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Steamworks MTF4M nights?

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  • Steamworks MTF4M nights?

    anybody been? Steamworks in Toronto has traditionally just been male only, i now see they have MTF4M events every 4th Monday.

    anyone check it out?

  • #2
    Also interested in any info on this. Anyone?


    • #3
      Haven’t been or even heard of them but will definitely check out the next one! It being the day after the pride parade, might be a decent turnout…thanks for sharing


      • #4
        Originally posted by Russiancanada View Post
        Haven’t been or even heard of them but will definitely check out the next one! It being the day after the pride parade, might be a decent turnout…thanks for sharing
        Did you go and if so, how was it?


        • #5
          Interesting! I'd think that after the last couple of years there'd be a significant demand for something like this. Hope it's successful and keeps going .


          • #6
            I HAVE been there with a Trans Girlfriend before. They are very open minded at Steamworks. Wonderful Place. I also tried at CLUB XS, and they denied her entry. They said ONLY MEN - WHO LOOK LIKE MEN are allowed or the gay dudes will complain. (said the front desk attendant) Funny how people want equal rights, and then deny others their rights when it doesn't suit them. typical.


            • #7
              PS - Steamworks will also let them in ANY NIGHT if they want, not just on the 4th monday. (which is a terrible night for a party IMO)


              • #8
                Originally posted by Cutcocklover67 View Post

                Did you go and if so, how was it?
                I didn’t make it unfortunately but the next one is this coming Monday. Have been playing with a cute little Latina CD off Grindr so will try to convince her to come check it out next week


                • #9
                  Originally posted by syncmaster305 View Post
                  I HAVE been there with a Trans Girlfriend before. They are very open minded at Steamworks. Wonderful Place. I also tried at CLUB XS, and they denied her entry. They said ONLY MEN - WHO LOOK LIKE MEN are allowed or the gay dudes will complain. (said the front desk attendant) Funny how people want equal rights, and then deny others their rights when it doesn't suit them. typical.
                  Yeah for sure a sense of “all animals were equal but some animals were more equal than others”

                  How was it being there with your partner? I’m thinking of heading there next Monday with a CD friend who I’ve been hooking up with. Did you get a lot of interactive engagement? I’m assuming the numbers skew significantly to the single men vs trans girls/CDs/couples? Would love to hear a few details on how your time there was, feel free to PM if that works better, thx


                  • #10
                    The next “FabaLass MTF4M” night is Nov 28. (6pm-12pm). I’m downtown for work every Monday so its an easy walk up to the village after work.

                    Unless something goes sideways I’m going to try to attend this event and report back. This will be my first trip to Steamworks so I’ll be getting familiar with the club and seeing how the attendance of trans women is. I’m curious if trans women tend to attend with and only play with their partner or do solo trans women looking for partners attend etc.

                    So I’ll “take one”…or hopefully “give one” (I’m more of a top) for the team…lol.


                    • #11
                      Think I might do the same, it'll be my first time at an establishment like this. Sucks that it's on a Monday, but I want to see what life has to offer. Got a feeling it's harder for a bottom to find action in there.


                      • #12
                        Well…I think that depends. If you are specifically looking for a T-girl to top you, who knows.

                        Someone in another thread said they just go on regular nights and wait in their room with the door open, blind fold on and ass up. The blindfold is definitely a personal choice, but they just prefer the anonymous interaction.

                        I think if you were just looking to bottom (regardless of who’s topping you) you’d have no trouble getting your “fill”…yes, pun intended.


                        • #13
                          Opened door and blindfolding sounds extremely hot! I wish I'd be brave enough to try....


                          • #14
                            It’s amazing


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Cowboy905 View Post
                              It’s amazing
                              Any chance you feel like giving us a bit more info. Also curious as hell but getting that specific one day per month off is a bit of a push

