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  • #16
    Originally posted by Locomotion View Post
    Problem is he's all looks but no substance.

    Most of the west did not vote for him. He was present when his old man gave us the finger, I would imagine he shares that attitude underneath all the political BS.

    There was a grass roots movement started after his election to create "The Republic of Western Canada". Not really a separatist movement, just a way for the west to control its own revenue to keep lefty airheads like Trudeau from bankrupting us with his Robin Hood tactics of stealing from the rich (Alberta) to give to the poor (the east, aka Liberal country).
    Why is he no substance?
    The guy has a gorgeous wife a great family and now he is Prime Minister, that is a hell of alot of substance.
    He is highly educated and accomplished, i'm not clear about all the continuous calls of airhead?
    He's more educated that all of us.

    Now the west has no money, how will he steal from it now?
    All governments do this, I'm not sure why you are blaming one party.
    In fact, with the dollar and economy the way it is there will be a big resurgence in manufacturing in the east,
    which will support the west in the same way. This happened for years before the big oil boom in Alberta. The country always tried it's best to balance the richer and poorer regions, no matter what party is in.

    In fact Harper cared way more about Israel, Ukraine, the Middle East and his reputation on the national stage more that what was happening in Canada. Citizens of other countries were more important to him than the people we have at home. He was a war monger and wanted to increase crime and punishment in Canada when every other country is going the opposite way.

    I don't see much logical sense here, just bitterness.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Pat View Post
      Cnn said after the election Trudeau was not capable of running a large corporation never mind the world's 12th largest economy.
      You may hate Harper but during the recession we were very lucky to have an economist at the helm instead of a drama teacher. We were the best performing economy of he G7 during the recession.
      Where the hell do you think the funds are going to come from to support a 10B dollar deficit?
      Just look at the Dyke Premier we have who has Ontario paying a billion a year just in interest on our provincial debt.
      Never mind giving the school unions 2.5M with no receipts whatsoever, but god help you id you get a Rev Can audit and don't have every receipt.

      Alberta is now closed thanks to the NDP. Interesting that it takes a license to drive a car but not to vote.
      And are we truly fucked up those of us that we born here to think you can be a terrorist and retain your citizenship? If all the immigrants left their countries because they were so bad why the hell do they want to recreate it here in Canada our country?

      Let me get my asbestos suit on for the onslaught of replies. The joy of Canada is w celebrate for the most part diversity but we have gone way too far so as I said watch out for what you wish.
      The weed will only generate 400m in tax revenue. But this is Candada and this is only my opinion and if you don't agree simply don't read it.
      The fact is he is smart and well educated in business and he could run a major corporation if he wanted to, who is CNN to say this, they are not even Canadian. What is so hard about running the 12th largest economy? It's not like he is doing it single handedly, there is other MPs and a cabinet. Ralph Goodale was already finance minister and he is re-elected, I am not clear where all this BS comes from. There is all sorts of pretty boys running large corporations looks and demeanor have nothing to do with it. People running corporations have to have people skills more than business skills anyway, they don't actually do any of the work. Most of the people running the economy are the workers that stay there no matter who is elected.

      Actually Trudeau is more educated than Harper and has probably taken near as many economics classes throughout his education. Harper was never really an economist, he just studied it. Economy classes are not business classes and do not teach anyone how to run a corporation, they only teach you economic theory. Most of economic theory is a bunch of crap and has never been proven. However some of the economics is follows patterns in economies over time. So it does have some good ideas what might happen in an economy but nothing for sure. Not like taking a business degree where you learn hard facts about business, like accounting and management. Economics is considered an "Arts and Humanties" subject just like a Drama Teacher. Ecomonics degrees are not related to business degrees much other than you need one economics class to get a degree in business.

      Harper enrolled at the University of Toronto but dropped out after two months.[13] He then moved to Edmonton, Alberta, where he found work in the mail room at Imperial Oil.[13] Later, he advanced to work on the company's computer systems. He took up post-secondary studies again at the University of Calgary, where he completed a bachelor's degree in economics in 1985. He later returned there to earn a master's degree in economics, completed in 1991.

