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Public Consultation on Prostitution Law Changes

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  • Public Consultation on Prostitution Law Changes

    Please go to this website set up by the Feds and tell them that you favor the Bedford decision and the complete legalization of prostitution ! Otherwise we get stuck with the Nordic model which targets all buyers of sex services. Act now !!!

  • #2

    Fight the power!!!!
    "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than
    Standing in a garage makes you a car."


    • #3
      Done and done.

      I can't help to wonder how effective this will be. I do not have high hopes that our conservative government will do the right thing.


      • #4
        I done did it too!

        Originally posted by Telvin View Post
        Done and done.

        I can't help to wonder how effective this will be. I do not have high hopes that our conservative government will do the right thing.
        I agree completely with your position Telvin and I do believe, from what has already been said publicly by senior Cons, that the new regulations will effectively end up being little different than what is currently in place. The regulations may be worded differently but in practice will be designed to suppress prostitution in keeping with their ?Law & Order? mindset.

        For example, it seems to me that certain Cons are already expressing favour publicly for the Nordic way. In my opinion, the application of that system could quite possibly end up making things even worse than that which existed earlier!

        Nevertheless I did spend a lot of effort in adding my thoughts to the questionairre in the hopes that they would be read and actually considered.


        • #5
          Originally posted by toban View Post
          For example, it seems to me that certain Cons are already expressing favour publicly for the Nordic way. In my opinion, the application of that system could quite possibly end up making things even worse than that which existed earlier!
          I see it coming as Nordic model. The perfect choice for this government. All what you need to say is that "Scandinavian" countries are implementing such a model.

          But don'y worry boys, this is the oldest profession for a reason. Hobbyists will adapt and evolve


          • #6
            prostitution laws

            If the nordic model is adopted i believe and have heard that it will face a constitutional challenge. I truly believe that the way it is now LE doesnt enforce what was or is still on the books. the nordic model isnt enforced in the nordic countries in which ways people believe it is. most times it is due to public nuisance, or from other criminal activity- i do not believe that the government should be legislating morality


            • #7
              Spread the word

              At the very least, we can let the Conservatives know how we feel about the issue and hope they don't form the next government !


              • #8
                Comments submitted. Thanks for the link!


                • #9
                  Thanks for the heads up, having the Nordic model would be such a headache sigh. I'll try and spread this to groups on campus.


                  • #10
                    The Nordic system is not going to benefit sex workers or their clients!

                    Yes, if the PC’s get their way and pass the law implementing the Nordic model, their new Nordic System will be so tailored that it will change everything, particularly, as they have stated, for the “buyers“ of sexual services. As the PC’s seem to promote it, this proposed law is supposed to “help“ the sexually abused by coming down very hard on their “abusers“. I have no quarrel with any law that sincerely protects others from abuse but that is definitely not how the PC‘s envisage the way this Nordic system will operate with regard to sale of sexual services. I am certain the vast majority of sex-workers are not children smuggled into Canada and forced to work in slavery. Those poor souls do need protection from their abusers but those who work freely and voluntarily also need protection, protection from the government of Canada.

                    The PC Party is a very prejudiced body and in the past it's predecessors, the old Social Credit Party and it’s Bible thumping religious nuts of the past i.e. Premier William Aberhart, aka "Bible Bill" who was an Alberta radio evangelist and founder of the Party and his successor Premier E.C. Manning, another radio evangelist and father of Preston of the Reform Party of Canada. The original Social Credit Party of course morphed into the Reform Party which then was rolled into the present Conservative Party more recently. This early evangelical connection is the reason I so suspect the moralistic views of the current Government of Canada. One of the stated goals of their Law and Order agenda was to build more Gaols [the old English spelling still chiseled over the door of the local clink] so as to house the societal misfits (us) from amongst the righteous (them).

                    If I ever wish to receive moral guidance I would seek that assistance from some individual schooled in the field of morality. I definitely do not expect such help to come in the form of a law from any political party or, God help us all, from any politician.

                    In the Conservative Government's view, the sale of sexual services is a perverse activity and while they have intimated that female prostitutes will see less attention under the Nordic way I am sure it is not their intention to assist prostitutes in carrying on such activities. Johns though, are to be much more severely dealt with, and I suspect that in the Nordic way the “sellers“ who are caught up in "events" may probably not be treated so harshly as at present but required to attend "counselling" or some such other nonsense to enable them to “correct their ways“ so as to fit into the moralistic conservative world.

                    PLEASE - if you haven't already done so, go back to the first post and fill out that questionnaire. It may help ensure a more pleasant future!


                    • #11

                      what the world needs now, is love, sweet love its the only da da da daaa da .....

                      yes please fill out the forms and support the Bedford decision.
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Please tell your friends about the web site so they can add their concern over the Nordic model. Spread the news !!!!!!


                        • #13
                          Some Updates


                          WOW a whole month they gave for public input! I'm sure the Conservative party supporters got a memo 2 months in advance and got to post-date their responses.



                          • #14
                            Huh? Sign where??

                            Originally posted by Babe View Post
                            Hi all,

                            So i see the questions and i am FULL of answers for those questions BUT where do i sign, or, to where do i send the responses?

                            I don't have time to read the whole site to find out where, and i don't want to forget about this.

                            I just checked and i didn't notice where to send, or sign, or anything helpful.
                            Just lots of words and several questions that they want the public to answer, at first glance.



                            • #15
                              I think you?re too late Babe - the instructions were in Pantyhose?s first post in this thread. Those questions you saw were it and the deadline for any submissions was March 17th.

                              I doubt that the submissions will be considered seriously by this Gov?t anyway. Their decision had probably already been made by the kids in the PMO before they even asked for our input.

