I was at downtown tonight at church & wellesley area and i was on my cell phone talking, then Soda approched me and told me, guess what I had sex with ur x-boyfriend Dallas, but i'm not sure if it's really him or not, cause i wasn't sure if it's the same guy, but since u always talk about him, everything just clicked in, and i realized it's probally barbie's x-boyfriend. She said to me, he was italian, short guy, cute, nice brown eyes, big cock. She said he lives at yonge/eglington, and that he not longer has a cell phone, which confirmed it was really the same dallas she was talking about. Anyways she told me, that he fucked her up in the ass, and i was surprised, cause when i'm with that loser, he never wants to fuck me up the ass. So i don't get it, why would he be a top with her, and when he's with me, he bends over doggy style, and begs me to fuck him up the ass? Soda claimes it's because, she has a small cock, and u probally have a big one, and that's why he wants u to be a top. She says he loves to lick her ass, which it's true, dallas loves to do that. I wonder how many shemale girls ass's has he licked.
I'm sure by now, his breath smells like shit and is passing on dieases. She said, she met him at goodhandys, and they did cocaine together in the vip room, and that he fucked her, and that he came over her house a few times and had sex. She bought me a beer inside the club called the play, so i really appreciated of her being nice to me and all that. When we went to the bathroom together she asked me if i was mad at her for having sex with my x-boyfriend dallas. And i was like, why should i be mad at u, it's not ur fault. He comes on to every tranny he see's. She said that she wasn't gonna fuck him anymore, but i don't believe her, cause i saw dallas tonight, while i was sitting outside the club, and he approched me and asked me where i can find cocaine. I told him to fuck off and don't talk to me. I was like why don't u go ask ur little ts girlfriend Soda, the one u fucked. He replied back with a smile and denied it, and said i don't know what ur talking about. He lied right to my face, like a fucking loser that he is.
He still kept asking me to find him drugs, i told him, to get lost, and obviously that wasn't working so i had to move and sit further away from him. Then i noticed he was talking to soda from a distance, and they left together. Why would Soda tell me she won't fuck him anymore, and yet i saw them together leaving. That's not cool at all to lie to my face and yet do another thing behind my back, while in clear view i saw it with my own eyes. He probally fucked her tonight at her apartment, and did a few lines of cocaine together. I was kinda upset and sad, but hey what can i say, he's a loser, and a lier, and a drug addict, and very confused with his sexuality = a big time closet homosexual faggot! When ur a coke head, u get along with other coke heads, and that's a fact, so they seem to get along in there relationship, then when i was with him. I really hate dallas, he is such a big moron! He won't fuck me up the ass, yet he'll fuck another tranny up the ass like soda. I don't get it, like i seriously don't. I beg him all the time to do it, and he won't. He told me, i never fucked a transsexual ass before, which of course was another fucking lie. Anyways, dallas tells me one minute he loves me, and wants to marry me, and wants me to move in with him, and wants me to quit my escorting job, and he'll provide me money, and i think we all know it's full of shit, and the next minute treats me like i'm nothing speacil at all.
Well since he loves to fuck every trannys in toronto, i might as well post his house line number, so he can get as much shemales and drugs as possible. Please note, that he lives with his real girlfriend, and she is not aware that he's cheating on her, with shemales behind her back. Can u imagine, how many girls/shemales/guys dallas is fucking behind his gf's back? Can u imagine, how many std's, or aids he might pass back to his current gf. That's what happens when ur a discrete bisexual guy, u fuck around with everyone, and bring back home disaease. Soda, i hope u had a great time with Dallas tonight, u dirty slut! Anyways here's my x-boyfriends Dallas home line # (416) 555-2345. Feel free to send him hate mail on his voice mail of what a big fucking faggot he is! But just remember, he still lives at home with his gf, and she has no idea what her loser drug addict boyfriend is doing behind her back late at night. If he's cheating on her with me, soda and layla, he's probally fucking alot of shemales in toronto and passing around diseases, cause i remembered one time he asked me to fuckk his ass bareback, and i said no, so i'm sure others have already done his little fag fantasy. My heart is broken right now, and i am very sad and depressed, but i have to move on and forget about this asshole, before i do something that i'm gonna regret!
B@rbie Swallows