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So what happened at Goodhandy's lately...

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  • #76
    Great night

    Another great night in Great place, the last night in GH it was busy and lots a girls. Meet up with friends had blast.
    The Visiting Montreal Girl Sarah looks awesome and she really know how to dance such a great performance she did last night.

    Wish you all of you Happy New Year

    Thank you,
    update April 12 2020:- I have not been outside of Toronto in last two months.

    Art is a God gift. Entertainers, Strippers, Escorts and Porn Stars are an Art please Respect the Artiste.

    Since everyone ask for Kik id.- born2makehappy.
    Please say your from forum. Thanks!
    Patience with others is Respect!!!

    It is not the size of the weapon that matters it is the furies of the attack that matters.


    • #77
      Originally posted by youngboy4ts View Post
      Another great night in Great place, the last night in GH it was busy and lots a girls. Meet up with friends had blast.
      The Visiting Montreal Girl Sarah looks awesome and she really know how to dance such a great performance she did last night.

      Wish you all of you Happy New Year

      Thank you,

      Sounds like good times.

      Happy New Year!
      "The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money costs less." -Brendan Francis :D


      • #78
        Any ladies heading out to Goodhandys tonight. Thinking of going down for the first time in six months, wondering who I might see there.


        • #79
          As the days go on I find myself at Goodhandy's less and less. I find myself posting less and less. I find myself involved in the community less and less. However, it will never leave me.

          I tend to go to Goodhandy's once every two to three months. Without fail, I always manage to see the lovely Jenllani. She is the one person I can always count on. A true friend who really put out well in that foursome Madplotter, youngboy4ts and myself are in fact a dynamic trio. We are well recognized within the community, if not by avatar then by face.

          Last time I went it was fairly busy with about 10-12 girls there. Todd is always a delight and friendly guy. You would be surprised, he has a lot to say and has a good head on his shoulders if he is not to busy to talk. Unfortunately, for myself and has been for quite a while, that I use Goodhandys strictly as a place to socialize. Some girls do not care to socialize of course, but I have found that extracting conversation aside from constant sexual innuedos is difficult.

          I poke and prod with questions realizing that everything seems to revert back to sex. I truly loved talking to the girls with careers and ambitions besides escorting. Tasha Jones wanted to be nurse for example. Alyssa always had good stories to share. Many though, simply an ass pinch and away you go. Perhaps I have just come to realization that an ass pinch is great, but starting to value something more than just sex. I am still a horny bastard though and Goodhandy's has quenced that thirst over the years for which I am thankful for.

          I find animousities between the CDs and T-girls unless they are already friends. CDs give some very good conversations actually for those who are nervous and want to really strike up a chord. They are usually just as nervous as you. The biggest benefit to Goodhandys that I can deny, it is the only place where I can act and be myself without judgement. It is a feeling worth more than money. More than any escort that is for sure. To chat with friends and fellow admirers in a non-judgemental environment can make that week. It can also make it depressing when reality sets in.

          At the end of the day, we can discuss how Goodhandys is on end. What happened that week and who showed up, but it is the memories you take home with you that matter most. I have many a stories of going to bars after Goodhandys, late dinners, after hours clubs and to some girls places. I think reading week would be a great time to check out the place again, perhaps create more fond memories and meet some old friends as it has been a while. Madplotter, I'll give you a ride. Sorry for the rant, just have not posted in a while.


          • #80
            Originally posted by sensual_lover20 View Post

            I tend to go to Goodhandy's once every two to three months. Without fail, I always manage to see the lovely Jenllani. She is the one person I can always count on. A true friend who really put out well in that foursome Madplotter, youngboy4ts and myself are in fact a dynamic trio. We are well recognized within the community, if not by avatar then by face.

            Awwwww! Thank You! sensual_lover20, very sweet of you to mention that. And as you know by now and must always remember, that you can have me at 'HELLO!' and to Madplotter and youngboy4ts, they know they can have me at 'WASSUP!'

            As well as to those nice and sweet people I met @ Goodhandy's, Thanks a million!

            " To the world you maybe just one person, but to one person you maybe the world ."

            "Never lie to someone who trusts you, and never trust someone who lies to you."

            "Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it."


            • #81

              Where is my prize?!?

              Originally posted by jenllani View Post

              Awwwww! Thank You! sensual_lover20, very sweet of you to mention that. And as you know by now and must always remember, that you can have me at 'HELLO!' and to Madplotter and youngboy4ts, they know they can have me at 'WASSUP!'

              As well as to those nice and sweet people I met @ Goodhandy's, Thanks a million!


              • #82

                Originally posted by sensual_lover20 View Post

                Where is my prize?!?

                You can claim your special prize during our distinct office hour from 8pm - 2am eastern standard time. Please bring your ID.

                And! speaking of sweet people. last night I met tgirl Nikki and I was present when she spent a countdown for her special day!

                Happy Birthday!!! Nikki

                ( and because I don't drink, I forgot to offer to buy her a drink, I forgot that, that is the usual offertory for the celebrant. can I just offer you this instead ?)

                Click image for larger version

Name:	Hunky Doodle.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	31.1 KB
ID:	462931
                Last edited by Lani; 02-03-2012, 08:56 PM. Reason: Nikki is spelled with just 1 'k'

                " To the world you maybe just one person, but to one person you maybe the world ."

                "Never lie to someone who trusts you, and never trust someone who lies to you."