      Trudeau has a Bachelor of Arts degree in literature from McGill University and a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of British Columbia. After graduation, he worked as a French and math teacher at West Point Grey Academy and Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School in Vancouver, BC.[19][20] From 2002 to 2004, he studied engineering at the ?cole Polytechnique de Montr?al, a part of the Universit? de Montr?al.[21] He also started a Masters degree in Environmental Geography at McGill University before suspending his program to seek public office.[22]

      Most of the other stuff if just a load they are feeding you. Everyone has the right to vote not just people who can pass a test, what does a drivers license have to do with anything. Are you trying to say some people are too stupid to vote? If you can only make an X on a ballot with your mouth and cannot speak or hear, you should still be able to vote. Just because you can't drive or are uneducated doesn't mean you don't get a say. This type of thinking is actually saying the majority of people in Canada are stupider than the chosen few.

      All this intolerance is part of the reason the PCs didn't get back in. Sure the premier of Ontario might be a dyke but how is that even related to their economic policy? In reality provincial governments are little influenced by their Federal peers. Saying what has happened in Ontario is one persons fault is ludicrous anyway. Again all the years the east was doing well they were funneling money west, now in the last 20-30 years things changed and the west had cash. They should just walk away from Canada when times are good? People seem to have a very short memory.

      I don't agree with foreigners coming here and not blending in, but this is happening all around the world. We can shut them out but that is now how countries grow. In the end the next generations of immigrants are much more the same as the people here first. Immigration happens no matter who is in office. I do agree we should take care of more people at home but Harper's government never cared much about home.

      As far as the weed goes you only mention the tip of the ice berg. Sure it will generate shit loads of sales tax but it will also create thousands of jobs which in turn will pay income tax. It will reduce the strain on prisons and save billions and billions of dollars in law enforcement. Police should be going after real criminals not pot smokers. It is less strain on the health system than alcohol or tobacco there really isn't a downside. The PCs were gearing up for more jails and putting more of us in them for profit. Please explain the major downside of legalizing weed, i dont' believe there is one.


      • #18
        One of the sad things about Harper's rule over the Conservative voters is how he has taught them to A) Ignore facts and truth and B) Personally attack and insult people who have different ideas instead of debate them.

        Part A is natural for evangelicals, but he has a lot in his base that are not; and they still fall for it and have locked into his dogma without even thinking. Somehow a former teacher who runs for a Conservative seat is cool, but Trudeau is somehow worthless because he had a teaching job (just one simple example).

        And for Part B. I have seen more of this from the average voter more than ever before. This guy here calling the Ontario premier a Dyke, or people calling Justin bad names because of his looks; it is what Harper has done to the Conservative movement in this country. Yes, it has always happened, but the sheer scope of the number of Conservative supporters who have morphed into nasty insulting human beings is really unfortunate.

        I find it sad to see and it may take another 10 years of different leadership for people to break free from that kind of nastiness. I hope for their sake their new leader is not Jason Kenney; if it is , they won't break away from this nastiness and negativity and will not form government for a long long time.

        I don't know If Trudeau will be great, average, or suck. However, he has EARNED this and now he has his 4 year run at it. Just shitting all over the guy because he is not Harper, and using Harper tactics of attacking looks or fear mongering is just really unfortunate to see with the damage Harper has done to the Conservative movement.

        And just to reiterate.... the country didn't blow up when Harper ran a half a dozen deficits; so to scream doom because Justin will run three is just plain fear mongering and ignorant. You can't say our economy was "the best in G7" while adding 150 billion to the national debt, yet a mere 10 billion from Trudeau is armageddon.


        • #19
          proves how democracy doesn't work.....people voted for him cos they liked his dad, and they reckon he's hot..
          Orgoporno. Coming soon



          • #20
            I came here to see some of that forbidden, low-hanging fruit, but got politics instead!

            p.s. No horses were beaten in the making of this post.


