With the possible financial difficulties of society in general, would you consider this to possibly bring about a decrease in the number of providers? A change in how they do business? A decrease in their rates?
I was wondering whether some of the more high profile service providers have set up business accounts for themselves in order to have some sort of income tax claims and also when applying for loans, mortgages, vehicles, etc?
Also, how many of us who have seen providers will be looking at financial expenditures and considering less visits? And do you feel safe going to a provider now?
Regards and hope everyone is staying healthy and safe.
I was wondering whether some of the more high profile service providers have set up business accounts for themselves in order to have some sort of income tax claims and also when applying for loans, mortgages, vehicles, etc?
Also, how many of us who have seen providers will be looking at financial expenditures and considering less visits? And do you feel safe going to a provider now?
Regards and hope everyone is staying healthy and safe.