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Committee hearings on new prositution laws

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  • Committee hearings on new prositution laws

    The Harper government starts its committee hearings on Monday to determine if there should be any modifications to the proposed prostitution legislation. Send him an email and tell him he's a fuck-tard !

  • #2
    I would like to think it will be that easy.

    Originally posted by Pantyhose1 View Post
    The Harper government starts its committee hearings on Monday to determine if there should be any modifications to the proposed prostitution legislation. Send him an email and tell him he's a fuck-tard !
    I believe that there will only be some meaningful changes to this act after these mean, close-minded, PC philistines are relegated to sit in the Opposition benches of our parliament in Ottawa. I have watched many of these Harper appointed Committee Hearings on CPAC and time after time the Government members, who are always in the majority, seem intent on shooting down any change proposed by Opposition members.

    It seems they have always have some one member on each committee whose job is to thwart proposed changes. I can recall the creator of this bill, Pierre Polievre, being one such difficult member during the Brian Mulroney/Carlheinz Schreiber hearings where he consistently tried to block or thwart the proceedings. Currently it seems that on several current committees Tom Lewicki another combative PC has taken over that position.

    To those Bible-thumping PC's we are all immoral and/or pornographers who should be double/triple bunked in the new jails they plan but haven't yet built!


    • #3
      If there is any coordinated/planned response from the members of this forum could someone please post that info. I would like to contribute.

      As Toban points out the parliamentary system will not help us, nor is it remotely intended to under any ideologically driven administration. Particularly when these Harper Cons employ US Republican Tea Party tactics...enraged people vote, so get one segment of the population pissed at the other. Talk about dividing a country against itself, so stupid.

      First I'm going to write my MP and CC Harper. Statistics show people who actually write their MP vote, and get others to vote. I encourage everyone to do the same. Tell your MP you will spend time and money to oppose the Harper Cons in the next election and that you will donate to any legal challenge to fight this legislation. The point of this is to show they "enraged" more people against them than with them.

      Given the focus of the new legislation, which targets the client, I will obviously be writing from an ethical perspective, rather than a client perspective.

      I unfortunately do not think the Harper Cons listen to anyone. I believe there are only two chances to stop or change this legislation in a meaningful way.

      Unless I missed it when I was away this legislation has not gone to the senate yet. I would encourage everyone to write the Senate Committee that will review the legislation. Normally this would do no good at all, BUT Harper has successfully managed to piss off his own Conservative Senators, in a big way. They might just listen rather than see their Party loose yet another SCC decision, and stick a thumb in Harper's eye at the same time.

      Most likely however this will end up going back to the SCC. This will be a tricky argument to win. The merits and approach of the argument are a different conversation...a much longer one. The legal team that won the first decision is obviously the best group to make the call, but are they going to fight this legislation as well...I'm not sure at this point.

      If people don't vote this is the sort of crappy governments we get. A very small minority that does vote controls the agenda...evangelicals come to mind.


      • #4
        Read an interesting assessment in the National Post today.

        Parties are more than happy to have the SCC strike this law down so they can politically posture for their respective voter base. Nobody wants to be on either side of this issue right now, that is how close it must be polling.

        The expectation is that by the time SCC strikes it down, in two to three years, the social middle ground will have shifted enough for some form of legalization.

        Tactic for supporting the legalization outcome, join a political party (not Con) get involved by participating in the next election, after you have demonstrated at the constituency level you will work for the party you will be in and your constituency riding will listen to you. To take it to the next level you volunteer for the a riding committee (fundraising committee in particular) or an executive you are a constituency insider with influence.

        Just a thought.


        • #5
          Found these amusing

          Click image for larger version

Name:	99942190-082d-11e4-b3f3-ff74b8672d25_MAC2533.jpg
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Size:	50.7 KB
ID:	490644
          Click image for larger version

Name:	b6211110-069d-11e4-9c01-bf8a6152b700_mackay-prostitutes.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	68.7 KB
ID:	490643


          • #6
            Originally posted by Crag Rockheart View Post
            Found these amusing


            TY for the pics..


