Re: What is a Transsexual ?
hi yu there some questions i would like to ask. answer them if you want.first of all, none of the questions are critisism, i happen to believe you are an extremely brave human being. when you first changed you took hormones, then you want breast to make you look like who, yourself or is there someone else you want to look like or is it you feel you will be more feminin or attractive to the males. do yu intend to go all the way and remove your penis. i do know you have a lot of passion in you , to get the understanding of your children and family is pritty amazing, again the questions are not meant to pick at you, just for myself to understand, even though i have never sean you i have allways found you very attractive especially when you look soft only because i find firm and soft together very attractive. i hope i havent affended you in anyway. your friend . the Curious one
np babe but damn where do i start first question why did i take the mones.well i listened to my doctor she listened to me and together we made a plan and a time table.the first time i went to see my new doctor i was still working as a service advisor.few people new what was going on in my head and at that point i wasnt really sure myself i only knew my bell went off and it was my i stayed at my job for the next 3 months while i started my transition.the mones plucking my eye brows slowely making the outside change but everyone noticed and i got teased mersifully even one of the regulars that rought there car in all the time notice and brought me in a purse an left it on my was that embarracing i laughed it off but everyone knew i was really crying inside and wasnt ready to let my secret out.but then on a monday afternoon i got called into the office and was told that it was time to part ways and that devasted me.i was making 71 thousand a year and a demo and then it was gone.all my years of training gone out the window.for the record i was the 2nd highest csi rating in my regeon whitch spanned from london to toronto to kitchener to the falls csi stands for customer service index by the ya my life went down hill for a very long time so with an uncertain future i desided i was going through with my transition come hell or high water.honesty when i was younger i dont think i could have made it but now at age 43 i look back and i know i did it my way; when i was ready and nobody was going to tell me for the 2nd question why do i want breast' to be honest because in my mind it will complete me and for the record boobs dont make the girl its the mind body and soul together that makes who you are.if you dont have a strong mind it will kill you trust me on that;there isnt alot of glory being a trannie and changing the outside froma boy to a girl is the hardest thing anyone can do beleive me when i tell you that.i know im very rare not being a trannie but being a trannie who lays it out on the line for everyone to see and read thats what seperates me from the rest;i see no shame im who i am and especially who i was.i dont think im better then anyone else far from it but i know communication is everything and selling yourself is something you automatically do every day without even knowing it.k now back on track is there someone else i wanna look like yes and no id love to look good and i know ive came such a long way from when i first started 17 months ago from the shemale yum shoot to now is quite the change but my journey isnt over yet its really just the i intend on losing my penis not likely so i hope i answered your questions and yes you are my friend as well for a very long time and always will be
I have respected all of your girls life style because I know u all girl have endured a lot of pain and derision over gender issues, and have spent a lot of money trying to correct a mistake by nature.
good luck lisa..
Originally posted by lisaparadise
Originally posted by curious
Originally posted by lisaparadise
wow the age old question what is a transexual.transexualism comes in all forms and all shapes and sizes.its impossable for anyone to say who is and who is an umbrella term for sure but like everything else in life do we all really wanna be painted with the same brush i dont think so.iknow some girls who have never even seen a horomone who live fulltime as girls does that make them a trannie well i had that arguement a couple of weeks ago with a friend .then i would have said no but i was wrong now i just think there smarter then me because there not killing themselves because of the deadly effects the mones are causing.the truth is only each individual knows who they are inside and really who the hell are we to judge them.we all have a plan an agenda to reach our for me well i knew i was a girl from the time i was alittle child but for one reason or another things always got in my way it wasnt till i reached 40 that my bell went off and i knew it was now or never so i went to my doc went on mones and followed a plan that my chilldren and family and myself could follow.17 months later everything changed and evolved into the person who i always knew i was now the outside coulld finnally match the inside does it make me a trannie in everyones eyes no but like i always say im just a girl thats who iam
I have respected all of your girls life style because I know u all girl have endured a lot of pain and derision over gender issues, and have spent a lot of money trying to correct a mistake by nature.
good luck lisa..