The world and especially the LGBTQ community worldwide is in shock and mourning over America's worst ever mass shooting, which occurred at Pulse nightclub a popular gay club. Forty-nine innocent victims lost their lives and dozens others wounded many still in critical condition.
While the details of the story is still developing and the motive for the attack under investigation.
The shooter called 911 half way into his killing spree to express loyalty to ISIS, which makes it a terrorist attack. His father said he was very angry over seeing two men kissing a few weeks before the attack, which makes it a homophobic hate crime. Details are now coming out that the shooter was a regular at the Club was often there trying to pick up men, which makes him a self-loathing closeted gay man.
This isn't surprising as people are often in this state of self-loathing, self-guilt over the conflict between their "sinful" desires and activities and their traditional or religious beliefs. People will do crazy things to try to "redeem" themselves from their actions and place the blame on the "devils" who tempted them into the wrong-doing in the first place. Many trans women are beaten or die at the hands of their lovers/ex-lovers who fear being "exposed" as a tranny lover.
There are so many examples of preachers/evangelists, who loudly condemn sexual sins only to be caught carrying on affairs, frequenting prostitutes, or involved in gay encounters.
Whatever the reasons for this attack it's a sad loss of the family and friends of the victims and a sad day for the LGBTQ community worldwide.
While the details of the story is still developing and the motive for the attack under investigation.
The shooter called 911 half way into his killing spree to express loyalty to ISIS, which makes it a terrorist attack. His father said he was very angry over seeing two men kissing a few weeks before the attack, which makes it a homophobic hate crime. Details are now coming out that the shooter was a regular at the Club was often there trying to pick up men, which makes him a self-loathing closeted gay man.
This isn't surprising as people are often in this state of self-loathing, self-guilt over the conflict between their "sinful" desires and activities and their traditional or religious beliefs. People will do crazy things to try to "redeem" themselves from their actions and place the blame on the "devils" who tempted them into the wrong-doing in the first place. Many trans women are beaten or die at the hands of their lovers/ex-lovers who fear being "exposed" as a tranny lover.
There are so many examples of preachers/evangelists, who loudly condemn sexual sins only to be caught carrying on affairs, frequenting prostitutes, or involved in gay encounters.
Whatever the reasons for this attack it's a sad loss of the family and friends of the victims and a sad day for the LGBTQ community worldwide.