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  • #16
    I did expect nothing more from you Lisa but the usual trash.

    Originally posted by tslisaparadise View Post
    now i remember why i always thought you were burnt,not as friendly or helpfull? gimmie a break when you were a mod this forum was a joke and you know it as everyone else does.we members had to put up with all the bullshit from you victoria and the other nut jobs who ran this forum now its genuine honest with no bullshit so dont let the door hit ya on the way out

    This is the kind of response only you could muster Lisa. Is this an appropriate response for a moderator to make to an honest opinion offered by a member? Good God, no wonder the Forum is in trouble.

    BTW How soon you forget how far I went out of my way to help you when you first came to this Forum, unable to post coherently without using a string of epithets, being banned (and not by me).

    At age 46 it's evident that you have not matured beyond your teen years. Grow up Lisa and act like a moderator!


    • #17
      Originally posted by toban View Post
      This is the kind of response only you could muster Lisa. Is this an appropriate response for a moderator to make to an honest opinion offered by a member? Good God, no wonder the Forum is in trouble.

      BTW How soon you forget how far I went out of my way to help you when you first came to this Forum, unable to post coherently without using a string of epithets, being banned (and not by me).

      At age 46 it's evident that you have not matured beyond your teen years. Grow up Lisa and act like a moderator!
      Toban the forum is not in trouble.
      If you don't like the progression fine but it is not in trouble.
      So what is wrong with having some tgirl personalities around?

      The traffic is up and the posting may be different but I like it better than certain escorts just fighting with each other. It may have seemed more eventful but was just a bunch of BS.

      The moderators are also members of the forum so they will participate.
      So you are saying because I have been identified as a mod, I am no longer allowed to participate?

      Your the one insulting people first and you take offense that Lisa was a little terse with you?
      You know what Lisa can be like, and you also know she is tongue in cheek about it.
      In fact Lisa has cleaned up her act considerably.


      • #18
        The forum has too much moderation I find and on that note I agree with Toban that it is becoming more of a moderators forum than members forums. However, the forum is not in any trouble since by having moderators carefully chosen by Admin to be sexy t-girls and such, then guys will still hang around. The aura has changed though around the forum. I miss the action and arguments as much as Admin does not like it. I haven't been on in a while and when I came back I was only interested in Barbie posts, Rantsalots posts and Toban's reply compelled me to respond. I will always read the forum periodically, it is a apart of me, so I fathom that many members do not just abruptly leave forever. My fetish will stay with me forever, as will the forum. Hopefully work doesn't hold me back from adding my input.


        • #19
          I appreciate the much more mature posting than the last gentleman.

          Thank you, I am only mature on weekends though. The last gentlemen is mature and has been mature for quite some time though so it is hard to discount him.

          However you are both valued members.

          Valued enough for a free fleshlight?

          Almost every day someone threatens to leave the forum and they always come back.

          Guilty as charged, on two accounts. Seen it done to much more.

          The forum has been in new hands for 3 years and I have heard Toban many times say he liked the direction the forum was taking.
          Suddenly this has changed? Something else is going on here, I think.

          Consider giving him a fleshlight. It will change any mans mind. If that doesn't work, post some Shemale Yum pictures and everyone will fall to their feet (pun intended)

          Anyway if you think it is over moderated, i'd like to know how.

          It appears to me like moderators are taking up several posts. Understandably they are participating also. It seems like moderators are too involved. While that seems like a great thing, it also makes forum members just sit back and watch while moderators talk up a storm. Therefore, new or existing members may not contribute their thoughts or at least far less than before. There is no right or wrong answer here, it just is what it is. I find that between all the names above at the top of the webpage, 50% of posts come from them within a thread (regardless of who started it). By having them reply largely, loses the depth and breadth of discussion which many may crave. Again, it is what it is.

          Mainly the new tgirl moderators are meant to be personalities more than moderators.

          They are personalities that is for sure. Each and every one is different. I most especially like Cake. "Hi Cake!!!"

