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  • Corset

    Don't really have enough cleavage and im awkward but here's my 1st corset pics. enjoy if your able

  • #2
    It is grrat to be able to see these pictures again. Thanks for sharing. Very pretty you are in your corset...


    • #3
      Very lovely and do not worry about your breast size. There are a number of men who appreciate little to none


      • #4
        Originally posted by Thx1138 View Post
        It is grrat to be able to see these pictures again. Thanks for sharing. Very pretty you are in your corset...
        Merci, cest gentil, je suis contente que tu les aimes.

        Not sure why they got reposted, maybe it's to make me remember to appreciate what i do have instead of destroying it/myself because of what i don't have. But im almost back to how i was pre-relapses, whats quick to burn down is quick to build back up, my nodule things in my boobs almost disappeared but now they're back pretty much like they were, must be a good sign.


        • #5
          Originally posted by tao1kiku View Post
          Very lovely and do not worry about your breast size. There are a number of men who appreciate little to none
          Thank you, your sweet but of course i'll worry, a number of could mean like 2 men, or even 1, well i guess thats better than none, but really it's not only worrying about men liking or not, it's about the way clothing fits, such as corsets obviously, and now its hot season so I cant hide under layers, it's just complicated without proper cleavage but oh well there's way worse things in life and besides whats great about having no libido is seriously it doesnt matter all that much cuz im not gonna have sex with anybody.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Rockheart
            The cup half full....
            Ya like a AAAcup 😁


            • #7
              Originally posted by angrybitch View Post

              Merci, cest gentil, je suis contente que tu les aimes.

              Not sure why they got reposted, maybe it's to make me remember to appreciate what i do have instead of destroying it/myself because of what i don't have. But im almost back to how i was pre-relapses, whats quick to burn down is quick to build back up, my nodule things in my boobs almost disappeared but now they're back pretty much like they were, must be a good sign.

              Eh bien, ce ne sont que de bonnes nouvelles. Contente de l'entendre


              • #8
                Originally posted by Thx1138 View Post

                Eh bien, ce ne sont que de bonnes nouvelles. Contente de l'entendre
                Well except i tried on the french maid outfit and didnt like how i looked.

                But i just managed to feed this cat on the street who seems to be injured or something, i got close and he ate some candies i had and then i went and got him some canned food/crunchies and more candies. I think its a good start, finally!

                Maybe i'll try on the maid outfit again now that im feeling happy and put on some of the weight i lost. See look, my nodules are getting pretty big hehe


                • #9
                  All I need, is a mouthfull! You have that, and more!!! Asking for anything more than that is just greedy........ Let's keep you on the Lightside of things from now on.

                  cat challenges. It's nice you are reaching out to an animal in need. It is so hard and heartbreaking at times, but can very rewarding


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Thx1138 View Post
                    All I need, is a mouthfull! You have that, and more!!! Asking for anything more than that is just greedy........ Let's keep you on the Lightside of things from now on.

                    cat challenges. It's nice you are reaching out to an animal in need. It is so hard and heartbreaking at times, but can very rewarding
                    I guess bite size is convenient. In any case they only leave my bra for showers and sleep so it doesnt matter much.

                    Keep me on the lightside from now on... good luck

                    Ya im definitely on my way to being a cat lady!


                    • #11
                      Bite size...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by angrybitch View Post
                        Bite size...

                        Yum yum gimme some..... I'm hungry!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Thx1138 View Post

                          Yum yum gimme some..... I'm hungry!
                          Lol purely decorative, like those fake fruits, not edible sorry


                          • #14
                            How sad..... 😭


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by angrybitch View Post
                              Bite size...

                              How about this morsel?

