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Cum on guys....

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  • #16
    Re: Cum on guys....

    Mean spirited? If that is how I came across then let me be the first to apologize. Just didnt like the annotation of wordplay is all.

    I am positive Femmi you are a most congenial individual. Again, my sincerest apologies if I found some of the text disquieting.



    • #17
      Re: Cum on guys....

      "When I chose to use the word civilized in my ad, it was in reference to character and by no means insinuating achievements."

      Anyone who couldn't come to that realization is in need of a dictionary.

      "it is a consumer market and you are free to see whomever you want so; why cant I charge whatever I want? "

      So true. It's all about supply and demand.

      But we also have a right to discuss these things (if not on this board, then others). We have a right to discuss it on this board as long as the owner(s) of this board deem it permissible and within the guidelines specified.


      • #18
        Re: Cum on guys....

        Fine, Fine, FINE!
        Thank you all for your thoughts, they are all very appreciated. I agree that you all have a right to discuss your views on here as it was intended. How else would we have settled our differences?
        Going forward lets be sure to be honest and fair.

        Thanks again people.



        • #19
          Re: Cum on guys....

          So does anyone have a detailed review of Femmi?

          Could be the service justifies the higher than average rate.



          • #20
            Re: Cum on guys....

            Femmi and i have had several extremly enjoyable rendezvous over the past 8 months.She is a tall, fit and very beautiful  ebony girl, originally from Africa.The fare is not cheap, but it is a ride in a limousine, not a cab.
            Femmi is smart, charming, fun to be with, very well endowed  and always rock hard. Though she is , in her words"small on top" you never feel that you are with anyone but a gorgeous girl. She looks good ,tastes good and smells good.
            I know that she prefers to have longer ' dates' , maybe dinner and a club,with an amazing sexual encounter to finish off the night. Not for the faint hearted wallet, but if you can afford the fare or just want to treat yourself to something special, give her a call. But be carefull , she is very addictive.
            Though Femmi is somewhat self-obsessed, and likes to be treated like a princess, she has a great sense of humour about it. Treat her well and you will have a fabulous time.
            Not the  '1/2 hour lunch special' type.  
            you're only as sick as your secrets.


            • #21
              Re: Cum on guys....

              A wise man once told me, " if a product stands on its own merit, then never mind the critics."

              Thank you prettyboy, whoever you are. Are you the guy who was supposed to come mount my plasma on the wall? If yes, then I still need it mounted. ( I am talking about the TV)


              • #22
                Re: Cum on guys....

                "but if you can afford the fare or just want to treat yourself to something special, give her a call. But be carefull , she is very addictive."

                May have to try her out one day. Just not to keen on the "clubs", "dinner" part. It's not's me - i'm too self-conscious.


                • #23
                  Re: Cum on guys....

                  Here's my share guys...

                  Femmie is the only TS I have been since I live in Toronto and there's no way I can see myself with anyone else... One of the guys said she can be addictive...well I'm addicted to her...that's it... I rest my case...

                  True GFE, I honestly felt that I was a boyfriend every single time we were together, to me the long dates with Femmi are truly amazing, I don't even know how can someone just walk in an apartment and drop is pants right's not my thing, I need to seduce slowly, enjoy the moment and then let time do is stuff and then enjoy "makin's love" and in the case of Femmi, I never felt that I was just having sex....not once...we were always like a couple that's madly in Love with each other and that are giving to each other all of their love....

                  I could go on and on...but all I can say right now is that she's a dream come true!!!
                  Never ever will I forget her...she'll always be an integral part of my best memories ever!!!

                  Babe, you know who I am of course and I offer you a sweet kiss and all the best to you!!!

                  P.S.: I'm still hoping to win at the lottery and sweep you off your feet and take you to paradise...forever....
                  Some people call me the space cowboy, yeah
                  Some call me the gangster of love!


                  • #24
                    Re: Cum on guys....

                    I saw Femmi's ad the other evening and my immediate thought was ...... wow she is a beauty ......... more red wine than beer ...... more single malt than bourbon ...... smooth dark chocolate is not for everyone, some people prefer something more main stream ......... give her respect. She is marketing herself to attract a certain type of client ..... if you don't like her approach, vote with your wallet, not your mouth ..... voting with your mouth tends to make you appear mean spirited.


                    • #25
                      Re: Cum on guys....

                      Originally posted by althfx
                      ..... if you don't like her approach, vote with your wallet, not your mouth ..... voting with your mouth tends to make you appear mean spirited.
                      So if someone doesn't like her "approach" their not supposed to have an opinion? That's the stupidest thing I've heard in a long time.

                      Its completely ridiculous to say "voting with your mouth tends to make you appear mean spirited." What you're trying to do is intimidate people into not expressing their opinions. Thats not just mean spirited, its being an outright bully - undemocratic bordering on fascist.


                      • #26
                        Re: Cum on guys....

                        Need some valium strangeone? I agree his comment was out of line, but fascist? Come on!


                        • #27
                          Re: Cum on guys....

                          althfx comment might be viewed as out of line but maybe he/ she just worded it wrong. Perhaps what they were trying to say was that it does not make sense bad mouthing someone or someones business if for whatever reason, you have no intention of visiting them anytime soon. Its like saying, " I don't like cock and I have never tried it because all people that like cock are gay." Now gentlemen, I know that you all know its not the case and, would'nt you probably suggest to someone with such strong negative oppinions to speak only on matters that they are trully familiar with?
                          With that said, do you all see my logic?

                          I think perhaps that is what he/ she was trying to say. I think.

                          TEAM FEMMI


                          • #28
                            Re: Cum on guys....


                            Let's talk about cars instead of Tgirls and see if your argument holds true.

                            I'll bet that you might like someday to own and drive a BMW or a Mercedes or even a Cadillac. Unfortunately you can't afford any thing that expensive so you drive an older Kia, because that is the only set of wheels that you could afford. Now then, do you say unkind things about BMW's or Mercedes' or Cadillacs just because you couldn't afford them? Not likely!

                            Or maybe you would enjoy caviar as an occasional treat but instead you must make do with smoked sardines. Same thing again.

                            I believe the same principle applies to our Tgirls, some may be more affordable than others, some may not be. Any girl is free to price her services any way she wishes. If she can derive the desired income without working so hard then she is ahead of the game. I'd say that is good thinking.

                            If, over time, the clientelle does not materialize to partake of her offer, she will be forced to adjust her prices downward. Heaven forbid, she becomes so popular that she adjusts her prices further upwards to reduce her workload.

                            Just as an example, one local girl a few years ago asked and got $350/hr when the usual rate was $200 or even less. After working a while in the US she returned here as a visitor and was asking $500.

                            Don't "dis" the girls, just go ask your boss for an increase in pay so you can get what you want.


                            • #29
                              Re: Cum on guys....

                              I am seriously thinking about giving all the boys on TEAM FEMMI a discount.
                              You are all so wonderful!

                              Thanks for sticking up for the girls.


                              • #30
                                Re: Cum on guys....

                                I think each person is entitled to a view. It isn't solely about the ability to afford the product or not. One can easily afford a product and believe that it is over-priced. One could say that no car, no matter how luxurious, is worth that price or one could say that a particular car isn’t worth that price.

                                Some here have seen Femmi and believe she is worth the price of admission, others here believe she is too expensive. Each is entitled to their views regardless

