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Barbie S. says she dated Luka Magnotta

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  • #47

    The porn actor Luka Magnotta, 29 years, which shocked the Canada being accused of killing lover Lin Jun, 33, poke your body and eating parts of them, was tamb?m tinha bisexual and transsexual lover u called Barbie. The blonde gave interview to The Sun Newspaper and Magnotta said the assistir led to the movie "Instinct II Selvagem 'em what u um assassinato included dinner with the same weapon he used for the crime: u pickaxe to break gelo.

    "Quando hear that Luka was suspected of killing um homem, I was disgusted and disturbed. Never wanted to be found esse monster. I feel p?ssima Posse thinking that have come out with um homem uma fact that I HAVE coisa horr?vel uncle, "Says she, who suffered psychological consequence Hair crime:" Tinha panic attacks because he knew where I Moravians, and stood thinking that he would come back with me. "

    Barbie came to live with the suspect and m Toronto. "I apaixonei for he, BUT I HAVE to admit that he might have killed more Person".

    The dois em um if conheceram gay strip club. Quando foram juntos assistir the film to film, Barbie tells Luka that was excited: "Ele segurou Minhou HAND with fork during dinner algu?m m that was killed with a pickaxe."

    The courtship lasted two and four months, according to Barbie, they had sex infrequently, though Magnotta be porn star and male prostitute. "He had problems in sexual life. Never wanted to have sex with me or kiss me. I just wanted to hold my hand, "says the former.

    Magnotta was arrested two weeks ago in Germany, an international effort that also involved China, where the victim was born. He currently awaits extradition to Canada.

    In the barbaric crime, Magnotta sent the feet and hands of the victim to the two main political parties in Canada and two schools in the city of Vancouver. He also filmed the murder and put the video on the Internet, which, for Barbie, it means that his desire was to become famous: "He always said he wanted to be known one day."

    Months before the crime, the defendant published web videos in which he kills kittens.


    • #48
      I used google translate so some of it looks weird lol.. I tried the 2nd one but for some reason it couldnt translate it?


      • #49
        Originally posted by CandyLand View Post
        I used google translate so some of it looks weird lol.. I tried the 2nd one but for some reason it couldnt translate it?

        Thanks Anna, that was very sweet & kind & thoughtful of u to do. Btw, why were u so upset about me & Nina going public about going out with Luka Magnotta ? Do u think we were both fabricating the story just to get media attention so we can became more well known, or do u think only one of use lied to obtain fame ? lol


        • #50
          Originally posted by Barbie_Swallows View Post

          Thanks Anna, that was very sweert & kind & thoughtful of u to do. Btw, why were u so upset about me & Nina going public about going out with Luka Magnotta ? Do u think we were both fabricating the story just to get media attention so we can became more well known, or do u think only one of use lied to obtain fame ? lol
          You're welcome. Well I was not impressed with Nina's first comment on the subject. I found it to be very tabloidy and trashy. I found after that comment her next approach with the media I still had a bad taste in my mouth about her previous comments. I found no matter how educated she sounded at trying to possibly redeem herself for however she sounded in the previous statement it still came off as a means of getting her name out the and making a quick buck. Now as for your article I found it to be very much Barbie Swallows. The article sounded as if it was written by you very tabloidy and trashy. Now before you jump all over my last statement you have a way of going about things that is distinctly you. I by no means I am calling you trash. The article was just like a page out of a trash magazine. Sorry no of fence but the photos that they poorly photoshopped you in didn't really help matters either. All in all as I stated before when articles and statements are taken you have no control how they will write or interprate them. I would have to say I am more dissapointed in the media with how they are sensationalizing this and twisting it to their advantage to sell papers. Who knows what I would do if in your position. Do you and stay true to yourself. Other peoples opinions should have no effect on your life or how you go about it as long as your not hurting anyone and can live with your actions.


          • #51
            Originally posted by CandyLand View Post
            You're welcome. Well I was not impressed with Nina's first comment on the subject. I found it to be very tabloidy and trashy. I found after that comment her next approach with the media I still had a bad taste in my mouth about her previous comments. I found no matter how educated she sounded at trying to possibly redeem herself for however she sounded in the previous statement it still came off as a means of getting her name out the and making a quick buck. Now as for your article I found it to be very much Barbie Swallows. The article sounded as if it was written by you very tabloidy and trashy. Now before you jump all over my last statement you have a way of going about things that is distinctly you. I by no means I am calling you trash. The article was just like a page out of a trash magazine. Sorry no of fence but the photos that they poorly photoshopped you in didn't really help matters either. All in all as I stated before when articles and statements are taken you have no control how they will write or interprate them. I would have to say I am more dissapointed in the media with how they are sensationalizing this and twisting it to their advantage to sell papers. Who knows what I would do if in your position. Do you and stay true to yourself. Other peoples opinions should have no effect on your life or how you go about it as long as your not hurting anyone and can live with your actions.

