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  • #61
    Attached Files
    Last edited by sadeh; 05-02-2015, 08:27 PM.


    • #62
      SADEH honey

      the truth shall set you free.

      My mother named my middle name 'Asad', when I was born.
      Asad means Lion, in Arabic.

      You may think a cat is harmless, until you hear this cat roar.

      A lot of people don't know me as my actual name, Its a long name my mother and father named me at birth.
      I have three middle names after my first name, and not including my fathers first name, which is my fifth name .
      Welcome to my foreign culture.
      Some of my family are married to Christian families, Muslim, Hebrew , we are all one family,
      There are even Asian family members in my family tree, you would be surprised if you sat with me,
      a story I can tell you over dinner a five course dinner.

      Since the world is in a state of crisis, So many people are in fear of Islamic culture, muslims and arabs ...
      I have decided to remain private, otherwise I will have FBI and Mossad at my door, in 1 minute,
      so for my own peace of mind, I sweetened up the tune to Sadeh Honey.

      I have an Irish friend Sean I met, he is a keen, intelligent, kind man, however he was not familiar about my origins and the culture I come from.
      He said 'these Taliban and muslims are bad people and their dangerous, why are the muslims bad people'.

      I said, Muslims are good people, (Taliban and Isis are not muslims),
      Isis and Taliban are extremists and they want to change islam with evil.

      I also told my Irish friend, look how the IRA has devastated families and the Irish culture for over two decades, world wide. So the IRA are white extremists and have bombed Ireland within its self caused alot of Political power changes to free the Irish from England.

      Ireland is a beautiful Celtic culture, and The real Christian Protestant church believes there is a holy grail.

      IF you don't know what the holy grail is, Holy Grail refers to the children/child of Jesus - Isa,
      The Jesus family ancestry has been kept a secret, even today, there are members of this family and no one knows except for those who are supposed.

      I have read the Torah, the new testament of the bible and the Holy Quran.

      I testify that God has created all man equal, however man does not treat man equally.
      Last edited by sadeh; 04-19-2015, 06:05 PM.


      • #63
        Good man

        Good men are hard to find, I'm Hard for a goodman
        Attached Files


        • #64
          SADEH honey for the $

          Friends are neighbours, family and lovers...

          Money is my friend as well,
          so i have the best type of friends my family that loves me, my long life friends, I am blessed i thank you God everyday!
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          Last edited by sadeh; 04-19-2015, 06:57 PM.


          • #65

            .. Escape reality and live within your fantasy, surreal imagination of the Shemale, transsexual, ladyboy world ...
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            • #66
              SADEH honey



              • #67
                Ya Salaam


                Some Cultures honour women, and place them on a high chair.
                Islam is one culture that remains faithful to women and their place in Society, Muslim men tend to their women in a very fragile manner. In Islam when a man and woman are promised to each other, they vow to be faithful.

                Muslim Women usually cover up in public wearing traditional Islamic fashions, usually do not emphasize a woman's curves. She only shares her sexy manner and reveals her body to Her husband only, and not in public.
                Muslim man can have upto four wives, as long as he is equally responsible for each woman and their children.

                So Shemales are a very rare specie in the World, a lot of Men really should appreciate that they can have a chance with someone special as themselves.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by sadeh View Post

                  My 9" inch hard joystick...
                  This is for all of the nonbelievers.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Copy of JS282-PC-Joystick-JS282-PC-Joystick-.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	20.9 KB
ID:	503727
                  Last edited by alex99; 05-01-2015, 12:36 PM.


                  • #69
                    Generous gentleman


                    Attached Files


                    • #70
                      Generous gentleman

                      Nabila Emirates and Sultan al Khaliji
                      UAE elite night club



                      • #71
                        Tight ....

                        Attached Files


                        • #72
                          Honour ... respect

                          Someone I thought was a friend turned out to be a complete stranger, hungry to destroy, disrespectful and a hater of tgirls.

                          It all started last year I met this guy from Newfoundland, we were friends till he crossed the line. He needed a place to stay when he came to Alberta.

                          Unfortunate for me, he stayed with me for 1 week, after the 2nd day of him being here, he started the shit. Talking to neighbours in my building about me.

                          He had the fucking nerve to make alliances with this old crack head bastard from Grande Prairie in my building that lives on a lower floor.

                          He would always say ohhh , im going to the store or oooh I have to get something from my truck. So he would go visit the old crack head downstairs.

                          How do I know, he was buying drugs from him, that's right, this NewFoundlander and old man had a very troubled alliance.
                          So then I recently said to him "I don't want you to ever contact me again", it caused so much drama with my neighbours, one guy I trusted in my bed became my new nightmare.

                          And to make it all more clear, he is involved in organized narcotics trafficking. Shame.

                          Any one who profits off anyone, to destroy others lives with drugs is not worthy to be my friend. And that's exactly what I said to him. "Your not worthy."

                          If he tries one more time with me, i'll have the feds on him, like Bush on Saddam. Be aware of a wolf in sheep clothing as the saying goes.

                          The reality is that there is a lot of hate for transsexuals and transgender , as well as gay people.
                          I have experienced it in my own life, I always surround myself with the good.
                          Its simply unfortunate truth, I have fought and stood up for what I believe, and its a slap in the face is a thankyou from some that are oppressed because they choose not to find their light.

                          Communities have to join together and stand together. Negativity starts with ignorance,
                          people need to educate themselves and be curious.

                          Earlier this year a friend of mine Sumaya - Gizzelle Fox was murdered in a hate crime.
                          Honestly it took me so long to come to reality with fact that she was murdered, the depression lingered on for weeks, however I remember all the good and fun times we shared and all the best of her.

                          It has forever changed the way I approach my relationships with any shemale transgender transsexual admirer.
                          Even new friends, I hesitate to trust.

                          The community still fights for resolution and investigations will be dropped because she was a transsexual and her life had no value to the police community.

                          Police and drug related gangs always terrorize and control transgender, lesbian, gay people.
                          I had an incident in my own life when I was bullied by a law enforcement officer, so I stated the truth to my counsellor at the community center.
                          After him writing a letter to the Police commissioner, he as well was threatened and told to keep out of it.
                          Simply because he assisted me.

                          So I did it myself, I went to the police station and told them my story I was being harassed by law enforcement officers, I gave the badge numbers, the dates and times of trouble.

                          LGBT rights are important only when advocated, but not when its been decided as a taboo.
                          Last edited by sadeh; 05-21-2015, 05:59 PM.


                          • #73
                            Sadeh honey.

                            Take our time ....
                            Attached Files


                            • #74
                              Sadeh honey

                              Life is precious every moment is ...
                              Attached Files


                              • #75
                                Sadeh honey

                                Attached Files

