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How do you feel about traveling?

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  • How do you feel about traveling?

    Traveling out to LA reminded me of why I don't like traveling. It's cool to get to visit and explore new places, but it's not quite as fun without some special to travel with. Traveling reminds me sometimes of how alone I am.

    What does traveling bring up for you? Do you enjoy it? Not?

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  • #2

    usually when i travel its for weeks/months at a time and its usually in developing countries. i find that after a week or two, the new place starts to lose its magic. sooner or later, you just want to go back to that place you call home and sleep in your own bed.


    • #3
      I travel alone all the time. I am going to Florida next week for a concert and then in April I am going on a river cruise in Holland. I agree it might be nice to share things with someone but traveling alone beats not traveling at all. After a while you get used to it and it allows you to do what you want to do and not have to consider someone else's likes or dislikes.


      • #4
        Travelling alone sucks.


        • #5
          I love traveling but hate flying always have to pop a xanax


          • #6
            Traveling sucks

            I haven't flown much in the past few years but I've done a whole lot of driving. If there's a lot of time and no particular destination, Canada is a beautiful place to visit. So many little treasures to be discovered. However, when I'm on tour, I just want to get where I'm going and then, when I do arrive, all I have to look forward to is a hotel room. It sucks. I do it because of the financial reward but when I'm back home, I always breathe a sigh of relief.

            I recently drove to Winnipeg and went straight home after that. It was a 12.5 hr trip.

            This year, I'm resurrecting my idea of a tour of Australia and I am considering a vacation in Tahiti. It would be great to be in a beautiful place with no cell phone to answer. I've got a good friend who will look after my agency while I'm gone.

   You may find many copies of my style around but I am proud to be an original. If you want a beautiful shemale, I'm your girl.

