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Why do some prefer the role of a Shemale?

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  • Why do some prefer the role of a Shemale?

    That's a very complex question. The word she-male is generally taken to mean someone who likes men, likes their own male equipment, and dresses like a woman to attract male sexual attention. In other words, she-males are a special brand of homosexual male. Why do they direct their sexual energy in this way instead of like most homosexual men do? Who knows. Some may admire the beauty of women and wish to emulate it. Some may like the passive, receptive role of a woman in sex.

    There are also transvestites, who are mainly heterosexual males but who get a thrill from dressing up as women. And there are transgendered males who do not treasure their male equipment. They feel they were 'supposed' to be the opposite gender and often resort to expensive and painful surgery to correct nature's mistake.

    Human sexuality is about as varied and mistyfing as anything about mankind.

    What's your opinion on the above theory ??

  • #2
    First I have to say that many people misunderstand the difference between sexual orientation and gender. while they have some relation, they are NOT the same thing. so to assume that transsexuality is some hybrid of a homosexual male is flat out wrong.

    sexual orientation is the attraction you find in other people.
    gender, to use similar wording, is the attraction you find within yourself.
    therefore I can still be a transsexual woman and be attracted to other women, regardless of them being GG or trans, and be not identified as a gay male but as a lesbian woman.

    I worked closely with the Toronto District School Board, as well as I've been a guest speaker at multiple conventions such as The St. Lawrence Convention Centre and OISE educating young students, educators and future educators, about understanding the "T" in LGBT. (LGBTT2iQQA is the full abbreviation now)

    Before I touch base on what you've classified the differences between transgender, transsexual and transvestite it's best to break down these terms.
    First, trans means to cross. Sex is what's between your legs. And gender is what's between your ears.
    here's what they call a "gender binary scale"

    ______ female _____________________________________________ male ________

    so with the term transsexual means: to cross sexes. So it is to our understanding that there are only 2 distinct sexes; male and female. So people who identify personally more so with either sex have been respectfully given the label of transsexual. However there is now scientific identification of people who are what they call Intersex. Usually their sexual organs either contain both aspects of male and female genitalia or essentially neither, therefore having an "undeterminable" sex.

    transgender means: to cross genders. Now unlike sex, gender on a social and scientific scale is much less defined. There are some people who see themselves as both male and female (2-spirited) and some who dont see themselves as either (genderless; hence why the binary scale continues past the points of male and female). This term has been more applied to those who dont see themselves identified solely with either male or female.

    Transvestite means :to cross dress (vesti meaning to dress) usually this is done on a sexual purpose. while the person doesn't identify themselves with the gender they dress up in, they do however enjoy it. some again for sexual purposes others for simple personal enjoyment.

    I want to make it known that surgery, hormones or any other form of physical alteration has NOTHING to do with these self-identified terms. And I use 'self-identified' because ultimately it's up to the individual to determine how they see themselves. The above definitions are just ways of simplifying how the different terms on a general scale works.

    So while there are a few people on here who believe that unless you have boobs or anything of that sort then you aren't a "real transsexual", quite bluntly are very ignorant to their own identity.

    I've had no surgeries, while I am on hormones, I do identify myself as a transsexual woman. I am also bisexual, so you see once again that sexual orientation and gender identity work along side eachother, but are different forms of personal expression and attraction.

    I just wanted to add my 2 cents to it to help people understand things a bit clearer. But at the end of the day, only you know who you really are.

    Btw, we do not play a "role" or have a "lifestyle" or chose this life, the only choice we have made is to accept ourselves for who we are.
    Click Here to see all of me on Shemale Yum


    • #3
      Thank you Jizelle

      That was well worth more than two cents. I had no idea Jizelle there was a sexy smart mind inside that sweet sexy body. Well said, and badly needed.

      It's stuns me how many people are comfortable with creating their own conceptions of Transgender and Transsexual and leaving it at that without any serious reflective thought.
      I know many people on the forum ask good questions, but all too often people are content to stick with their crudely opinionated ideas about something so important as identity.
      "Shemale" is not a definitive identity marker. It is a sex line. Something that sounds good in porn or flirtatious and sexually charged conversation. It is if anything just a category of horny social interaction. Not a substantially legitimate piece of an identity.
      If thats understood then yes we can choose to take the role of a shemale. Anyone can. But I don't think that was what was implied

      Jizelle you have impressed me and I admire the efforts you have given outside the forum to clarify these issues of identity. I myself have striven to teach on these same points.
      I was lucky during my university career at McMaster to have a few courses taught by Dr. Jean Bobby Noble. He is a FTM transsexual who is one of North Americas leading transgender scholars. I believe he is an assistant professor at York now.