                "Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it."


                • #83
                  Happy Birthday!!! Niki

                  I give you Tom Hardy I love him so much , happy birthday sweetie
                  Originally posted by jenllani View Post

                  Happy Birthday!!! Niki

                  THE BEST of LOLA
                  Contact number : 416-4516442




                  • #84
                    Sorry, Nikki is spelled with 2 'K' (edit)

                    My fault, not LOLA

                    Originally posted by LOLA_ View Post
                    Happy Birthday!!! Nikki

                    I give you Tom Hardy I love him so much , happy birthday sweetie

                    " To the world you maybe just one person, but to one person you maybe the world ."

                    "Never lie to someone who trusts you, and never trust someone who lies to you."

                    "Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it."


                    • #85
                      Please bring your ID. Both of us look under 18.

                      I may be claiming it in the next month or so. Ohhhh, sometimes I get a good feeling. Get a feeling than I never never never never had before. Ohhh, I get a good feeling.

                      Though this year has been a great year for me...milestone in fact. Many a prizes to be had.

                      If I ever decide to move downtown, my life will be t-chaotic.

                      Happy Birthday as well Nikki. Hope as all is good with school...if you do read this forum still.

                      Originally posted by jenllani View Post

                      You can claim your special prize during our distinct office hour from 8pm - 2am eastern standard time. Please bring your ID.

                      And! speaking of sweet people. last night I met tgirl Nikki and I was present when she spent a countdown for her special day!

                      Happy Birthday!!! Nikki

                      ( and because I don't drink, I forgot to offer to buy her a drink, I forgot that, that is the usual offertory for the celebrant. can I just offer you this instead ?)



                      • #86
                        Originally posted by sensual_lover20 View Post
                        I poke and prod with questions realizing that everything seems to revert back to sex. I truly loved talking to the girls with careers and ambitions besides escorting. Tasha Jones wanted to be nurse for example. .
                        I did and am a nurse now. I always find Goodhandys a great place to meet and talk to the guys. I was just there this Tuesday and had a wonderful time as always. I love meeting the guys and talking to guys who I have known for years. Jenllani is always a pleasure out of any Trans I have every known she is and always has been at the top of my list of people I resepect and enjoy talking to. Always a smile and a warm hug.

                        People think it is all about sex but it really does not have to be. I go there for good times and not for sex nor money. I just enjoy a place that I can be myself and then be naughty if I choice to..
                        Peace, Love & Sex is how I am spending my days


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by TashaJones View Post
                          I did and am a nurse now. I always find Goodhandys a great place to meet and talk to the guys. I was just there this Tuesday and had a wonderful time as always. I love meeting the guys and talking to guys who I have known for years. Jenllani is always a pleasure out of any Trans I have every known she is and always has been at the top of my list of people I resepect and enjoy talking to. Always a smile and a warm hug.

                          People think it is all about sex but it really does not have to be. I go there for good times and not for sex nor money. I just enjoy a place that I can be myself and then be naughty if I choice to..

                          Awww! That is so sweet Tasha, Thank You!

                          The reason I never mentioned that I saw you @ Goodhandy's on some occasions, is because I could be infringing on your privacy and 'coz, I read before that you've stepped out of the scene, so I kept silent everytime I met you there. But it was I who really have the pleasure meeting you there every time. You're looking so beautiful than ever, and have that new aura of peace on your face.

                          I read the whole diary of what transpired in your personal life. And more than ever, I admire your strength, courage and tenacity against the endless innuendos. But you pass the storm with dignity and pride. And please say hello to your Dr. Hubby, it's an honor to meet him too.

                          " To the world you maybe just one person, but to one person you maybe the world ."

                          "Never lie to someone who trusts you, and never trust someone who lies to you."

                          "Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it."


                          • #88
                            Thank you Jenllani, that is why I respect you because first and foremost you have always respected others and been a supportive person. You?re correct; I have stepped away from the Trans world for the most part. But it is still nice when I come to town to be able to have Goodhandy?s that I can step back into for a night have my fun, wear something other then scrubs and then come back to Halifax to my full time life. So please feel free whenever you see me to tell the members how sexy I look?hahaha or how naughty I was?

                            Thank you for reading my blog. I did go though the worst time in my life. The hardest part for me was, for someone who has been so open about her life over the years dealing with what I had to deal with was just to public and I truly needed for the first time to shut down and deal with it in private. It was so personal and raw that I really became overwhelmed. Fear of what people would just assume was hard because I have never really cared what anyone thought.

                            It is over for now?.I feel I had to go though it to really see how cold, nasty and vindictive the Trans world could be. In some ways I am glad it happened because it forced me to see that being in this life was unhealthy. So as they say everything happens for a reason.

                            I will tell the hubby. He really enjoyed meeting you as well?

                            Thanks again
                            Peace, Love & Sex is how I am spending my days


                            • #89
                              April 19th, 2012 @ Goodhandy's

                              I have come to the realization that on April 19th, 2012, the following visiting girls will be in Toronto: Paris and Mercedez from Montreal, Hannah Lea and Akira from Calgary. If there is even the smallest chance that one of these duos will pop in on that Thursday night, I want to be there! I hope a couple of them drop by. Please please please..

                              And of course our regular bevy of Toronto beauties will be there.
                              "The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money costs less." -Brendan Francis :D


                              • #90
                                Yes, that would be nice. What a great way to kick off spring!

