I realize you want to become the "ideal" girl that you feel like you are inside, but most of the time , you are either
a) changing something that's already beautiful.
b) having irreversible surgery which wont actually look like it's supposed to
I've been a TS porn addict for over 10 years now, and I see so many smoking hot porn stars, decide to get nosejobs and lip jobs, and eventually just destroy their entire look.
I would say that well over 50% of the surgeries a tgirl gets end up making them worse.
Two of my favorite porn stars from back in the day,
cristina bianchini and danyelle evangalista, used to be SO sexy.
Then cristina got a nose job/face lift so bad micheal jackson would be like "wow bitch you got too many surgeries",
and danyelle got huge messed up lips and screwed up her nose.
Carmen cruz, got cheek injections which made her look (while still beautiful) less sexy than before.
Britney cox, messed her lips up bad... and now she looks like a clown.
I could go on and on about bad surgeries that ruined someones look..
The problem is girls, you are playing with fire. When you get one surgery that goes well, you start wanting more. You'll try just ONE more. But this can happen over and over if you obsess about perfecting your look. It starts becomming a complex, just like an eating distorder. But all it takes is one bad surgery and it's game over.
Remember, sometimes a few masculine features on a beautiful GENETIC girl , is sexy!
For example plenty gorgeous female celebrities who are extremly femine can have very sharp masculine jaws.
My ideal person is has like 90% feminine features, 10% masculine features..
And many guys are the same way..
Some times you may not like somehting about your face, but it could just be in your head.. Many other people may find it very sexy.
Please dont mess with your face unless it's disfigured or something.
The only surgery that I rarely see make a girl look worse is booty/hips..
Just my .02c
a) changing something that's already beautiful.
b) having irreversible surgery which wont actually look like it's supposed to
I've been a TS porn addict for over 10 years now, and I see so many smoking hot porn stars, decide to get nosejobs and lip jobs, and eventually just destroy their entire look.
I would say that well over 50% of the surgeries a tgirl gets end up making them worse.
Two of my favorite porn stars from back in the day,
cristina bianchini and danyelle evangalista, used to be SO sexy.
Then cristina got a nose job/face lift so bad micheal jackson would be like "wow bitch you got too many surgeries",
and danyelle got huge messed up lips and screwed up her nose.
Carmen cruz, got cheek injections which made her look (while still beautiful) less sexy than before.
Britney cox, messed her lips up bad... and now she looks like a clown.
I could go on and on about bad surgeries that ruined someones look..
The problem is girls, you are playing with fire. When you get one surgery that goes well, you start wanting more. You'll try just ONE more. But this can happen over and over if you obsess about perfecting your look. It starts becomming a complex, just like an eating distorder. But all it takes is one bad surgery and it's game over.
Remember, sometimes a few masculine features on a beautiful GENETIC girl , is sexy!
For example plenty gorgeous female celebrities who are extremly femine can have very sharp masculine jaws.
My ideal person is has like 90% feminine features, 10% masculine features..
And many guys are the same way..
Some times you may not like somehting about your face, but it could just be in your head.. Many other people may find it very sexy.
Please dont mess with your face unless it's disfigured or something.
The only surgery that I rarely see make a girl look worse is booty/hips..
Just my .02c