again.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Jacob David View Post
                        When this Covid will finish
                        It will went people will realize they can survive without the vaccine 👌


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by addictedtots View Post

                          It will went people will realize they can survive without the vaccine 👌
                          Quebec is onto the 5th dose now. They are really kicking it into high gear. I believe their goal may be every 2 - 3 months if you can believe that. The old jokes a year ago from the anti vax people about the 9th dose and so on isn't too far off ;(

                          A year ago I was pro vaccine as I honestly thought it would get this over and done with. Once the smears and hate came on the unvaccinated last fall, I started to realize this is not as advertised. Now that we know that covid spreads and has its waves regardless of vax percentages or your status, that restrictions and masks dont make a difference; this is just lunacy at this point.

                          Vax yourself all you want; I am however done with people who think we should mask up and lock up and think we should make them mandatory or have vax passes anymore. That is just cult level dogma at this point. Covid is not going away and we have to live out there in the soup and keep building ourselves up. This fantasy that we can get rid of it or get to zero deaths or something is dangerous thinking at this point; anyone bitching about inflation or homelessness or overdoes and at the same time want restrictions to come back are nuts.

                          The conspiracy anti vaxxers seemed like the crazies a year ago; now the crazies are people who refuse to accept anything that may indicate we are on the wrong path with vaccinations. There is growing evidence that over vaccinating ourselves may be fucking us and making covid worse down the road. Go figure.


                          • #14
                            lol.... I already had my fourth dose, wasn't I supposed to die two doses ago according to anti vaxxers? lmfao

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                            • #15
                              Originally posted by marinav2 View Post

                              So you are implying this is not a real study because it is not on CNN or whatever news you watch?
                              No, I’m saying that getting medical information off of a Twitter feed is stupid.

