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Trans amorous

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  • Trans amorous

    Anybody ever heard the term "trans amorous" before? Apparently, applies to men or women who are romantically and or sexually attracted to trans women? I've never heard it until now.

  • #2
    I think people are too obsessed with labeling our sexual desires Fuck who you want to fuck and have a great time at it; I do no think there is any need to wrestle with what to label yourself for liking this or that.

    I love beautiful women with great asses or boobs or pussies or cocks. Give me some sweet pussy juice or a load of cum, all good. I don't give a shit what someone wants to label me as, I am living life the way that makes me happy.

    Just one man's opinion.


    • #3
      Good point. I agree 100%


      • #4
        I dream of a day (which won't come in my lifetime), where humanity is just a group of humans. We are not labelled with names based on who we have sex with, or what color our skin is. Instead of there being a "race" of black or white or whatever, we are all just part of the human race. When we don't have to have LGBTQ (I am aware there is also a 2 some add, I am keeping it out to make a point that I hope we can come to a point of not needing to keep creating more labels), and whatever other letters get added because we are all just humans and we accept one another equally, and groups don't need to be created because there is horrifying discrimination.

        I feel bad when guys have to think "what if someone thinks I am gay for liking TS.. oh my!.. let's make a label to make it more clear so maybe people will accept me".....

        I know, dreaming.... humanity has been organized in groups for tens of thousands of years and throughout all of recorded time there have been one group of humans wanting to discriminate or oppress another using some "difference" as cause (skin, gender, sexual orientation, location, language, religion, it goes on).


        • #5
          nice question.

          it's like asking people on a Catholic forum "is it appropriate for me to eat meat is Friday?"
          Orgoporno. Coming soon



          • #6
            You're all very right. I would hope that someday we can have a world like that as well. I didn't mean to upset anyone by bringing this up, so sorry if I did. Personally, I don't identify with any particular label myself but I have heard all sorts of different ones...I was just curious, as this is the first time I've heard the one I mentioned above.


            • #7
              Not sure why you think anyone is upset? we are just talking, discussing

