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  • #16

    Originally posted by sadeh;[INDENT
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    • #17
      Click image for larger version

Name:	image_67996.jpg
Views:	529
Size:	20.3 KB
ID:	493243 how do you like it...

      its all good ....

      Originally posted by tsbanger View Post
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      Last edited by sadeh; 06-03-2024, 08:44 PM.


      • #18
        Sex can definitely have therapeutic effects. When you have sex with another person you get the physical contact we all need and you get a bit of exercise (at least you'll get the blood pumping) and (hopefully) one or more orgasms.

        During an orgasm endorphins are released inside you body, endogenous morphine that will relieve stress and give you a nice feeling overall. You're basically high (and it's legal so enjoy it)

        Unfortunately not everyone have access to sex, masturbation can only provide the orgasm. There are escorts that can provide the whole package but it's quite expensive, not mention illegal in many parts of the world.

        Sex is a therapeutic pleasure for some of us, for others the lack of sex is a cause of stress, sorrow, self-loathing and dispair.


        • #19
          don't get mad, get crazy



          • #20
            Originally posted by sadeh View Post
            don't get mad, get crazy
            All the amphetamine in the world wouldn't be enough to make me do that


            • #21

              Originally posted by Sorcisto View Post
              All the amphetamine in the world wouldn't be enough to make me do that

              Great video! Do they have that much meth out there to begin with? LOL! I am glad that someone picked up old J. B. after the legal fiasco. Great to see that he is still getting work. LMAO!

              The pain in so many asses.


              • #22

                its all about sex, and obviously he has natural adrenaline, you do too, its called your essence don't squirt it all out, so then you can twerk it !

                Originally posted by Photo Mann View Post
                Great video! Do they have that much meth out there to begin with? LOL! I am glad that someone picked up old J. B. after the legal fiasco. Great to see that he is still getting work. LMAO!



                • #23
                  movie time



                  • #24

                    the best sex is when you have sex when you most desire it, and let go of that ego,
                    smile and make the best of it !

                    Just don't lose control, keep the power !


                    • #25
                      sex drive

                      Certain individuals may sometimes be envious simply the fact is that tg's and our lovers have more fun. Its natural that we have a higher sex drive than most gg's.

                      Admiring ones physique, is simply enjoying what nature has offered.

                      Making you feel good is the best remedy to beat society blues.

                      Cheer up, and enjoy your sex life !
                      Attached Files


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by sadeh View Post
                        Certain individuals may sometimes be envious simply the fact is that tg's and our lovers have more fun. Its natural that we have a higher sex drive than most gg's.
                        To be perfectly honest, I have no envy towards tg's or their lovers. I do, however, envy people who get to live out their sexuality.

                        Originally posted by sadeh View Post
                        Cheer up, and enjoy your sex life !
                        Actually, I don't feel that I need to cheer up, for the most part I'm quite alright. I'll make sure to enjoy my sex life if I should happen to get one.

                        (Please, don't take this the wrong way. I'm just trying to say that sex shouldn't be taken for granted)


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by sadeh View Post
                          Certain individuals may sometimes be envious simply the fact is that tg's and our lovers have more fun. Its natural that we have a higher sex drive than most gg's.

                          Admiring ones physique, is simply enjoying what nature has offered.

                          Making you feel good is the best remedy to beat society blues.

                          Cheer up, and enjoy your sex life !
                          higher sex drive? how?
                          Orgoporno. Coming soon



                          • #28
                            Sex is...

                            I have been assessing myself lately by watching a lot more pornographic videos, photos. I have realized that there are certain parts of sex I prefer to other parts, or excersises. I am attracted to handsome, healthy, athletic men with a 8" dick, thick and firm , well groomed and good hygiene. I am also attracted to men who have penis piercing in particular, the ring on the head of the penis. I enjoy fetishes and lots of role play.
                            I enjoy massage and erotic touch sessions, body. With a boyfriend I trust is one of the goals in mind.

                            Some of my partners have really enjoyed themselves and I find a connection, or something I like about them that makes them sexy, even if I might not have crush.

                            jock strap and athletic underwear
                            athletic gear football shoulder pads
                            restraints and blind folds
                            ice play
                            toy play

                            Kissing is so personal and so intimate. It really changes sex, the desire not to kiss is just as sexy as to kiss.

                            I do not exchange semen and precum fluids, as well as avoiding mouth to rectal contact(rimming).
                            Certain viruses can be transferred this way. Hpv, Herpes, Hepititis and many other sti's.

                            Every party should have balloons, choose your condom size and type well, quality condoms usually come in a more secure package. Lubricants water base, rather than synthetics.
                            Last edited by sadeh; 01-27-2015, 01:09 PM.


                            • #29
                              take it

                              Come and suck my big black dick , be my bitch,


                              • #30
                                They call me 'Honeysuckle' . . .

                                Originally posted by sadeh View Post
                                Come and suck my big black dick , be my bitch,
                                Anything else? Or should I just cum over? LOL!

                                The pain in so many asses.

