After searching through the boards for (recent) information about Montreal, I really didn't find much :P sadly. Terah seems to have moved over, but from the mixed reviews, she doesn't seem like a good plan for a first-timer. There's been talk about trans100sations, but I'm looking for an sp, not a massage parlour. I wanted to know if anyone here knows who the good sps in montreal are, and where/if I can find info on them. Danika/Danyka (now working at trans100sation) seems to have gotten the nod last year, but that was last year...Anyways, any kind of useful information would be greatly appreciated!
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Montreal Scene (and Danika/Danyka)
Re: Montreal Scene (and Danika/Danyka)
I would normally try to help you out using the resources of this board, but Montreal info is pretty limited. If you go to the Montreal Escort Review Board ( and search for "shemale" you will find a very thorough and informative discussion running to 23 or so pages at last count on the Montreal shemale scene. Oh, and most of the ladies at trans100 also escort, btw."Cum homine de cane debeo congredi"<br /><br />That's Latin for: "Excuse me, I've got to see a man about a dog."
Re: Montreal Scene (and Danika/Danyka)
i have been to" trans100sations" and it suckedBIGTIME! when i got there the one who answered the door was ugly with a capital UG! there where only 3 "girls" on duty and when i saw them all each more ugly than the next i said to myself, "mr.scott beam up!
the one who answered the door seemed to be in charge and when i said i wasn't interested she told me i had to still pay a fee eventhough i did not take a massage. i.e. a fee for coming and having a look see. I said get the fuck outta hereand just headed for the door. what was she gonna do stop me? u gotta be high on acid to get a massage in there.