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Flesh-eating STD reported in UK for first time

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  • Flesh-eating STD reported in UK for first time

    Um yeah ... if accurate definitely time for me to stop whoring around.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	donovan_1534983415651_52770337_ver1.0_640_360.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	72.3 KB
ID:	608104

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  • #2
    Ew. That made my skin crawl.
    *(416) 821-2114‬
    Canada?s Shemale Pornstar


    • #3
      Utterly horrifying, thank you.


      • #4
        There's no need for us to give up the hobby just yet!!

        News reports from the UK about the case in question, state that it was diagnosed as Donovanosis. There are many kinds of flesh eating disease and this one, aka Granuloma inguinale has been around for ages. This particular infection comes about after physical contact with the sores of a person who was already infected with the bacteria and who would typically have come from some tropical areas such as the Caribbean, Southeast India, Papua, Guyana and New Guinea etc..

        Most importantly, while this particular disease, left untreated, does has the potential to destroy flesh, it is however fully treatable with currently available antibiotics so is not a very serious threat to this ?hobby?!!!


        • #5
          Once upon a time, all you had to worry about was a few warts, some sores with puss, and dying a slow agonizing death. Now my dick might get eaten off too? NOT GOOD!!!

          p.s. Imagine, where it's completely painless, if you caught this in your ass and had no idea... OMG knock on wood.
          Last edited by alex99; 08-24-2018, 06:02 PM.


          • #6
            Get out now while you can.

