i am going to share this with you because we never expect it to happen to us and is really does.
first off i would invite you to go to uhn's web site. they have a very informative area about heart attacks. symtoms, reasons etc.
heart attacks are nothing like we have seen on TV. it is not the great chest clutching pain in the heart, at least for men women present differently. it is not the big arteries that go into our heart that get blocked. it is the small arteries that are connected to the outside of our heart and feed the heart muscle. these arteries are only 2mm diameter so if we think about how small that is then it is not hard to block them. you rally have to watch your colestrol because when that goes bad your arteries start to block. too much junk food, beer etc.
women present with pain to the heart and it goes to there back. men tend to get arm pains. i am not sure what happens to trans mtf and wether estrogen has any effect on presentation? Nikki any knowledge of this?
my heart attack was essentially brought on by stress. i was a smoker, very moderate drinker and ws not overweight and had a fairly decent diet.
the stress of a year and a half caused my colestrol to go from good to bad and my blood pressure sky rocketed to a point it scared m md one day. in the past i had had panic attacks and the day my heart attack started i thought it was another one. panic attacks are resolved by proper breathng and snce i smoke that change my breathing pattern and so i went out back to have a smoke. i had a slight pressur in my chest but not enough to think it was anything. in about ten minutes from start i got pain in my left arm that was increasing. i remembered this as a sign of a heart attack and went inside. i got my cell phone, wallet and coat and called 911. by now i knew i was having a serious heart attack becasue the pain was in both arms and very intense, my forehead was sweating like crazy and my left hand had gone cold. 911 kep me on the phone talking until help arrived. firemen were first responders and when they cam in i knew i wanted to lie down and die. they could get no pulse on my left side and grabbed me and made me focus on them to keep from going. the paramedics arrived and i was given a life saving shot of heparin. it is a very strong blood thinner and will kill you or break the block. i was also given morphine for the pain and asprin and nitro.
i was wheeled into emerge where a team of ten or more was waiting for me. emergency proceedure and angioplast. i has to be zapped back before they could do the angioplast.
so in effect i had died twice that day. having survived has made me be in a great rush to get on with life. i drive faster and live faster. i have no patience. this great rush of mine has cost me a very importan and dear friend. and i have undergone some massive changes in lifestyle. i cant help rushing because i know how short life can be. if i was younger i might be able to slow down. this has obviously had effects on me and i have lashed out in anger where none should have existed.
you have to believe me a heart attack will change your life so much so i ask you to check out uhn and heart and stroke. see if you have any of the 'bad' habits and what your chances are and dont for one minute beleive it will not happen to you.
please look after yourselves. i left it too late. they did tell me after that had i not have phone for another ten minutes to a half hour i would have died.
love you all
first off i would invite you to go to uhn's web site. they have a very informative area about heart attacks. symtoms, reasons etc.
heart attacks are nothing like we have seen on TV. it is not the great chest clutching pain in the heart, at least for men women present differently. it is not the big arteries that go into our heart that get blocked. it is the small arteries that are connected to the outside of our heart and feed the heart muscle. these arteries are only 2mm diameter so if we think about how small that is then it is not hard to block them. you rally have to watch your colestrol because when that goes bad your arteries start to block. too much junk food, beer etc.
women present with pain to the heart and it goes to there back. men tend to get arm pains. i am not sure what happens to trans mtf and wether estrogen has any effect on presentation? Nikki any knowledge of this?
my heart attack was essentially brought on by stress. i was a smoker, very moderate drinker and ws not overweight and had a fairly decent diet.
the stress of a year and a half caused my colestrol to go from good to bad and my blood pressure sky rocketed to a point it scared m md one day. in the past i had had panic attacks and the day my heart attack started i thought it was another one. panic attacks are resolved by proper breathng and snce i smoke that change my breathing pattern and so i went out back to have a smoke. i had a slight pressur in my chest but not enough to think it was anything. in about ten minutes from start i got pain in my left arm that was increasing. i remembered this as a sign of a heart attack and went inside. i got my cell phone, wallet and coat and called 911. by now i knew i was having a serious heart attack becasue the pain was in both arms and very intense, my forehead was sweating like crazy and my left hand had gone cold. 911 kep me on the phone talking until help arrived. firemen were first responders and when they cam in i knew i wanted to lie down and die. they could get no pulse on my left side and grabbed me and made me focus on them to keep from going. the paramedics arrived and i was given a life saving shot of heparin. it is a very strong blood thinner and will kill you or break the block. i was also given morphine for the pain and asprin and nitro.
i was wheeled into emerge where a team of ten or more was waiting for me. emergency proceedure and angioplast. i has to be zapped back before they could do the angioplast.
so in effect i had died twice that day. having survived has made me be in a great rush to get on with life. i drive faster and live faster. i have no patience. this great rush of mine has cost me a very importan and dear friend. and i have undergone some massive changes in lifestyle. i cant help rushing because i know how short life can be. if i was younger i might be able to slow down. this has obviously had effects on me and i have lashed out in anger where none should have existed.
you have to believe me a heart attack will change your life so much so i ask you to check out uhn and heart and stroke. see if you have any of the 'bad' habits and what your chances are and dont for one minute beleive it will not happen to you.
please look after yourselves. i left it too late. they did tell me after that had i not have phone for another ten minutes to a half hour i would have died.
love you all