            • #21
              Considering that the right to vote is protected under the civil and human rights charter of Canada, you are threading on very shaking ground.

              Questioning the right to vote, is questioning our basic freedoms. This type of stuff is exactly what got the conservatives in trouble. This is democracy, where the majority party wins. If that doesn't do it for you, I recommend moving to a communist country. Democracy means the government represents the people as a whole, not choosing who can and cannot vote.

              This was proven in a 1993 court case involving Richard Sauve who was serving a life sentence. He won his appeal and he right to vote or inmates.

              1-They found the right to vote cannot be limited to decent and responsible citizenry. Governments have used this in the past to discriminate against citizens based on colour, race and gender in the past.

              2-courts ruled that they could not be banned from voting under the pretext that they were isolated from society as TV and newspapers were available so inmates could stay on top of developments.

              3-denying the right to vote is a blanket punishment.
              Shyla Wild
              Transsexual Escort of Choice
              Canada?s Finest

              Twitter: @Shylawild




              • #22
                Attached Files
                Last edited by alex99; 10-25-2015, 05:09 AM.


                • #23
                  Trudeau as PM ... just because his dad was famous and he's hot. lol

                  When I say that Trudeau has no substance, I mean he will be a weak leader. Sure, he has a nice family and is well educated ... but can you really see him sitting down with Putin and laying down the law regarding human rights etc.? It was brought up in one of his media scrums, and the audience laughed at the thought of this pussy cat getting tough with the asshole dictators of the world.

                  I saw this tool coming back at his father's funeral when he read that well written speech, and had the audience ooing and awing. Perhaps we should have elected his speech writer instead? Problem is no one knows his name and he's probably not as attractive as Trudeau Jr.

                  Alberta is going through another one of it's downturns, happens every few years but it will bounce back (probably once we get rid of the NDP). Regardless, this province is still the backbone of Canada's economy.

                  One thing is sure, if Trudeau Jr. tries another stunt like the "National Energy Program" that his old man introduced (taxing the snot out of the oil companies and transferring the funds to Ontario & Quebec, which caused a mass exodus in the early 80s) I'm pretty sure the "Republic of Western Canada" will become a reality.

                  Unlike Quebec, Alberta doesn't fuck around.

                  Click image for larger version

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                  Originally posted by Crag Rockheart View Post
                  Why is he no substance?
                  The guy has a gorgeous wife a great family and now he is Prime Minister, that is a hell of alot of substance.
                  He is highly educated and accomplished, i'm not clear about all the continuous calls of airhead?
                  He's more educated that all of us.

                  Now the west has no money, how will he steal from it now?
                  All governments do this, I'm not sure why you are blaming one party.
                  In fact, with the dollar and economy the way it is there will be a big resurgence in manufacturing in the east,
                  which will support the west in the same way. This happened for years before the big oil boom in Alberta. The country always tried it's best to balance the richer and poorer regions, no matter what party is in.

                  In fact Harper cared way more about Israel, Ukraine, the Middle East and his reputation on the national stage more that what was happening in Canada. Citizens of other countries were more important to him than the people we have at home. He was a war monger and wanted to increase crime and punishment in Canada when every other country is going the opposite way.

                  I don't see much logical sense here, just bitterness.

                  Originally posted by cameeindos View Post
                  proves how democracy doesn't work.....people voted for him cos they liked his dad, and they reckon he's hot..
                  Best comment of this thread!


                  • #24
                    Maybe when Alberta separates and becomes a banana republic, you can elect that tough leader you've got such a hard-on for, and go fight Russia with all that tar sand money.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by alex99 View Post
                      Maybe when Alberta separates, you can elect that tough leader you want, and fight Russia with all that tar sand money.

                      Of course, with the fluctuations in the oil industry, your economy might tank, in which case, you'll be needing some help.

                      Yeah and the rest will need to become the 51st state, minus the french of course as you'll need to speak "American."


                      • #26
                        That would actually look pretty funny on a map.

                        But what happens when Fort McMurray wants to separate?


