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  • #16
    Ok so maybe my sheltered life doesn't permit me to understand tags...does that say YAR? As in, "YARRR! I'm a pirate!"?


    • #17
      Originally posted by BeachJesus View Post
      Ok so maybe my sheltered life doesn't permit me to understand tags...does that say YAR? As in, "YARRR! I'm a pirate!"?
      Ya. Like "Yarrrr a pirate!" They called me Ass Pirate when I was in county. I did my time and had some romantic fling with a guy named Tbone. He used to laugh and be like, "Yarrr take it like a PIRATE!". Punk ass bitch, I have his name on my back.

      No. Yar's Revenge was a game released for the Atari 2600 and is considered by the gaming community to be a classic to this day. A later release retelling the story of the "bug" that is Yar, portrayed in the early Atari game as a flying insect much like a mosquito or a fly, was later found to be a young girl that dawned an insect like mech suit. She was a warrior and was sent to target an enemy stronghold and launch a weapon of mass destruction on it.
      If you look at my tag it reads "revenge". The R E v E N G with the final E as the teeth of the last character in my handstyle.
      So, "Yar's Revenge".
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Yars-Revenge-Atari-2600-2.png
Views:	1
Size:	4.9 KB
ID:	475565


      • #18
        Oh I see! I never played that. I was too busy trying to figure out ET for the 2600. No my games were Asteroids, DK & DKjr, and Pole Position (which probably explains why I'm here). I was too young to appreciate the Atari...

        The only tag I ever made was 'Jagoff' on this kid's car. He was a jagoff, so it's ok. Plus it was done with a giant sharpie, so it could come off eventually.


        • #19
          Originally posted by BeachJesus View Post
          Oh I see! I never played that. I was too busy trying to figure out ET for the 2600. No my games were Asteroids, DK & DKjr, and Pole Position (which probably explains why I'm here). I was too young to appreciate the Atari...

          The only tag I ever made was 'Jagoff' on this kid's car. He was a jagoff, so it's ok. Plus it was done with a giant sharpie, so it could come off eventually.
          Are you fucking trolling me or what?


          • #20

            Here you go.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Picture 219.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	58.3 KB
ID:	475566


            • #21
              Glorious! Now go to Coraopolis PA and find that douchenozzle called Shoeless Joe, and write it on whatever vehicle that granola eating date-rapist is driving now...probably a Prius.


              • #22
                Click image for larger version

Name:	images.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	4.5 KB
ID:	475567