            Oh my god,, everyone thinks the pics of me outside his apartment & the captain john boat is photoshopped, but the truth is, it is NOT. Trust me, i was there in person. I know it looks photoshopped, but its not. I showed them where he used to live at yonge/eglinton area, & the place he took me out for dinner at captain john at yonge/front st. when he ordered the limo for us. Anyways, i have already talked about Luka in the past on tgirlforums, and the fact i got a picture of me & him, backs up my story that its all true, that i really did in fact dated this retarded loser. He did all this for attention, to become famous, and the media gave him exactly what he wanted at the end, have his photo infront of every paper including McClains mag. Anyways, i didnt do anything wrong. Remember, they approched me, i didnt beg them to interview me nor did i wrote anything about Luka during the after math. U should at least have some respect for me for at least trying my best get attention off this by writing on tgirlforums about him. Yea i got payed for an interview, big deal. Its ok to get payed for sex, but not ok to get payed to do an interview... Hmmmm, is there something wrong here? lol


            • #52
              Originally posted by Barbie_Swallows View Post

              Oh my god,, everyone thinks the pics of me outside his apartment & the captain john boat is photoshopped, but the truth is, it is NOT. Trust me, i was there in person. I know it looks photoshopped, but its not. I showed them where he used to live at yonge/eglinton area, & the place he took me out for dinner at captain john at yonge/front st. when he ordered the limo for us. Anyways, i have already talked about Luka in the past on tgirlforums, and the fact i got a picture of me & him, backs up my story that its all true, that i really did in fact dated this retarded loser. He did all this for attention, to become famous, and the media gave him exactly what he wanted at the end, have his photo infront of every paper including McClains mag. Anyways, i didnt do anything wrong. Remember, they approched me, i didnt beg them to interview me nor did i wrote anything about Luka during the after math. U should at least have some respect for me for at least trying my best get attention off this by writing on tgirlforums about him. Yea i got payed for an interview, big deal. Its ok to get payed for sex, but not ok to do an interview... Hmmmm, is there something wrong here? lol
              I never said that I had no respect for you Barbie. As I said Do you and stay true to yourself. Other peoples opinions should have no effect on your life or how you go about it as long as your not hurting anyone and can live with your actions. I cant judge you by saying you made this up or made that up. That would be unfair as I do not know you or Luka and was not part of what you experienced with him.


              • #53
                Originally posted by CandyLand View Post
                I never said that I had no respect for you Barbie. As I said Do you and stay true to yourself. Other peoples opinions should have no effect on your life or how you go about it as long as your not hurting anyone and can live with your actions. I cant judge you by saying you made this up or made that up. That would be unfair as I do not know you or Luka and was not part of what you experienced with him.

                Anyways, after dating killer Luka Magnotta, I'm so scared of meeting new guys now, worried they too might snap and become mental like my xbf. Maybe i should become a lesbian or something. Hmmmm, i wonder if anyone would be interested in hiring an escort who used to date LM ? Perhaps i should make a home made parody porno of me & him together, and instead of him chopping people up, i do the world a favour and have the table turned around, lol. Oh i know that sounds disgusting and just horrible. I know theres some sick obsessed fans out there that love Luka, and would love to see a parody porno movie of his x-transsexual gf 'barbie swallows' in it and have some actor that looks like Luka, that i can have sex with & have some sick twisted story-line in it, similar to our real encounters. Sounds funny but at the same time, its not right, but at the same time, it would probaly make alot of $$$


                • #54
                  Originally posted by barbie_swallows View Post

                  anyways, after dating killer luka magnotta, i'm so scared of meeting new guys now, worried they too might snap and become mental like my xbf. Maybe i should become a lesbian or something. Hmmmm, i wonder if anyone would be interested in hiring an escort who used to date lm ? Perhaps i should make a home made parody porno of me & him together, and instead of him chopping people up, i do the world a favour and have the table turned around, lol. Oh i know that sounds disgusting and just horrible. I know theres some sick obsessed fans out there that love luka, and would love to see a parody porno movie of his x-transsexual gf 'barbie swallows' in it and have some actor that looks like luka, that i can have sex with & have some sick twisted story-line in it, similar to our real encounters. Sounds funny but at the same time, its not right, but at the same time, it would probaly make alot of $$$



                  • #55
                    Originally posted by Barbie_Swallows View Post

                    Anyways, after dating killer Luka Magnotta, I'm so scared of meeting new guys now, worried they too might snap and become mental like my xbf. Maybe i should become a lesbian or something. Hmmmm, i wonder if anyone would be interested in hiring an escort who used to date LM ? Perhaps i should make a home made parody porno of me & him together, and instead of him chopping people up, i do the world a favour and have the table turned around, lol. Oh i know that sounds disgusting and just horrible. I know theres some sick obsessed fans out there that love Luka, and would love to see a parody porno movie of his x-transsexual gf 'barbie swallows' in it and have some actor that looks like Luka, that i can have sex with & have some sick twisted story-line in it, similar to our real encounters. Sounds funny but at the same time, its not right, but at the same time, it would probaly make alot of $$$
                    Plus speaking like that doesnt really say much about you being fearful of him and all. Distinct stench of bs in the room.


                    • #56
                      Originally posted by CandyLand View Post
                      Plus speaking like that doesnt really say much about you being fearful of him and all. Distinct stench of bs in the room.

                      why the fuck should i be fearful now ? is he still out on the run ? no... hes locked up in prison!


                      • #57
                        Originally posted by Barbie_Swallows View Post
                        why the fuck should i be fearful now ? is he still out on the run ? no... hes locked up in prison!
                        I really have no desire to continue any type of conversation with you. You purposely say things to get a rise out of people and to get them going. I got over that stage in life when I was a teenager. Why would I want to take 10 steps back and lower myself to the level of a child? Dont bother addressing me further. Thanks


                        • #58
                          Originally posted by CandyLand View Post
                          I really have no desire to continue any type of conversation with you. You purposely say things to get a rise out of people and to get them going. I got over that stage in life when I was a teenager. Why would I want to take 10 steps back and lower myself to the level of a child? Dont bother addressing me further. Thanks

                          Excuse me hun, but i think your talking about ur sad miserable depressed self now. Look at ur own REFLECTION! Thank u.


                          • #59
                            Originally posted by Barbie_Swallows View Post

                            Excuse me hun, but i think your talking about ur sad miserable depressed self now. Look at ur own REFLECTION! Thank u.


                            • #60
                              Originally posted by CandyLand View Post

