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Goodhandys, fun .... but

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  • #16
    Tasha is smart. She understands what the long game is all about. It's called treating people fairly, not taking advantage of the situation, and acting with respect . . . that's why the customers keep knocking on her door


    • #17
      Sorry , I meant to say Lisa Paradise. i don't know about Tasha, but my comment was meant to be about Lisa.


      • #18
        Originally posted by samlord View Post
        Sorry , I meant to say Lisa Paradise. i don't know about Tasha, but my comment was meant to be about Lisa.
        awe ya just ruined tashas day lol but thanks babe
        SEMI-RETIRED 519-209-3058


        • #19
          No,GH is not the lounge. The girls miss the lounge too. The guys went there to have dances, not much else and the girls made money to pay their rent.

          GH's is more of a bar as opposed to a strip club. A lot of guys go there only to have a drink. Many of the guys just hang around the bar not even talking to the girls. More often then not, when girls spend a lot of time with a guy they find out he just wanted some company while drinking. They are little gun shy because of this and not apt to approach you.

          If you want a dance there, just ask. The girls would be happy to oblige.

          And to the original topic. Paying $40 bucks for 2 minutes sucks. I would go near that girl again.



          • #20
            Originally posted by wilbee View Post
            very different from the lounge, every time I was there the girls were all eager to dance for you, at GH you can sit by yourself all night, nobody will say a word to you, they all hang out together in the back.
            I haven't been in a long time because it's no fun there
            So went again Monday, I was very curious to see Kymlie.
            I hadn't been for months, was hoping things had improved, but after standing around more than an hour without a hello or anything from the girls (and there were lots of them) I left.
            I had brought lots of cash to waste on dances, but the girls again were all at the back of the place hanging out.
            I am a pussy and wont go interrupt a conversation to ask for a dance, so I just stood around.

            I'm headed back to the other strip bars, I miss being hit up for dances.

            Damn I miss the lounge.


            • #21
              i was there?

              I was actually one of a few girls walking around that night.i rarely make an appearance there.
              Just a fly on the wall


              • #22
                I was there on Tuesday night. It's the first time in a few months that I have been there. I had a great time. One of the girls recognized me on the way in and said hello and we started chatting, so I spent most of the night chatting with several of the girls, in between going upstairs for some dances with a couple of girls. I was surprised that the girl I originally started talking to never asked me if I wanted a dance, I had to ask her if she would like to dance for me. She said that she is really shy and doesn't ask guys if they want a dance, she waits to be asked. One of the things I love about Tgirls is how ultra-feminine they are and I think along with that ultra-femininity comes the shy girl wanting to be pursued by the man mentality. (And all the girls there Monday night were absolutely stunning.)That may be part of the issue, but I also think it must be hard to continually ask guys if they want a dance and get rejected. As someone stated earlier it is more of a bar atmosphere and many of the guys just want to have a drink and enjoy the scenery but aren't interested in going upstairs for a dance.

                Sometimes I feel like i'm back in highschool and get shy around the girls. I had that issue when Danika Dreams was there. I went specifically to meet her and when she was standing at the bar beside me, I found myself too shy to talk to her! LOL! One of the other girls I had been speaking with found out and brought her over to talk to me. I have found all the girls there to be infinitately approachable and more than willing to chat with you if you simply say hello. Unlike in highschool, most of the girls are nice and are there specifically to dance and earn money just like GGs at a strip club. Initially I was very shy around the girls and "afraid" to make eye contact with anyone because I'm used to "regular" strip clubs where if you make eye contact it means they are going to be coming over and trying to convince you to get a dance. Lots of "high pressure sales" in strip clubs makes me uncomfortable and so I tended to avoid making any eye contact or motions towards a girl unless it was someone I wanted a dance from. Since then I have learned that is not the case at GH and is in fact the exact opposite where a lot of the girls will not approach you even if you make eye contact and if you want to chat or get a dance then you must approach them. I love GH, but I always feel like a kid in toysrus when I am there. I want to play with everything I see! LOL! I love Tgirls and am basically just one giant raging hormone when I am in that club. But, I am also interested in getting to know the girls socially and it is the only place I have found to meet Tgirls. I enjoy that no pressure atmosphere where I can just approach a girl and chat with her and not have "high pressure" expectations of going for a dance right away. There are obviously some girls that will approach you and ask if you would like a dance, but I think the majority will not.

                My advice is "Luck favours the bold". Don't be shy, approach the girls and strike up a conversation, get to know them. You may still have to ask a girl to dance for you even after chatting with her for a while, but fortunatly it's not like highschool, where only the quarterback gets a date with the hot girls. Most of the girls are just waiting to be approached and asked.

                Thank goodness I live an hour and a half away or I'd be there everyweek and broke from spending all my money on dances.


                Last edited by alwayshornyguy; 10-25-2010, 06:36 PM. Reason: Had to fix a typo.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by alyssa1 View Post
                  I was actually one of a few girls walking around that night.i rarely make an appearance there.
                  saw you, you looked fantastic, love the new tattoos.

                  If you had hit me up for a dance I'd have been all over that lol
                  Be Excellent to One Another.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Crag Rockheart View Post
                    You did the exact right thing.
                    Their loss, not so much yours.
                    I agree with Rockheart... Money runs this world, but there's no sense in getting in a fuss over paper. Good man, good man.


                    • #25
                      I went by Goodhandy's last night and it was a pretty damn hot scene for a Tuesday. I don't know if all the girls circulated an email beforehand or something saying "let's all just wear lingerie" but it was a horny, startling spectacle.
                      There were about 10 of 'em there when I checked in, and I could barely believe my good fortune. I just had to buy Nadia a drink, she looked so good, and I also felt compelled to tip Jenny after her stage routine; I was totally captivated. I'm undecided on whether Montreal or T.O. has the hotter girls, but Toronto clearly has more than enough - especially when you gather them under one roof.


                      • #26
                        Can I expect the experience to be similar to The Lounge that used to be in Mississauga? I had a couple of memorably experiences, err, dances there. And how early in the evening is too early?


                        • #27
                          I've never been. What sort of "perks" can I expect from a dance in comparison to a regular strip bar?


                          • #28
                            This may be a dumb question...but...can real women go there n have fun to
                            It looks like a very fun place


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Drew Of Niagara View Post
                              This may be a dumb question...but...can real women go there n have fun to
                              It looks like a very fun place
                              I don't see why not. It's a bar/club after all. If you need a male escort, I'd be more than happy to offer my services. I do find it a fun place to hang out and I would be interested to see a GG's perspective of the place. I have found the girls to all be super friendly and I would bet more than a few would not mind female attention. good luck and let me know what you think of the place.



                              • #30
                                thankyou hunn, I was thinking I wanna go bi male friend is "up" for it to

