Originally posted by alyssa1
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There are some people that just have a "brain problem", usually a chemical imbalance, which makes them incapable of having a consciounce or feeling guilt. Classically called sociopaths, these people can be very smart and successful in day to day life. They know right from wrong "legally" they just don't understand it morally. Easier to see the difference when they are younger, before they learn to lie and manipulate. If you asked a young child with sociopathic tendencies "What would you do if you saw another boy wearing a backpack and the zipper was open and his game boy was about to fall out?" And you gave him two options "A:tell him it's open so he doesn't lose it. Or B: follow him and wait for it to fall out, because you want a game boy." They would pick B and not understand why that was morally a wrong answer. Once they're older they learn to lie an tell you the answers you want to hear. Some will go on to become excellent used car salesmen, but the truely twisted ones become very dangerous criminals. Hardcore gangbangers, mob enforcers etc. It's the intelligent ones that are truely scary. These are your serial killers. Smart enough to know the legal implications of their desires and plan accordingly, but morally corrupt enough to commit them anyway. Some may never be caught or cover their tracks for a long time. At least they caught this one! I wish we still had firing squads, but even the army doesn't have the death penalty any more.
Stay safe,