First of all, while I've been a hobbyist of female escorts for some time, I've not yet managed a session with a shemale. Part of it is my location. The other issue I have is the lack of graphic pictures of most of the women, at least I believe. I am looking for a session with a shemale who tops, but since I am new at this, I don't want to be with someone who is too big. Therefore, I would like to find a top who isn't too wide, but I have a hard time finding any who show their endowment accurately in their ads or on their sites.
Based on your experience, can anyone suggest a shemale who would fit my bill? I live near Ottawa and there are a lot of T girls visiting now or soon, including Lucy. And to you women, please consider having more graphic pictures available to help us shoppers make an informed decision.
Based on your experience, can anyone suggest a shemale who would fit my bill? I live near Ottawa and there are a lot of T girls visiting now or soon, including Lucy. And to you women, please consider having more graphic pictures available to help us shoppers make an informed decision.