          I will let you know if I ever make my way down to Bangkok. A dream which I have more than enough money to go and live like a king, but don't have a minute to spare.

          Notably Nevaeh (no idea how to properly say that) is a beautiful girl and glad her personality is here with us. "Hi Cake!!!"

          Lisa is not behaving any different than before, she is just more polite about it actually.

          Lisa is behaving more polite. She still has her ignition as indicated from Toban's post and left shrapnel wounds on me. Congrats Lisa, but now you have to bandage me up. Wait ... not into that ... yet.

          They participated before, so they should continue to participate.

          I concur and now you give them more the reason to participate.

          I am still really the only one laying down the law around here.

          Great! Now lay down some of the pictures I mentioned before. That's the law!

          This forum is still very lenient compared to others and you all know it.

          I have yet to join another forum (at least seriously for discussion, not the free pictures), but if I do I will test the waters and get back to you on it.

          Left unmoderated this forum just degrades into people calling each other fags and crossdressers.

          I always found this ironic as all t-girls start off as either fags or crossdressers. The reply should just be, not anymore. Admittedly though, I was apart of this name calling for quite some time (I feel for good reasons).

          I know it is entertaining when it is local girls you know going at it, but many other find it very nauseating, including me.

          Thankfully I am from the entertaining side. But on the flip side for people who find this nauseting, but now that it is gone find the forum entertaining. How about the people who once found it entertaining, now how do they feel? You can only please some people some of the time though understandably.

          How long can you really sit here and watch the same 4 or 5 escorts call each other names.

          I watched for about a year, to be honest, for me it never gets old.

          I want to see what other tgirls are doing, get more tgirls from different places involved in the forum and that has been done.

          I also want to see what they are doing, but with videos and pictures. Barbie you need a private camera.

          I think it will be better than before, just a little less TORONTO oriented.
          AND maybe a little nicer and sexier.

          It is all perspective oriented as I said before. Being from Toronto I would prefer it to be Toronto oriented. Can't blame you for wanting to reach a larger market now can I.

          I can tell the forum is a lot nicer and sexier, 200 times over.

          If nicer and sexier is more boring, oh well.

          It is more boring and dry from my perspective only, but respectfully it is your house and you call the shots boss.


          • #20

            I'll have to admit that yes, fights attract a lot of attention and that they can provide some degree for entertainment to some whereas other got turned off by it. We've all been involved in them here at one time or another.

            My one true concern though was how some people didn't know when to stop. Thats what really bugged me. A thread could literally go on for weeks without any resolution. Sure, its interesting at first but with consistent verbal thrashings it pisses everyone off. The only solution I could ever see to stopping a fight thread from getting out of hand is too just delete that type of thread entirely if it gets too extreme. What i'm also missing is some of the shock.

            Example: So and so went to the diamond room at Goodhandy's At one time that seemed like a big deal, now, it has minimal impact. Perhaps part of the reason for it is how most vets know one another and its just second nature to hear it. It's a stretch but I believe it makes sense.

            Just a few thoughts.
            Last edited by Rantsalot; 12-15-2009, 12:28 AM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by sensual_lover20 View Post
              I appreciate the much more mature posting than the last gentleman.

              Thank you, I am only mature on weekends though. The last gentlemen is mature and has been mature for quite some time though so it is hard to discount him.

              However you are both valued members.

              Valued enough for a free fleshlight?

              Almost every day someone threatens to leave the forum and they always come back.

              Guilty as charged, on two accounts. Seen it done to much more.

              The forum has been in new hands for 3 years and I have heard Toban many times say he liked the direction the forum was taking.
              Suddenly this has changed? Something else is going on here, I think.

              Consider giving him a fleshlight. It will change any mans mind. If that doesn't work, post some Shemale Yum pictures and everyone will fall to their feet (pun intended)

              Anyway if you think it is over moderated, i'd like to know how.