                        • #27
                          Just a thought..

                          Here's something to think on..

                          Aside from petty 4-8 year term politics the world is about to face a mass migration of people driven by a need for water & likely compounded by war..

                          In 20 years many of the glaciers that feed large rivers will be dry.. 1 billion people will be with out water and likely to migrate..

                          The USA is one of the areas that will be heavily impacted by the loss of glaciers..

                          I say shut down oil production and put all the money into renewable energy.. it's the only way forward.. but that's my optimistic side..

                          The climate conference in Paris should be interesting.. I bet they announce that we're fucked..

                          I seriously think we are in fact fucked.. The people will not rise up to stop big business until it's too late..

                          The oil industry is so crooked and evil it's not funny.. the electric car has been suppressed since the 60's and it is greed that rules our world..

                          If Justin tries to do all the things he promised I'll be very happy.. and hoping that he doesn't get framed in scandal or murdered..

                          But seriously the future is in 20 years.. I'll be 60 and the world will be totally fucked..


                          • #28
                            If he even gets half of the things done the country will be a happier place. Seeing him out actually taking to people just amazes me we went 10 years with a PM who wouldn't talk to anyone unless it was a controlled and pre arranged environment with screening and prepared questions and so on.

                            It baffled me any media would have endorsed him when he was a guy who pre screened which reporters got to go to his press outings, and they had to ask pre screened questions and all that jazz.

                            Having had time to reflect since the election; the amount of things Harper did to damage the country, what it means to be Canadian, and attacks on anything democratic or free, are just astounding. It also is astounding that so many Conservative voters were willing to ignore all of that just simply because he balanced one budget, in an election year, after over 100 billion in deficits and absolutely draconian cuts after too many tax breaks, in order to make that balance in this election year. Hard to believe a guy with that financial record is considered the balanced budget man, and that a mere 10 billion out of Trudeau's lips has them all running for their nuclear shelters.

                            As for the climate conference; it is refreshing he has invited all Premiers, AND leaders of all parties with seats in the House. Like him or not, at the very least the man wants to be inclusive and build bridges between political ideals. Heck, Elizabeth May had to go with the Afghan delegation one time because Harper told her to piss of when she wanted to go.

                            I hope Trudeau also considers repealing the law that banned well over a Million Canadians from voting because they happened to live and work abroad for so many years. You sure as hell know he did that on purpose because most of them would not have voted for Harper (people who see the world, get cultured, and educated generally would not support a man like him. Plenty of exceptions sure, but a minority of that group to say the least).


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by AlexisDVyne View Post
                              we're fucked..
                              I agree with you, and that's excluding the nuclear threat.


                              Not to mention super volcanoes, some potential extinction-level contagion/influenza, meteors (that "relatively small one" Apophis might be coming), and who knows what else could be in store for us. Ebola's pretty scary too, although I don't think that can spread like wildfire and turn into a global pandemic...which I hope I'm not wrong about. They didn't mention it explicitly, but at one of the hospitals here in T.O. that I went to recently, they were clearly screening patients for Ebola. Just saying.

                              In fact, I'm thinking of leaving the city, because I fear we have a full-scale zombie apocalypse coming.


                              • #30
                                A Brief History of Canadian Political Corruption

                                I've heard a lot of "Harper did this" and "Harper did that" over the years. It's what we do best as Canadians... complain about the guy running the country. It's happened with every leader since Confederation.

                                It's a tough job, but someone has to do it! Not many people would want the job, imagine the stress you need to keep bottled up just for appearances?

                                As usual, a political scandal hits the fans as a PM starts to wear out his welcome to the Canadian public due to too much time in office. Happens every time. I was getting tired of Harper's blank, emotionless face too. But I've never voted just to get someone out, I always try to judge on who I think is best for the country. There wasn't much of a choice this time around.

                                Truth be told the worst political crimes in Canadian history were actually done by Liberals.

