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Rihanna versus Michael Jackson video - a.k.a an idea

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  • Rihanna versus Michael Jackson video - a.k.a an idea

    Ok everyone. Here is a little something I wanted to share with you. I've taken a great interest in creating videos now. I can't explain it but seeing my ideas set to music seems interesting.

    Only thing I don't enjoy is the weeks it takes to make this and having to clip and trim and get the timing just right let alone adding effects....oh well.

    Now this video is not going to be enjoyed by everyone. I know this. Partly because of the music itself and the artists or for something else however I know that others will enjoy this. I should also say that this is a re edited version of another video as what I did was I added a bit and took away and just left some things alone.

    There is an idea behind this and as to why I'm showing it to you all but I'll explain later for now my main interest is to entertain everyone. Comment if you want, good , bad, so so, that's fine as I'm still learning.

    Ok so for all Rihanna, MJ, dance, r and b, video, music and all other fans out there enjoy:

    Rihanna vs. Michael Jackson - Please Don't Stop the Music mash up remix (revised and re editted)

  • #2
    That was pretty good, youre editing skills have a lot of potential........
    MJ is the King of POP and Rihanna, well she is almost perfect, all she is missing is that oh so important appendage
    Keep up the good work


    • #3

      Thanks nicfit99 for the feedback. Appreciate it. It's only my 3rd vid, I

      There is an idea behind all this but I'll reveal it later so till then enjoy.

