Here's what it would of looked like had I went ahead with BA. Decided ass/hips was more important. Hope it's the right decision.
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The boobs I would of had
Originally posted by justvisiting2016 View Postyour natural breasts look really good as most people here have already said. You made the right choice to focus on something else. Just my two cents. Don't mess with your ass. It will look way out of proportion if you implant or get a brazilian butt lift type of injection. I can understand if you were "flat' , but you have a very good looking ass and there is no need to change it. Do some squatting with weights if you want to grow it naturally and have it fit in with the rest of your body.
Mine is actually quite flat, it's just the angle and the posture in the pictures which makes it look bigger/rounder.
I think it should be ok, I'm not planning on going to big, I will be mindful on proportions and it will be intramuscular placement as that helps to hide the edges and also makes a protective capsule within the muscles. The implants are also rupture proof.
Dr.Marc DuPéré at Visage Clinic is also specialized in body implants e:g butt/hips and highly recommended.
Here's a video from a Youtubera who did her butt, I think it looks really good and not awful at all. I'd being going for similar size wise or maybe a bit smaller as my thighs are thinner than hers.
at 24:15 shows fully healed butt.
Mostly what I'm having second thoughts over is how complicated it is for me to travel to Toronto and for accommodations, but I really really can't wait to wear some sexy shorts or pretty skirts etc....