            • #7
              Originally posted by Shyla Wild
              No, what you think and what is happening is two completely different things. It will be illegal for clients to see you. Also it will be illegal for you to advertise.

              a) create an offence that prohibits purchasing sexual services or communicating in any place for that purpose;
              (b) create an offence that prohibits receiving a material benefit that derived from the commission of an offence referred to in paragraph (a);
              (c) create an offence that prohibits the advertisement of sexual services offered for sale and to authorize the courts to order the seizure of materials containing such advertisements and their removal from the Internet;
              (d) modernize the offence that prohibits the procurement of persons for the purpose of prostitution;
              (e) create an offence that prohibits communicating — for the purpose of selling sexual services — in a public place, or in any place open to public view, that is or is next to a place where persons under the age of 18 can reasonably be expected to be present;
              (f) ensure consistency between prostitution offences and the existing human trafficking offences; and
              (g) specify that, for the purposes of certain offences, a weapon includes any thing used, designed to be use or intended for use in binding or tying up a person against their will.

              Heads up. You are posting in the wrong section. This stuff goes into the tgirl chat section.
              This is from another thread but belongs here and thanks Shyla for the detailed outline. Looks like Harper's conservatives looking to close all the loops and make prostitution in any form whether buying or selling or advertising in any manner illegal. And as mentioned if they do manage to push this through and have it rubber stamped it will take 2-3 years for another successful challenge to this new law(s). I think that as escorts we will have to market ourselves as companionship services and dodge any reference to the exchange of money for sexual services both in our ads and in our communications with potential clients. Where there is a will there is a way!


              • #8
                What we do has never been illegal in Canada!

                Originally posted by TSFantasia View Post
                This is from another thread but belongs here and thanks Shyla for the detailed outline. Looks like Harper's conservatives looking to close all the loops and make prostitution in any form whether buying or selling or advertising in any manner illegal. And as mentioned if they do manage to push this through and have it rubber stamped it will take 2-3 years for another successful challenge to this new law(s). I think that as escorts we will have to market ourselves as companionship services and dodge any reference to the exchange of money for sexual services both in our ads and in our communications with potential clients. Where there is a will there is a way!
                I personally think it's not going to fly..

                If it does it'll be challenged in court right away..

                The government cannot take something that has been legal and employing SP's since the conception of Canada as a country and make it illegal..

                All sex workers who are currently working would be exempt from this new law as it's not constitutional and our jobs wold be grandfathered as legal..

                It's looking unlikely that this bill will pass and will most likely die by the end of summer..

                There are a few top civil rights lawyers who will challenge this immediately if it passes..

                Until then I invite everyone to give a hard time on twitter!

                In fact everyone should give PM Harper a hard time about everything he's doing to Canada!


                • #9
                  Its the clients not the escorts who face criminalization under the new bill!


                  • #10
                    Sweep it under the rug.

                    I do find it interesting that this particular thread isn't really receiving a lot of attention as this is going to become law, no matter how ridiculous it is. It will face a constitutional challenge, of course, but how long will that take to reverse the law that the majority dickheads put forth and will be adopted by the majority dickheads in the senate? I'm not %100 sure but I can't recall the senate in the history of Canadian politics that didn't pass a bill. As a previous poster stated, it's the clients who will become the criminals here. Yes, one can state how it will be impossible to prove transactions in the court, the government knows this, but to be arrested or even implicated in the possibility of being a john and to be convicted is of no concern to the government. Why? Because in the eyes of friends and family, you ARE GUILTY!! Even if you don't get convicted, you'll maybe wish you were in jail as the repercussions on the home front will be far worse IMHO.


                    • #11
                      Passage of this bill is almost certainly a done deal!

                      From comments here it seems to me that there is a lot of misunderstanding by some members about the intent of the upcoming ‘new’ law. Under the proposed changes to the law, prostitution will still continue to be legal just as it was before but purchase of such services will be completely illegal which was not the situation before! This is their back-door way of trying to ban prostitution, not to correct the old law as per SCC orders. WTF?

                      The hopes of the current government seem to be, that under their proposed ‘new’ law, by criminalizing the purchase of such legally available services, there will be no buyers (perverts all) and hence prostitution will supposedly wither and fade into oblivion!

