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STDS can cause CANCER

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  • STDS can cause CANCER

    HPV is a rising cause of throat cancer, its a known cause of anal and penile cancer.

    I want to make this my public health announcement. We all enjoy this hobby but beyond the immediate effects of gonorrhoea and clhmaydia, HIV which we all fear. there is a monster on the horizon that we should be all aware of. HPV, it does not only affect GG women and we are all in the risk group. You may wear a condom for sex but what about oral? We don't know which men have been with the girls and who they have been with.

    So i implore providers and men get vaccinated if you are in the right age. If not and you have the money why no go ahead and get it after you talk to your doc. This is something that may not affect you for 20 years but who wants to be 20 years old and know there could have been something you could have done while you are in your ICU bed with your family around you.

  • #2
    Hpv cancer

    Although you have some of the basics right you are spreading misinformation.

    "HPV is not on the horizon it has always been.There is over 200 types of HPV and only 2 of those can cause cancer. So this isn't a fancy new disease, it is just one that we are realizing is further reaching than we thought.So this is why it is seeming so alarming that you are hearing about it more, but that is just because of today's information age. "

    There are more than 2 types that are high risk.HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 68, 69, and 73 are classified as high-risk HPV.

    Over the past decade there has been at least a four- to five-fold increase in the number of oropharynx cancers in the US. The increase in these cancers is a result of HPV infection. Except from mount sinai.

    You can agrue that its an aging population however it used to be alcoholics and snokers now the portions are changing to non smokers. Also there are less smokers in general.

    "In the past we didnt know..."

    There are 2 distinct types of throar cancer Doctors can tell on slides. There is an increase in the kind associated with HPV specficially. You can say we are testjg better but thats not true entirely because we always knew there are different types of cancer even before the hpv testing. This is certainly alarming. If the risk factors change and there is more cancer that is most definitely a diease in the horizon. This is a drastic epidiomedilogical shift that should be taken seriously. An increase of HPV-positive oropharyngeal carcinoma by 225 ia terrifying

    "If you get certain types of HPV in your throat it can become cancerous but is easily treatable if caught early."

    "Car accidents are still hundreds and hundreds of times more dangerous than HPV"

    You are right it is easier to treat BUT would you avoid chemo if you could? The answer seems clear to me. 3-year overall survival rate of 82.4% for HPV-associated disease. Now thats great but why would you want to have to worry about a car accident and and hpv cancer when a vaccine can almost eliminate one? If i could take a vaccine not to die in a car i would. And good in cancer is relative there are still almost 20 percent of people that dont make it to 3 years. Thinking of life in 3 years at time is not fun cause the 5 year stats probably are worse.

    "Nearly everyone that has had sex has had an HPV infection, it is the most common STD."

    Again you are right 90 percent of adults have been exposed to HPV16 and 70% have evidence of infection as demonstrated by the presence of HPV16 antibodies in their blood.
    BUT not everyone can clear the infection and thats the problem. You maybe fine but the next bloke won't thats the value of vzccinating early.

    ALSO we enjoy the hobby some food for thought is the odds of HPV-positive throat cancer risk FIVE TIMES those with six or more oral sexual partners compared with those who have not had oral sex. Think of all thosw girls sucking guys and all those girls sucking girls

    "Talking about dying in an ICU is a little alarming, it is totally treatable if caught early and cancer usually takes many years to develop."

    You missed the section when I said it may affect you in 20 years. Im not sure if youve had cancer or been around someone with cancer but treatable is weeks of a drug that is killing you and the cancer, surg vomitting you know the result. its barbaric and i wish it on NO ONE.

    All im asking is to be aware be safe and talk to a doctor about vaccinations. The LBGT community qnd the trans community is at most risk so by being lackisdical about an issue is irresponsible. Esp with someone with as much pull and power as you have.


    • #3
      Happy to report I already got my Gardasil vaccination


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      • #4
        Originally posted by kyliekarma View Post
        Happy to report I already got my Gardasil vaccination
        Another reason why you are incredible!


        • #5
          Im not pulling this stuff out of no where. Majority of what i said in the previous post is from link below. I only say things backed by evidence nothing is opinion.

          Review of HPV related head and neck cancer

          "I'm not spreading misinformation, only 2 types of HPV that can cause cancer are sexually transmitted, that is a fact.
          there is 40 that can infect your genitals but most don't cause cancer. A bunch of others could cause cancer but are not sexually transmitted. I'm just pointing out that it is still fairly remote chance of catching it and people aren't generally identifying the HPVs they come in contact with."

          Again there is a little ignorance with this issue. This is directly from the World health organization. "There are more than 100 types of HPV, of which at least 14 are cancer-causing (also known as high risk type).
          HPV is mainly transmitted through sexual contact and most people are infected with HPV shortly after the onset of sexual activity..

