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Best lay auto or andro?

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  • Best lay auto or andro?

    Which girls go best , Autogynephiliac or Androphiliac. Discuss.

  • #2
    Re: Best lay auto or andro?

    I think I need a dictionary.


    • #3
      Re: Best lay auto or andro?

      Originally posted by verycurious
      I think I need a dictionary.
      HA HA! Just type autogynephilia into a search engine- and fill yer boots. Good luck mate.


      • #4
        Re: Best lay auto or andro?

        so you're basically saying, which do u like better, straight girls or transgendereds mtf......

        hmmmm, I'll go with biological women


        • #5
          Re: Best lay auto or andro?

          Originally posted by MattTheAxe
          so you're basically saying, which do u like better, straight girls or transgendereds mtf......

          hmmmm, I'll go with biological women
          But why? ;D You have to provide an explaination Axeman


          • #6
            Re: Best lay auto or andro?

            Originally posted by soulsurvivor
            Which girls go best , Autogynephiliac or Androphiliac. Discuss.
            Unless someone knows better than I these are the definitions I found

            adj. - preferring the male sex, or humans rather than animals.

            Couldn't find a easy defintion just articles, taken from

            "...Despite the seemingly broad sub-title, Bailey concerns himself only with male-to-female transsexual people (MTFs). Bailey believes all MTFs are either homosexual men who want a sex change so they can attract male lovers, or autogynephilic men who want a sex change because they are excited by female bodies and want to posses one. Bailey dismisses anyone who doesn't seem to fit his two categories by saying they must be lying.

            Bailey claims to be able to classify an MTF as homosexual or autogynephiliac after a few moments observation, and includes a short test the reader can use to do the same. Whatever Bailey's intent may have been, his writing comes across as a sneering lecture filled with crude humor at the expense of its subject. This is the kind of pseudo-science that has so often given the "soft" sciences such as psychology a bad name...."


            • #7
              Re: Best lay auto or andro?

              Soooo I would say I don't understand the question overall.


              • #8
                Re: Best lay auto or andro?

                Axeman I think your a bit wide of the mark regarding the definitions mate. TDT obviously a true connosoir is more a less on the money.

                Simplified; Bailey and Blanchard have Classified TS's into two catergories.

                Autogynephilia; From it's latin roots basically means sexual arousal at the idea of being a woman and the process of feminisation.

                Androphillia; the other classification represents TS's who have been "effeminate" since childhood and are exclusively sexually attracted to men.

                Ts's have been hiding these autogynephillic impulses from clinicians for fear of been deemed unsuitable for srs treatment.

                Bailey Blanchard and Lawrence et al are arguing that autogynephilacs should be given SRS as the most effective treatment for their dysphoria.

                For chapter and verse on this subject see Dr. Anne Lawrences Transgendered womens Resources website.

                Ps. If a girl wont top you shes probably androphillic Either that or youve got a spotty arse.


                • #9
                  Re: Best lay auto or andro?

                  So is a guy meeting a TS for a brief encounter supposed to be able to tell the difference? Does it even matter? I suspect for the woman its not usually one motivation or the other but more likely a combination of feelings. I know I can't label my feellings for tgirls that simply. For what it is worth either auto or andro or somewhere in between seems quite healthy to me.

                  Maybe some of the ladies could weigh in on the subject. Or is it at all of interest to them at this stage in their lives?


                  • #10
                    Re: Best lay auto or andro?

                    ahhh, I see then. my choice would be andro, then. I prefer (as I'm sure most guys on the forum) to think of trannies as real women with something extra. An andro would best fit this mold. It sounds like an andro would be more confident in their bodies then an auto, and simply this' could make the difference between capturing my interest or losing it completely

                    oh, also, I have no interest in being topped. if I watch tranny porn, the parts where the girl is doin the guy up the ass make me sick. Having it done to me doesn't capture my attention, so in that case, I'd probably go better with an auto. I once had a tranny start stickin her fingers in my ass while she was givin me oral, and I didn't like it and made her stop. It does feel quite awesome to have your salad tossed, though.

                    I have no qualms about giving oral or whatever, but I draw the line there.


                    • #11
                      Re: Best lay auto or andro?

                      In conclusion then.

                      1 it was a dumb arse question anyway (ill thought out on my part).

                      2 I agree with most of what Very Curious has to say most notedly that their are probably many personal motives and needs that lead each girl/woman to where they're at. It was never my intention to turn it into a good and bad issue. Its all good.

                      3 Thanks to Matt The Axe for offering an honest perspective on the issue.