              It appears to me like moderators are taking up several posts. Understandably they are participating also. It seems like moderators are too involved. While that seems like a great thing, it also makes forum members just sit back and watch while moderators talk up a storm. Therefore, new or existing members may not contribute their thoughts or at least far less than before. There is no right or wrong answer here, it just is what it is. I find that between all the names above at the top of the webpage, 50% of posts come from them within a thread (regardless of who started it). By having them reply largely, loses the depth and breadth of discussion which many may crave. Again, it is what it is.

              Mainly the new tgirl moderators are meant to be personalities more than moderators.

              They are personalities that is for sure. Each and every one is different. I most especially like Cake. "Hi Cake!!!"

              I will let you know if I ever make my way down to Bangkok. A dream which I have more than enough money to go and live like a king, but don't have a minute to spare.

              Notably Nevaeh (no idea how to properly say that) is a beautiful girl and glad her personality is here with us. "Hi Cake!!!"

              Lisa is not behaving any different than before, she is just more polite about it actually.

              Lisa is behaving more polite. She still has her ignition as indicated from Toban's post and left shrapnel wounds on me. Congrats Lisa, but now you have to bandage me up. Wait ... not into that ... yet.

              They participated before, so they should continue to participate.

              I concur and now you give them more the reason to participate.

              I am still really the only one laying down the law around here.

              Great! Now lay down some of the pictures I mentioned before. That's the law!

              This forum is still very lenient compared to others and you all know it.

              I have yet to join another forum (at least seriously for discussion, not the free pictures), but if I do I will test the waters and get back to you on it.

              Left unmoderated this forum just degrades into people calling each other fags and crossdressers.

              I always found this ironic as all t-girls start off as either fags or crossdressers. The reply should just be, not anymore. Admittedly though, I was apart of this name calling for quite some time (I feel for good reasons).

              I know it is entertaining when it is local girls you know going at it, but many other find it very nauseating, including me.

              Thankfully I am from the entertaining side. But on the flip side for people who find this nauseting, but now that it is gone find the forum entertaining. How about the people who once found it entertaining, now how do they feel? You can only please some people some of the time though understandably.

              How long can you really sit here and watch the same 4 or 5 escorts call each other names.

              I watched for about a year, to be honest, for me it never gets old.

              I want to see what other tgirls are doing, get more tgirls from different places involved in the forum and that has been done.

              I also want to see what they are doing, but with videos and pictures. Barbie you need a private camera.

              I think it will be better than before, just a little less TORONTO oriented.
              AND maybe a little nicer and sexier.

              It is all perspective oriented as I said before. Being from Toronto I would prefer it to be Toronto oriented. Can't blame you for wanting to reach a larger market now can I.

              I can tell the forum is a lot nicer and sexier, 200 times over.

              If nicer and sexier is more boring, oh well.

              It is more boring and dry from my perspective only, but respectfully it is your house and you call the shots boss.

              i left you wounded lol ? i am a bitch you know it cause youve seen me in action many many times i am a bitch because i pull no punches i tell it like it is and have no time for candy ass pussies dragging my sisters through the mud those things wont happen on my watch so if your looking for a cat fight move on we are a canadian site and as canadians we have a responsablitty to live up to our reputation as the kindest most caring people on earth and thats the direction we have went in.Is it boring? you be the judge but if you find it boring why not post more and add to the personalitties already here?and that stands for everyone bitching because nobodys threatening to kill each a contributer to other tgirl forums and i check in each morning and last 5 mins cause all i see is hatred is pathetic so what is it with some of you people i think you bitch just for the sake of bitching get over it for gods sake will ya
              SEMI-RETIRED 519-209-3058


              • #22
                aww thank you soo much for your kind words sensual_lover20
                just to let everyone know i give free lessons on how to say my name every thursday
                put your name on the list, the first 10 people get a secret gift
                Click Here to see all of me on Shemale Yum


                • #23
                  Sign me up!


                  • #24
                    Yeah, I exactly thinking so....


