Guys beware of this photoshopped edited pictures of this FRAWD shemale named ZOYA ROTALA. She will talk to you very politely before visiting. And when you visit her she will just loot you take your everything and you can not do anything because she always moves with one of his GAY friend. She will threaten you calling her gay boyfriend who is really muscular and you have to give your everything as she will threaten you for complaining to police also. So better don't visit this person. It is my experience. Further it is your decision. And one more thing. She is very manly. Speaks like a man. And literally no boobs.. flat chested boy is she, not a real shemale. Don't get fascinated by watching her Twitter videos just like me.. i also get fascinated by these Twitter videos and got looted.. the Twitter videos are all her gay friends or something like that. She will demand more money than the amount which will be decided earlier before meeting. After entering her room she will say give me more money then I will give you some service otherwise its only my visiting charges, not service charges. She will loot you saying this type of words. So please be aware guys.