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Fast Orgasm!

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  • Fast Orgasm!

    I have discovered, in my travels through the world of sex, that I have a tendency to cum super fast (less than 5 minutes) with T-Girls, but not as fast with escorts (female) , slower still with massage attendants, okay with 1 night stands and no issues with girlfriends. BUT with T-Girls... well... it is embarrassing... how fast I totally loose control and I don't know why... and it's universal... i.e. any t-girl... if she gets hard... I shoot.... LOL!

    SO.... LOOKING FOR A T-GIRL WHO CUMS OR CAN CUM QUICKLY SO I DO NOT LEAVE FEELING LIKE A LOSER (which is what I feel if I can't get her off... just me....the way I am.... mutual pleasure... even with pro's.... sounds silly.... but).... ANy tips greatly appreciated....
    With a partner / wife / girlfriend?
    1 night stand?
    Female Pro Escort
    Female Pro Massage
    When Life Becomes A Pain in the Ass, Use More Lube, or Learn to Enjoy it.

  • #2
    Re: Fast Orgasm!

    hi yu, what ever turns you on is different from person to person, the anticipation can make you hard and exsplode right away. so try for two and usually thats longer to do and more satisfying as the partner has had a chance to cum. if they are going to, Curious


    • #3
      Re: Fast Orgasm!

      Which ever one is more inclined to stick their finger in my bum is going to make me cum quicker. So we can rule of the girlfriend/significant other right off the bat.
      So I've got that going for me.


      • #4
        Re: Fast Orgasm!

        Originally posted by Looper
        Which ever one is more inclined to stick their finger in my bum is going to make me cum quicker.  So we can rule of the girlfriend/significant other right off the bat.


        • #5
          Re: Fast Orgasm!

          Doesn't matter when I get off, as long as I can get them off too!
          &quot;Cum homine de cane debeo congredi&quot;<br /><br />That&#039;s Latin for: &quot;Excuse me, I&#039;ve got to see a man about a dog.&quot;


          • #6
            Re: Fast Orgasm!

            Heh, well if first one shoots too quickly, I am always ready for 2nd, so maybe You should try that method as well, if t-girl arouses You too much


            • #7
              Re: Fast Orgasm!

              Thanks for all the feedback.... Guess I forgot to add one minor detail.... re. 2nd shot.... I'm not exactly 21 anymore.... LOL.... So while a 2nd shot is not a huge issue.... it may take a bit of time... and that can be (1) very expensive (the girls are not into for love but $$$ which is fine) and (2) not all girls have the patience for that prolonged action.... So.... I guess what I am asking is.... are there any tgirls out there who can cum quickly, i.e. will allow themselves to do it (with the right stimulation of course....) since I acknowledge that (1) being Pro's they have good control (hey... it's a job skill after all.... just like Porn Stars - no offence intended by this comparison - can control their actions better than the average person) and (2) some of the clients and most likely service providers likely take Viagra/Cialis and that certainly increases the performance.... I can't take either (or any others) for allergy reasons.... (odd I know... but hey...). So any thoughts re. tgirls that will cum for me... It's all I want for X-MAS... LOL!

              When Life Becomes A Pain in the Ass, Use More Lube, or Learn to Enjoy it.


              • #8
                Re: Fast Orgasm!

                hi yu my experience with the ladies you treat them with respect and kindness that they deserve they try to accomadate Curious


                • #9
                  Re: Fast Orgasm!

                  hmmmm in that case, I ve heard that pressure on root of Your penis might help. If pressured for few seconds with free arm (point between anus and balls) it could prolongue time untill grand finale


                  • #10
                    Re: Fast Orgasm!

                    stevieb jerk off an hour before you go see her and that might help. or go see some really UGLY tgirl, that might help too


                    • #11
                      Re: Fast Orgasm!

                      hi yu smoosh you can sure tell your not sixty maybe two hours for us old guys Curious


                      • #12
                        Re: Fast Orgasm!

                        Hear! Hear! Good call Curious.... I'm not 60 ... but not 21 that's for sure... maybe 1 hour for me....
                        Lot's of good info. BUT can anyone actually make a real recommendation ... I always treat ladies with respect.... but does anyone have 1st hand experience.... with quick to market orgasm capable t-girls... Please!
                        When Life Becomes A Pain in the Ass, Use More Lube, or Learn to Enjoy it.


                        • #13
                          Re: Fast Orgasm!

                          If I jerked off an hour before going to see the girl I'd be too tired to go see her LOL LOL LOL


                          • #14
                            Re: Fast Orgasm!

                            hi yu, its called individuality were all dfferent and our capability to cum, what does it for you is what is important ,the lady as well cheers Curious


                            • #15
                              Re: Fast Orgasm!

                              Interesting topic...It's been ages since I've posted anything!  (Sorry about that).  This topic caught my interest because I think it's something everyone goes through.  The common element is that it's all in your head (the one on top of your shoulders).  Different things raise your level of "horniness" to different heights.  In some ways it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.  If you're so keyed up and excited about meeting a t-girl, chances are that you're gonne cum in no time.  If you don't have that same level of anticipation with other service providers, it will naturally take a litte longer.  One of the ways around it may be to strictly focus on her - don't let her touch you (and don't touch yourself) in your "hot spots" until you've already satisfied her.   

                              There's my two cents, for what it's worth!


                              P.S.  to you, Curious