          Here is another
          "Of the 120 known human papilloma viruses, 51 species and three subtypes infect the genital mucosa.[83] 15 are classified as high-risk types (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68, 73, and 82), three as probable high-risk (26, 53, and 66), and 12 as low-risk (6, 11, 40, 42, 43, 44, 54, 61, 70, 72, 81, and CP6108).[84]"

          You are thinking of 2 because they are responsible for the majoirity of cancers.

          Again from the WHO
          "Two HPV types (16 and 18) cause 70% of cervical cancers and pre-cancerous cervical lesions."

          "There is no where that says throat and mouth cancers have increased 4 to 5 times, that is almost unfathomable.
          Please provide some proof for that statement. According the CDC the rates are quite steady year through year.
          They also say all data about HPV is only estimated based on cancers in the same regions of the body that hpv infects.
 I think in the past HPV was not associated with most cancers, so the rate of HPV related cancer has gone up a lot just due to discovering the link. It is also thought that tobacco and alcohol use is a major factor to if you actually get cancer."

          For the 5 fold increase it is from below link under How prevalent is HPV-positive throat cancer?

          This is directly from the cdc
          "HPV-associated cancer rates changed from 1999 to 2015. Rates increased for oropharyngeal SCC, anal SCC and vulvar SCC, decreased for cervical carcinoma and vaginal SCC, and remained stable for penile SCC."

          This is a long term disease short term trends arent accurate. When you look at a disesse that is direcrly related to behavior and cancer that takes 10 to 20 years you dont see the immediate effects.
          For example some people blame tinder for increased STDs in some areas. You will typically know you have one quick. But with a disease that is sexually transmitted and takes 20 years to affect you will your data show right away or later?

          Again I stated in the previous post. There are details of the cancer where you look under a microsope that will lead you to believe its caused by smoking drinking or hpv even before we could test for hpv. They jist started realizing that difference on the microscope wqs due solely to HPV

          "The HPV doesn't necessarily stay in your system 20 years but if it stays in your system long enough to damage cells, then those cells can become cancerous."

          You are right in it may not stay 20 years it depends on if the person can get rid of it. But you are wrong too the virus actually infects our dna and hijacks it in a way. It forces us to make proteins for it and as if its not cleared you are going to be making more cells for it and ultimately this is what causes cancer. They are called ONCOGENES. Thats why they test of hpv dna in theses cancers becauss it is still there.

          ALSO you can get reinfected with HPV so just because you had it and got rid of it doesnt mean you wont get one of yhe other ones thats also where the danger lies.

          "People having sex should all be aware that there is dangers of all kinds.
          There is many worse STDs out there with more immediate dangers.
          Also everyone here is far more likely to die some other way."

          I don't understand the push back with educsting oneself and asking about a vaccine. Its 3 shots, if you can take 3 shots to stop syphilis or HIV you would take it. They also reccomend it for girls and boys 9 to 26 so its not like this is some pseudoscience. There is more immediate acute dangers but this a long term danger. Just cause it doesnt affect you now and pus isnt dripping from your dick it doesnt mean its less important. Hep C wont give you cancer for a long time either but im sure you dont want it.

          "I am not clear how HPV would get down your throat unless you had a big old cock down there. Licking pussy should normally not get you HPV in your throat since it requires skin on skin contact.
          So mouth and lip cancers I suppose are possible from cunnilingus."

          In my previous response they said it was found in peoples saliva. Therefore that is why its not only isolated to the lips etcs. If its present there and you swallow your own saliva you can seed into your throat AND these are microscopuc viruses we also have microscopic injuries to our MOUTHLINING that can be a port of entry.

          Some people even think there are forms of lung cancer that maybe due to HPV.

          Also HPV may still be transmitted even after lesions are treated and no longer visible or present. There is a lot of unknowns with the transmission and process of becoming a cancer with HPV. Docs and scientist admit it

          'm just saying there is no need to for morbid imagery to get the point across, i don't know one person that has gotten this.
          Everyone else i have heard of had successful out patient treatments and none were in the ICU, that i have heard of.
          There are far more dangerous things you can catch to also be aware of, however the protection is generally the same."

          Close to 20 percent dont make it 3 years where do you think they are going? One im not sure how old you are but maybe its not in your age range. 2 i dont know a single person personallly that has got lung cancer or breast cancer but doesn't mean it doesnt happen or it isnt important. That is bias and to ultialmately make desicions on that bias does not make sense.

          "So don't smoke, drink, drive or have sex.
          If you must have sex, choose and old person since they have a lower chance of having HPV."

          No get a vaccine. And you are wrong they are probably more likely because young people have been vaccinated.


          • #6
            Time to get real here!

