Just felt like venting a litttle. I am not going to mention names, you can PM me if you want. About a week and a half ago I was checking out SMC and I decided that I would like to try someone new, you know, variety is the spice of life. I emailed a girl, got a quick response, and after some questions, I set up an appt. for last Thursday at 11:00 AM. I was going to call the girl around 8:30 when I was supposed to leave Buffalo. The phone rings at 8:00 and after checking the caller ID, I figured this is not a good sign. Sure enough she said she has a sore throat and didn't want to give it to me. Whether this was the truth or not, who knows. Anyway, earlier this week I set up another appt. for today at the same time. The phone rings at 7:30 and again, I am not feeling good about answering it. This time she claims she was called into work and asked if I could come later. I said no and told her that I am no longer interested. Between the 2 appointments I had contacted another girl I have been trying to see for about a year. She was going out of town for a week but she suggested that she would see me if I got a hotel room. I don't think her place has AC and I REALLY want her so I thought why not. I contacted her briefly by MSN messenger after she returned, but she claimed she was very busy. I sent her a couple of emails since and have not heard a word.
Well, I'm tired of this crap. Guess I will call someone I can depend on like Lucy or Lisa.
Well, I'm tired of this crap. Guess I will call someone I can depend on like Lucy or Lisa.