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Club Wanda's in Montreal Opens its doors to Transsexuals Strippers

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  • Club Wanda's in Montreal Opens its doors to Transsexuals Strippers

    Salut tout le monde!

    Je viens tout juste de terminer mes negociations avec les proprietaires du Club Wanda's et j'ai l'heureuse nouvelle a vous communiquez que LE CLUB WANDA'S a accepte toutes mes conditions. Nous avons dore et deja un endroit sain, propre et heterosexuel pour nous les filles transsexuelles a Montreal, pour travailler comme stripteaseuses. Le club est hyper propre et offre une clientele d'une haute qualite.

    Le Club Wanda's sera le premier etablissement au Quebec a avoir des danseuses nues transsexuelles mixtes avec des danseuses nues femelles. Le Club Wanda's a 4 etages de plaisirs et 4 planchers de danses. Nous avons le 3ieme etage a nous, le 4ieme etage pour les seances VIP et nous avons acces a tous autres etages pour travailler en prive avec des clients. Nous avons pense d'offrir le maximum de visibilite aux filles sur tous les etages de sortes a promouvoir les filles transsexuelles parmi toutes la clientele de l'etablissement.

    Je me suis tailler la place de gerante et suis en charge de toutes les applications des filles et de toutes les filles qui voudront travailler au Club Wanda's a partir de la semaine prochaine.

    Taux: $15/danse $150/heure et $300/heure VIP (pour debuter)

    Filles Trans: Pre-ops et Post-ops Acceptees egalement

    Horaires flexibles: Tous les Jours, Soirs et fin de semaines

    Pour Qui: Toutes filles Trans qui se respectent et qui veulent travailler dans un endroit Heterosexuel. Quelle soient de Montreal ou de peut importe au Canada. Les filles seront cependant selectionner selon un processus d'emploi. Nous recherchons les plus belles filles Transsexuelles du Canada.

    Gestion de Modeles Porno possibles pour celles interessees.

    Appelez-moi pour une interview et pour toutes vos requetes les filles.

    Je suis disponible Tous les jours pour vous repondrent entre 10am et Minuit.

    Erotiquement Votre,

    Bibiane Bovet
    514 647 6969

    Hello everyone!

    I have just finished the negotiations with the owners of Club Wanda's and I have great news to tell you, and that is that CLUB WANDA's has accepted all my conditions. We have from now on a healthy and heterosexual place for us girls, to work at, as strippers. The club is uber clean and offers a high-quality clientele.

    The Club Wanda's will be the first establishment in Quebec to have transsexuals nude dancers mixed with female nude dancers. The Club Wanda's has 4 floors of pleasures and 4 dancing stages. We have the 3rd floor to ourselves and the 4th floor for VIP sessions, as well as access to all other floors and private rooms to work in private with some customers. We have thought of everything and to offer the maximum visibility to tgirls on all floors, in a way to promote all tgirls among all customers throughout the establishment.

    I have sliced myself a managing position and I am the one receiving all the applications and managing all the girls who want to work at Club Wanda's, starting next week.

    Pay Rates: $15/danse $150/heure and $300/heure VIP

    Opened to ALL Tgirls: Pre-ops and Post-ops also

    Flexible schedules: Every day, Evenings and Weekends

    Who Can Apply: All Tgirls who respect themselves and who want to work in a Heterosexual environment. Whether they are from Montreal or elsewhere in Canada. ALL tgirls will be, however, subjected to a selection process according to certain criteria of employment. We are seeking the most beautiful Trans-Canadian TGirls.

    Model Management potential for all interested in Porn productions and adult Modeling.

    Call me for an interview and/or all of your requests.

    I am available Every day for you, between 10am to Midnight.

    Erotically Yours,

    Bibiane Bovet
    514.647 6969
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Yet another great reason to go to Montreal.
    I was there on business a few months back and I was looking for a T-Girl club but had no luck. Next time I'm in Montreal I'll definitely have to check it out.


    • #3
      well im excited. When's the first night of dancing!!!!


      • #4
        Good gawd i haven't been to Wanda's in 20 years.Pit stop!!!


        • #5
          Club Wanda's Abandonned the Project - Lack of Vision

          Hi Everyone,

          I know that we all need a strip club in Montreal and that is much been awaited for. Especially that numerous girls are getting SRS this years and it would have been adequate and responding to a great need and desires to have a strip club for pre-ops and post-ops as well in Montreal.

          I am sorry but the owners changed their mind regarding having T-Girls in their club. They are afraid it might destroy their existing business.

          I am sorry for that. It would have been perfect for many girls are getting SRS this year and we all wanted to dance there. Someone or group need to come to Montreal and show these guys the business potential they are loosing.

          But I am considering creating an agency and recruit all the tgirls across Canada including myself that wish to dance and book us as a floating team for special nights at all the clubs around the country.

          I think that this idea can spur some interest and vision amongst some club owners that have better entrepreneurial skills than these guys at Club Wanda's.

          It is regrettable that they let go of this project. But I can only comply with it for the moment.

          Sexily Yours,

          514 647 6969


          • #6


            • #7