      If anyone is truly interested and brave enough to tackle the theory heavy reading. Dr. Noble's books and journal articles are enlightening.
      Is that a cock in your panties, or am I about to get slapped in the face?


      • #4
        a very familiar opinion hmmm?

        well put gizelle! Im surprised by markerverse's opinion as he is an older forum member and have never imagined his opinion was negatively put.his remarks emulate the study of transexuals by dr. blanchard(who i believe has retired) and bailey who have written books and have a very ignorant theory on how transgendered people act or roles they take.if u google studies of dr bailey and dr. blanchard you will know what im trying to get across.
        Just a fly on the wall


        • #5
          Why do some prefer the role of a shemale?

          I want to thank Jizelle ,Discovigilate, and Alyssa1 for injecting their individual thoughts to the above question. Your submissions give me every assurance your educated and capable of receiving analysis in the spirit it's given.

          Your all equally guilty of failing to do much more than cherry pick through my submission ,make self satisfying assumptions, and end with your opinions
          far removed from the question raised (Alyssa1 excepted since your simply supporting and surprised)

          The question wasn't a valed or overt movement to lessen or otherwise remove
          the 'genuine' label of those whose comfort zone spans opposite or both genders. Yet the dissertations submitted (with the noted exception) adopt assertions to the contrary. Despite commendable articulation I'm surprised at the lack of logic to the question posed.

          We could continue this topic ad infinitum with little hope of consensus being reached. Following any further submission you may wish to make, please accept my thanks for your interest.


          • #6
            I shouldn't say who cares but.....

            As was said previously sexual orientation is complicated. Humans are complicated. I am thrilled that there is an orientation to shemales in some individuals because they certainly turn me on. I have no real inclination to have sex with a gay male, but I do with a shemale. Yes I know the parts are the same. The mental experience to me at least is not, thank god he/she has seen fit to find a niche for everyone. SHEMALES rock my world.....for me the more she the better. Just me two cents worth.


            • #7
              Originally posted by markerverse View Post
              I want to thank Jizelle ,Discovigilate, and Alyssa1 for injecting their individual thoughts to the above question. Your submissions give me every assurance your educated and capable of receiving analysis in the spirit it's given.

              Your all equally guilty of failing to do much more than cherry pick through my submission ,make self satisfying assumptions, and end with your opinions
              far removed from the question raised (Alyssa1 excepted since your simply supporting and surprised)

              The question wasn't a valed or overt movement to lessen or otherwise remove
              the 'genuine' label of those whose comfort zone spans opposite or both genders. Yet the dissertations submitted (with the noted exception) adopt assertions to the contrary. Despite commendable articulation I'm surprised at the lack of logic to the question posed.

              We could continue this topic ad infinitum with little hope of consensus being reached. Following any further submission you may wish to make, please accept my thanks for your interest.
              Markerverse, I thought you were asking for an opinion on the theories. I gave my opinion. I may have been mistaken thinking that it was your theory being expressed.
              Either way, I feel my response was valid.
              What do you mean by "cherry picking"? The concepts put fourth in the theories; shemales and transvestites, were addressed in the responses.
              Please be more specific about what you do not like about the "dissertations" and what fascinates you about these theories.
              Is that a cock in your panties, or am I about to get slapped in the face?


              • #8
                All's I can say is thank God some want that role cause it is fuckin hot


                • #9
                  This is why I use the term "transgender". I am a transsexual female but I would say to somebody, "I am transgender."
                  This is an umbrella term to define our community. I am not a cross dresser and refer to myself as "she". My coworkers and friends regard me as female. I was born male and wish to keep my "naughty bits". Some transsexuals have discredited me as a transsexual for this reason. The male aspect of my life is so obscure now and I have yet to be seen in "boy mode".
                  Hormones help me to achieve my desired look and mood. I do not regard myself as "female" in aspects of gender. I regard myself as female in social regards, allowing others permission to ask questions and get to know me as being transgender.
                  Trans= to surpass or to change.
                  Gender= The genetic sex gene in place to determine male or female.

                  Transgender= To change ones gender by medical or non-medical means.