            This thread seems to depend upon hyperbole in making the case with regard to HPV and it?s danger of cancer.

            HPV in it?s several forms has been around for many many years!
            Most of us have also been around for many many years!
            Ergo, most of us have already become acquainted with the HPV virus in some form or another!

            Surely HPV may become a serious problem for those of us who enjoy sexual adventure since condoms can not cover and protect our entire body! There are over 100 strains of HPV, of which fifteen are known to cause various cancers. HPV16 & 18 are the most common of those, with Genital Warts being caused by types HPV6 & 11.

            Many seem to be of the belief that simply by getting an HPV vaccination they are receiving a lifetime guarantee against HPV infection. Not so!

            Unfortunately, there are currently only three (3) vaccines available for our use here: Cervarix, Gardasil, and Gardasil9 and none of these three can guarantee protection against more than 9 of the hundred or so existing strains of the HPV virus.

            Fortunately all 3 approved vaccines do offer protection against the four most dangerous HPV types (6,11,16,18) while Gardasil9 adds protection against five more (31,33,45,52,58).

            The best protection for all of us might be to become better informed about this by reading:-



            • #7
              I think the OP point was to get vaccinated to be safe against the most dangerous types.

              Gardasil 9 is the vaccine I got. As far as I understand, It is also the only one they give out now because it covers the most.
              KYLIE KARMA


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              • #8
                Good point Kyliekarma. Might as well get vaccinated for Hep A and B while you are at it. I got vaccinated years ago for both. I also check the Government of Canada travel website when going out of country to see what they recommend for vaccinations then I speak with my pharmacist about it to get their opinion. The website also has good information for travel advisories though bear in mind they will always error on the side of caution, sometimes too much.


                For travel advice and advisories just select a destination and you can read about it 'risk levels, safety and security, entry/exit requirements, health etc'. It is a very useful site especially regarding health issues and vaccinations that are recommended before going.

                BTW, if you are over the age of 50 you should get a shingles vaccination. I did in the winter after seeing a commercial on TV then going online and reading various websites about shingles. Had a relative who got it years ago and according to them it was a very painful experience.

                I will most likely get throat cancer from smoking cigars everyday than sucking cock a few times a
                Last edited by bigmtsl; 08-08-2019, 09:16 AM.


                • #9
                  I already got those vaccinations.
                  Being healthy is not something I take for granted.
                  KYLIE KARMA


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                  • #10
                    best thing i see is when someone lectures on an sti maybe causing cancer one day while they smoke a pack a day . i have seen this out and about with sex workers who smoke . it?s funny .

                    i know people who smoke and they somehow are more worried about some extrapolated maybe small chance of something making them sick and forget they are sucking in pioson all day


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Rockheart
                      I'm not saying it isn't bad but it is good to have discussion and post links so others can understand the risk.
                      As said by others a possible threat 20 years in the future is different than dangers that can happen now and are longer lasting and non curable.

                      By making every single situation sound equally dangerous doesn't help people decide what is the worst risk.
                      In this case HPV is something we deal with daily and it is very low chance of catching a dangerous one compared to other dangers out there.
                      It's a little like gamma rays, they pass through our body all the time and may cause cancer over time but usually don't.

                      HIV is now treatable but still more of a risk than HPV.
                      Other STDs are more likely to be caught and have more immediate dangers like death, sterility, and antibiotic resistance.
                      Syphilis and Gonorrhea currently have serious epidemics going on and there is strains that are resistant to all current treatment.
                      So we have old favourites like this that may be incurable soon. So give the choice of HPV or syphilis of any kind, I choose HPV.
                      HPV is one of those things that even with protection it can still be there.

                      Then there is smoking and all the other things that cause cancer that everyone makes you feel guilty about.
                      Well i have smoked on and off for 40 years and still don't have any disease.
                      I've had sex on and off for 40 years and have not caught anything deadly or had any effects like this.
                      I think i had gonorrhea once that manifested itself as bronchitis, but the same antibiotics are used for bronchitis or gonorrhea so who knows.

                      I'm just feeling that is not necessary to throw the fear of a horrible death in the future as almost certainty when the chances are actually quite low in this case.
                      No one wants to catch anything but at least this one is close to 100% treatable if caught right away.

                      Generally i am just not in favor of fear mongering to affect peoples decisions.
                      As i said it would save 1000 times more lives if people just stopped texting and driving.

                      Nothing wrong with pointing out the danger however.
                      But it's not a choice, we don't have to decide between protecting or worrying about one issue over the other. This is not a fight for peoples attention. Im not sure how many people knew HPV affects men just like women? Actually more than women. You call it fear mongering but it is a reality some of us my deal with whether you like it or not.

                      We will never agree but I do appericiate the disscussion. I learned a lot more as a result of it.

