"Register and chat for free with shemales and shemale fans like yourself. get interactive on our shemale forum for transvestites, transsexuals, transgender, shemales and their fans. Get your answers to the questions that eat away at you like "are you gay for liking shemales?" Register and find out! Looking to chat up some of the hottest shemale girls we have some of the hottest shemales as members including Tasha Jones, Allanah Starr , Shemale Lexi ,Meghan Chavalier ,TS Mona ,Lisa Paradise , Shemale Lucy ,Wendy Williams, and Shemale Karolina not to mention the hottest shemale reviews about escorts, video, dvds, pay sites and more!"
doesn't it seem like its time for a refresh with this page? the design is really dated and the copy seems like it was written about 1998. Meghan Chevalier? Allanah Starr? TS Mona? (who dat?). how bout some names that aren't for the senior citizens on the site.
also the language: "Register and chat for free with shemales and shemale fans like yourself. get interactive on our shemale forum for transvestites, transsexuals, transgender, shemales and their fans."
get interactive? how about "hey everybody, put down that walkman and check out the ladies on this new fangled thing called the "information superhighway! its like Totally Awesome dude!"
doesn't it seem like its time for a refresh with this page? the design is really dated and the copy seems like it was written about 1998. Meghan Chevalier? Allanah Starr? TS Mona? (who dat?). how bout some names that aren't for the senior citizens on the site.
also the language: "Register and chat for free with shemales and shemale fans like yourself. get interactive on our shemale forum for transvestites, transsexuals, transgender, shemales and their fans."
get interactive? how about "hey everybody, put down that walkman and check out the ladies on this new fangled thing called the "information superhighway! its like Totally Awesome dude!"