LOUISIANA: Red-Caped Catholic Loons Protest Library Hosting "Satanic" Drag Queen Story Hour [VIDEO] - Joe.My.God.
joemygod.com - From the red-caped Catholic loons at Tradition, Family, and Property: When ?gender fluid? story books replace Little Red Riding Hood, we should ask ourselves: Has society sunk lower than Sodom and Go?
Tweeted by @TransNewsGirl https://twitter.com/TransNewsGirl/st...41765041946624
joemygod.com - From the red-caped Catholic loons at Tradition, Family, and Property: When ?gender fluid? story books replace Little Red Riding Hood, we should ask ourselves: Has society sunk lower than Sodom and Go?
Tweeted by @TransNewsGirl https://twitter.com/TransNewsGirl/st...41765041946624