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Tgirl with biggest cock? Hijacked Version

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  • #76
    Good observation Mugsammy, just like Marcellino in the past, asking about other girls..but then always go back to Lucy.

    There are genuine replies about who is the biggest in here, but he never responds back

    suspicious indeed


    • #77
      Originally posted by Tia Phoenixx
      Good observation Mugsammy, just like Marcellino in the past, asking about other girls..but then always go back to Lucy.

      There are genuine replies about who is the biggest in here, but he never responds back

      suspicious indeed
      Yes Tia. In fact Katalia, once she seen that thread and tried to defend herself, she put up with weeks of bad treatment that was never going to stop as long as she responded to the ridicule.

      This fake person may have hurt Katalia more than help her. I don't believe it affected Beyonce in the slightest.

      Whether it's the ongoing fued between you ladies or whomever...fakes are everywhere.


      • #78
        I met Lucy in grande prairie and if you want a huge cock and the best personality she is by far one of the best. The only non rushed and real good sessions that stayed rock hard the whole time I had was with Lucy and Akira they are top class providers and look exactly like there pictures won't mention the others I had that we're not what I expected


        • #79
          Last edited by MascBear; 10-09-2015, 10:06 PM.


          • #80
            Last edited by MascBear; 10-09-2015, 10:06 PM.


            • #81

              Last edited by MascBear; 10-09-2015, 10:05 PM.


              • #82
                Originally posted by lucy
                Don't erase my post,I didn't mention anybody s name.
                this is a forum and I have right to say anything as long as I don't give any specific names.and clearly it's not being edited by craig it's edited by a guy with a wig on=kukari11;486874]Hi - can someone recommend a girl with biggest cock and nice personality? I'm only looking for the biggest cock only. Everyone keeps giving great reviews on Lucy, but she is not that big. Please advise. Thanks.
                Originally posted by AlexisDVyne
                OK I gotta ask.. So who do you suppose is doing the editing or erasing your post?

                Crag is the only moderator here that I know of.. and I don't think he wears a wig.. tho I could be wrong.. lol..
                Originally posted by Tia Phoenixx
                Hi Crag,

                You can delete my posts if you want.

                I am responsible of everything I have written, bu yet I think my responses are not appropriate for this thread since it may create fight again.

                I just despise hypocrite and arrogant people, and as we all know, I personally hate Lucy the most.

                That is my problem.

                Why do you keep talking about me when I am ignoring his thread completely.
                Tia and Lucy are being fucking retards and just repeating he same argument they have over and over and over.

                Stop accusing me of treachery, there is none.

                Whether there is more admins or moderators or whatever what does it matter.
                I am fair to everyone and try to treat everyone the same.

                If you have some stupid idea I am trying to undermine your business then you are as loony as Daffy duck.

                Plus if I want to wear a wig what fucking business is it of anyone's to call me down. Fucking pure intolerance if you ask me.
                If I want to wear a wig while I moderate I fucking will, how dare you insult me for doing it.



                • #83
                  Originally posted by crag rockheart
                  why do you keep talking about me when i am ignoring his thread completely.
                  Tia and lucy are being fucking retards and just repeating he same argument they have over and over and over.

                  Stop accusing me of treachery, there is none.

                  Whether there is more admins or moderators or whatever what does it matter.
                  I am fair to everyone and try to treat everyone the same.

                  If you have some stupid idea i am trying to undermine your business then you are as loony as daffy duck.

                  Plus if i want to wear a wig what fucking business is it of anyone's to call me down. Fucking pure intolerance if you ask me.
                  If i want to wear a wig while i moderate i fucking will, how dare you insult me for doing it.



                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Gp guy
                    I met Lucy in grande prairie and if you want a huge cock and the best personality she is by far one of the best. The only non rushed and real good sessions that stayed rock hard the whole time I had was with Lucy and Akira they are top class providers and look exactly like there pictures won't mention the others I had that we're not what I expected
                    Lucy is an amazing provider, probably one of the best to ever top me. Simply amazing. I really enjoyed my time with her. She was pretty much everything that I hoped from the reviews. However, huge is just not an appropriate description which she herself admits.

                    I would probably not see Lucy or Tia in the future after following this thread.

                    OP should probably just start a new thread if he wants relelvent responses. The girls have clearly derailed this one.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Crag Rockheart
                      Why do you keep talking about me when I am ignoring his thread completely.
                      Tia and Lucy are being fucking retards and just repeating he same argument they have over and over and over.

                      Stop accusing me of treachery, there is none.

                      Whether there is more admins or moderators or whatever what does it matter.
                      I am fair to everyone and try to treat everyone the same.

                      If you have some stupid idea I am trying to undermine your business then you are as loony as Daffy duck.

                      Plus if I want to wear a wig what fucking business is it of anyone's to call me down. Fucking pure intolerance if you ask me.
                      If I want to wear a wig while I moderate I fucking will, how dare you insult me for doing it.

                      I am much more calm now. Sorry for these things BTW.

                      No, it is not Lucy, it is me actually who started everything.

                      I should have let her keep bragging about herself.

                      It won't happen again. I promise.

                      I am going to embark to my new life and I am glad to say good bye to some of you.

                      I won't post no more or very little in this forum in the future.

                      I start having a feeling that this is not the place for me any longer.

                      Thanks for being patient Crag...and always remember I still owe you some beers.

                      Time to say good bye


                      Tia Phoenixx


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Crag Rockheart
                        Why do you keep talking about me when I am ignoring his thread completely.
                        Tia and Lucy are being fucking retards and just repeating he same argument they have over and over and over.

                        Stop accusing me of treachery, there is none.

                        Whether there is more admins or moderators or whatever what does it matter.
                        I am fair to everyone and try to treat everyone the same.

                        If you have some stupid idea I am trying to undermine your business then you are as loony as Daffy duck.

                        Plus if I want to wear a wig what fucking business is it of anyone's to call me down. Fucking pure intolerance if you ask me.
                        If I want to wear a wig while I moderate I fucking will, how dare you insult me for doing it.

                        Hey if you want to wear a wig you go right ahead.. I used to wear one like 3.5 years ago.. can't stand the fucking things..

                        I agree completely that you are impartial..

                        I agree on a bunch of other points too..


                        • #87
                          Should Crag wear a wig and drop a phone number and an email he might get some calls! Moonlighting lol!'d be better looking then some of the.... Ducklings in here claiming to be transgender.

                          I wouldn't call you though... I only like the real beauties lol


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Mugsammy
                            Should Crag wear a wig and drop a phone number and an email he might get some calls! Moonlighting lol!'d be better looking then some of the.... Ducklings in here claiming to be transgender.

                            I wouldn't call you though... I only like the real beauties lol
                            I already advertise, I just don't make it known.
                            I'll blow your mind with my wig and the panties i shoplifted from Walmart.

                            Just watch for "Sandie Legggs" that's me!



                            • #89
                              Originally posted by AlexisDVyne
                              Hey if you want to wear a wig you go right ahead.. I used to wear one like 3.5 years ago.. can't stand the fucking things..

                              I agree completely that you are impartial..

                              I agree on a bunch of other points too..
                              Always love loony tunes.

                              Thanks for the support on the wig.
                              Any idea how i get all the cummm out of it?



                              • #90
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