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Viagra help

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  • Viagra help

    ok so I have been seeing a TS who has expressed a desire to top me but is lacking the hard she wants to try viagra or another erection helper but I have no idea where to start,were in Toronto can anyone point me in the right direction..or tell me where to get some?

  • #2
    The obvious answer is go to a doctor and get a prescription. If you were in the US, I could provide you with an online source to generic Viagra or Cialis but Canadian Postal Inspectors generally don't allow it through the mail. Other than that, ask friends if they know of anyone who takes it and possibly purchase a pill or 2 that way.


    • #3
      The obvious answer is to have her go to her doctor and get a prescription for viagra or cialis
      SINcerely, Lora-Lana


      • #4
        just go to the doctor and in 5 minutes you will have a perscription


        • #5
          thanks for the advice


          • #6
            viagra dealer

            I'm in toronto and i get my viagra from dealers in the gay village.

            I'm paying $10 a pill and i eat a ton of the stuff

            (i get insatiable throbbing 7 inch erections that wanna keep fucking after ive cum twice)

            how much is pharmacy viagra ?

            my doc at the sherbourne will write this script for me cuz she understands that I'm a very sexual and slightly reckless young trans chica
            C u t i e P i e H r d c o r e
            Sybil Kablam ~ 647 ❂ 270 ❂ 1127
            NEW PIX GALLERY 2015


            • #7
              2 of the girls I have been with prefer Viagra whereas a couple others and myself prefer Cialis. The ones that like Viagra think it makes their orgasms more intense. I didn't notice any difference when I switched from Viagra to Cialis and the Cialis lasts much longer for me and has fewer side effects.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ray View Post
                2 of the girls I have been with prefer Viagra whereas a couple others and myself prefer Cialis. The ones that like Viagra think it makes their orgasms more intense. I didn't notice any difference when I switched from Viagra to Cialis and the Cialis lasts much longer for me and has fewer side effects.
                Agreed! Give the Cialis a try, I found much less intense headaches and stuffy nose with it and it is very long lasting (overnight) too compared to the Viagra.


                • #9
                  Very informative. Thank you!


                  • #10
                    I don't know if you can get it here BUT, in Montreal you can get Vialis. It's Viagra and Cialis put together. Quick effects of Viagra and long term effects of Cialis. Works AMAZING!!!
                    Shyla Wild
                    Transsexual Escort of Choice
                    Canada?s Finest

                    Twitter: @Shylawild




                    • #11
                      Trust those Quebecois to come up with a quality hybrid. Shyla, do you notice any side effects? Can it be prescribed by your family physician?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Mutau View Post
                        Trust those Quebecois to come up with a quality hybrid. Shyla, do you notice any side effects? Can it be prescribed by your family physician?
                        I have been informed that Vialis does not have any of the ingredients of Viagra or Cialis. It's some type of hybrid made from stuff you can find at the Health Store. Also, apparently this stuff can also be found in France. I don't believe a doctor can get you this, as I don't think drug stores carry it. I doubt it has been approved for sale and use in Canada. Also, after the breast implant issue in France, approval of anything medical from that country will be harsh and difficult. I usually find stuff like this at the male strip clubs. HINT HINT

                        As for side effects...I had Zero. Viagra gives me heartburn, messes with my sleep and body temperature.
                        Shyla Wild
                        Transsexual Escort of Choice
                        Canada?s Finest

                        Twitter: @Shylawild


                        PRESENTLY NOT TRAVELING DUE TO COVID 19


                        • #13
                          Snake Gall & Mandarin Peel powder!



                          • #14
                            Erection Enhancing Drugs

                            Vialis, made out of the U.K, is a male enhancement product that focuses on improving quality of erection. The product claims that it can improve the firmness, length and girth of your erection, guaranteeing a growth of approximately four inches in just five months. Vialis states that it has a nearly immediate effect in erectile function and can last for extended periods of time.
                            Ingredients: The list of ingredients isn?t that impressive. Horny Goat Weed and Ginkgo Biloba are two substances considered natural aphrodisiacs are included. Korean Ginseng, which boosts energy levels and virility is also an ingredient. Epimedium is also included, which boosts the libido and lifts sexual arousal

                            How Much Does it Cost? Vialis is carried through numerous online retailers and so prices will vary. Overall though, you can expect to spend approximately $60.00 one a one month supply. This is a slightly high price point for today?s enhancement market.

                            Overall the herbal ingredients are not meant to produce male enhancement. About 33% of the people who take it do get erections - probably due to the placebo effect. A small double blind placebo controlled study used placebo (sugar pills) and Vialis and about 30% got erections no matter what pill was used - the participants did not know what they were taking only that the drug was to produce better erections.

                            Cialis is a much better and smoother acting drug than Viagra and lasts longer. It is generic in Canada and can be obtained cheaply ($30 for a month of the daily 5 mg tablets) through Canada Pharmacy in Vancouver - I believe they will do mail order BUT you must have a prescription. Viagra/Cialis is about $10 a tablet at most pharmacies in Canada for the immediate acting pills and about $5 a pill for the short acting daily pill of Cialis (Shoppers/Pharmaprix) and about the same in the US at CVS/Walgreens. I believe Vialis is a waste of money...


                            • #15
                              Honesty in Advertising

                              Thanks for the summation, EdwardJones. Much appreciated.