                      Alexis (above) feels that it is unlikely that the new version will pass into legislation but I can’t see reason for her optimism. Past experiences with this government have shown that, despite vigorous criticism from the public or opposition parties (and now even these recent committee hearings), it controls sufficient votes to allow it to pass any bill it wishes. Frequently it has even resorted to sneaking unpopular bills through the vote by hiding them inside a huge omnibus bill along with a very short time allotment, to ensure there’s little discussion allowed before ramming it through a vote and into law. Sneaky! Sneaky! For these reasons I feel certain this bill will be passed with little substantive change!

                      IMHO the only way this law is ever going to be substantially changed for the better will be through a change in government in 2015!
                      Last edited by toban; 07-23-2014, 02:09 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by toban View Post
                        From comments here it seems to me that there is a lot of misunderstanding by some members about the intent of the upcoming ?new? law. Under the proposed changes to the law, prostitution will still continue to be legal just as it was before but purchase of such services will be completely illegal which was not the situation before! This is their back-door way of trying to ban prostitution, not to correct the old law as per SCC orders. WTF?

                        The hopes of the current government seem to be, that under their proposed ?new? law, by criminalizing the purchase of such legally available services, there will be no buyers (perverts all) and hence prostitution will supposedly wither and fade into oblivion!

                        Alexis (above) feels that it is unlikely that the new version will pass into legislation but I can?t see reason for her optimism. Past experiences with this government have shown that, despite vigorous criticism from the public or opposition parties (and now even these recent committee hearings), it controls sufficient votes to allow it to pass any bill it wishes. Frequently it has even resorted to sneaking unpopular bills through the vote by hiding them inside a huge omnibus bill along with a very short time allotment, to ensure there?s little discussion allowed before ramming it through a vote and into law. Sneaky! Sneaky! For these reasons I feel certain this bill will be passed with little substantive change!

                        IMHO the only way this law is ever going to be substantially changed for the better will be through a change in government in 2015!
                        Well.. There's opposition within the CPC on Bill C36.. Some conservative members do not like this bill, a large number actually..

                        I think with all the opposition and the fact that several CPC MLA's don't want johns to be prosecuted will stop the bill from passing in a vote..

                        Imagine passing a bill that would see your fellow CPC constituents and their friends being incarcerated on prostitution charges!

                        If the police had to enforce it.. the jails would be overflowing and prisons would be full.. in the first month..

                        It might be close but the bill will fail..

                        In the event that it does pass it will be challenged by the legal team of the Bedford case..

                        If this is still lingering after the next election the Liberals will fix it..


                        • #13
                          Of course you may be correct about that Alexis but > >

                          Originally posted by AlexisDVyne View Post
                          Well.. There's opposition within the CPC on Bill C36.. Some conservative members do not like this bill, a large number actually..

                          I think with all the opposition and the fact that several CPC MLA's don't want johns to be prosecuted will stop the bill from passing in a vote..

                          Imagine passing a bill that would see your fellow CPC constituents and their friends being incarcerated on prostitution charges!

                          If the police had to enforce it.. the jails would be overflowing and prisons would be full.. in the first month..

                          It might be close but the bill will fail ..

                          In the event that it does pass it will be challenged by the legal team of the Bedford case..

                          If this is still lingering after the next election the Liberals will fix it..
                          > > I believe that if Harper insists this bill be passed but feels there may be potential for defeat he will simply order a whipped party vote and any member, even those in cabinet, who would dare to vote against the chief?s orders would find themselves on the outside looking in!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by toban View Post
                            > > I believe that if Harper insists this bill be passed but feels there may be potential for defeat he will simply order a whipped party vote and any member, even those in cabinet, who would dare to vote against the chief?s orders would find themselves on the outside looking in!
                            Ya.. I think the conservatives know their time is done.. 2015 isn't far away..

                            Most of those male MP's probably have girls they see.. Not all the conservatives are as narrow minded as harper.. most but not all..

                            Hopefully the fucktards like harpo will be gone from Canadian politics forever in 10 years.. no more old boys club..


                            • #15
                              Good perspective, worth the read.