                                Trudeau Sr. screwed Canada so badly, it took years to recover. NEP was his worst blunder. When he (finally) left office in 1982, the Liberal polls were at their lowest point ever. So he retires and leaves poor John Turner to face the wrath of voters.

                                Which led us to Brian Mulroney's PCs with the biggest majority government in history, he introduces the G.S.T. to help pay down Trudeau's spending sprees.

                                The G.S.T. was the main issue that drove things south for Mulroney, so he retires leaving poor Kim Campbell to face the wrath of voters.

                                The rise of the Reform Party & Bloc Quebecois didn't help. More vote splitting.

                                Which led us to never ending Jean Chretien majorities. Ugh.

                                Who can forget Chretien's promise to eliminate the G.S.T. if elected the first time? (lots of people did forget actually)

                                I did vote for him based on that G.S.T. promise. The right of centre vote was split down the middle between the Reforms and the PCs which guaranteed Chretien a majority for years to come. So once he's assured guaranteed majorities, he announces he won't eliminate the G.S.T.

                                Crooked to the bone. Chretien retires just as AdScam news is starting to leak out, to leave poor Paul Martin to face the wrath of voters.

                                Chretien & Martin really should have served some jail time for that whole AdScam fiasco. It's pretty obvious they were both in on it. But being lawyers, they slimed their way out of it and we're left paying the bills.

                                AdScam & a merger of the Reform Party & PC party got the Liberals finally thrown out after years of corruption.

                                We finally get a democratically elected PM who's not from Quebec, Stephen Harper. Not everyone is happy, but at least he's getting the job done. He does some cutting does some spending to protect us from the Bush caused recession years.

                                Then after several terms, the Senate Gate thing happens. Never fails, as a leader nears the end of his mandate, the shit hits the fan.

                                Now we get another Trudeau in office. First thing he does? Renovations to 24 Sussex at the tune of $10 million dollars that our children will be paying for.

                                Then there's the climate change summit. What a joke. Canada already has the toughest rules on environmental issues in the world and our greenhouse gasses equal under 2% world wide. Yet we're signing this agreement that will devastate our economy and sock it to Alberta. This pleases Ontario & Quebec, which ensures more future Liberal votes in the east. Nothing like biting the hand that feeds you!

                                This whole Climate Change Summit thing is a good photo op for Justin & May though! I'm pretty sure May will be joining Trudeau's government within the next few years. Then when the next big Liberal scandal starts to leak to the press, Trudeau Jr. will retire and leave May to face the wrath of the voters.

                                The wheels on the bus go round and round...

                                Originally posted by vancouverman View Post
                                If he even gets half of the things done the country will be a happier place. Seeing him out actually taking to people just amazes me we went 10 years with a PM who wouldn't talk to anyone unless it was a controlled and pre arranged environment with screening and prepared questions and so on.

                                It baffled me any media would have endorsed him when he was a guy who pre screened which reporters got to go to his press outings, and they had to ask pre screened questions and all that jazz.

                                Having had time to reflect since the election; the amount of things Harper did to damage the country, what it means to be Canadian, and attacks on anything democratic or free, are just astounding. It also is astounding that so many Conservative voters were willing to ignore all of that just simply because he balanced one budget, in an election year, after over 100 billion in deficits and absolutely draconian cuts after too many tax breaks, in order to make that balance in this election year. Hard to believe a guy with that financial record is considered the balanced budget man, and that a mere 10 billion out of Trudeau's lips has them all running for their nuclear shelters.

                                As for the climate conference; it is refreshing he has invited all Premiers, AND leaders of all parties with seats in the House. Like him or not, at the very least the man wants to be inclusive and build bridges between political ideals. Heck, Elizabeth May had to go with the Afghan delegation one time because Harper told her to piss of when she wanted to go.

                                I hope Trudeau also considers repealing the law that banned well over a Million Canadians from voting because they happened to live and work abroad for so many years. You sure as hell know he did that on purpose because most of them would not have voted for Harper (people who see the world, get cultured, and educated generally would not support a man like him. Plenty of exceptions sure, but a minority of that group to say the least).

