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  • #61
    Originally posted by snappyboy View Post
    Leave politics to the real worker-bees who actually put their names on the line everyday.

    Loco, you can whine and bitch all you want from behind your golden keyboard, but the real and constructive input requires action - from real Canadians!
    Lol Now this humourless little troll Snappyboy is following me around the forums with his rants.

    All you seem to do is bitch and moan in every thread. Does anyone actually like you? I know I don't for one. As a result, I just avoid you. What do you do? You try to provoke a fight whenever possible. Get a life.

    To everyone else, I've had my say. I run a business in Alberta so I strongly feel that Trudeau is bad for my business, bad for Alberta and bad for Canada. This will affect my income personally. Our provincial NDP just announced their ridiculous budget taxing the snot out of the oil corporations. What was the response? On the same day Husky cancelled their planned projects and is selling their shares in Alberta to work in a more business friendly environment. 25,000 jobs down the drain in one day.

    To answer the other person above talking about climate change, sure it's real, I never said it wasn't. But Alberta is a minuscule part of it (less than 2%) compared to China. What I'm saying is that by Trudeau signing this accord, it won't make one bit of difference to the environment. But it will put unrealistic expectations on the oil corporations, costing them billions of dollars which will result in massive lay offs. What will the big corporations do? Pay the new taxes? No. They will just leave.

    But Trudeau and May get their photo op. That's the important thing. (just a little sarcasm here)

    If I stepped on a few toes expressing my dislike of your choice for a leader I do apologize.

    Anyways, this is my opinion and I'm done.
    Last edited by Locomotion; 10-31-2015, 11:31 AM.


    • #62
      Yeah, the majority of us don't like the Trudeaus or any Liberal for that matter here out west. Just standard issue politicians towing the party line for Quebec for the votes.

      As for the NDP in Alberta, the only reason they got in is because the right of centre vote is split between the PCs and the Wildrose. Basically the same thing that happened federally with the PCs and the Reform Party in the '90s that allowed Chretien to unfortunately get majority after majority. Never would have happened if the opposition votes weren't split.

      To best explain how things are viewed out west, here's a cartoon from 1915. Amazing how attitudes haven't changed much in 100 years!!


      Click image for larger version

Name:	12188972_1024933990884341_2813317430333921786_n.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	60.0 KB
ID:	537314

      Originally posted by Rantsalot
      It's understandable that on a thread like this here where people who have different political beliefs don't get along, it's natural. There is always an us and them attitude where one party always points out the past and current flaws of another and grow a deaf ear about any opposing claims made unto them. With that said I will openly admit I am a Liberal. May be a surprise to some and might not be to others but thats beside the point.


      I just can not sit idly by any more reading about the negativity of Pierre Trudeau. Like it or not he reshaped Canada. The basic principle of government is to help the citizens within the nation with all aspects. Right? Again, like it or not Trudeau did much good for us . Yes....he did bad as well and that I am not denying but consider this.

      Patriation of the constitution thus ending the necessity for Canada to request certain types of amendment to the Constitution of Canada to be made by the British parliament. Canada now has complete sovereignty as an independent country. To add further he amended the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It gave more identity to what we are as Canadians. Let us also not forget about his approach to multiculturalism which during his term was unheard of and really helped with immigration.

      I am NOT forgetting the "bad stuff" though. One of the big things that comes to mind is the National Energy Program more commonly known as the Petro Scanadal. This is why ....and I am guessing....everyone west of Manitoba do not like Trudeau let alone Liberals. Basically it was a sharing program that western provinces were part of to help in building other social programs with the profit of their natural resources like oil. I can totally understand why people would be upset over this......why should anyone help out someone else with their hard earned money that they need to have a decent life ......but on the flip side .... are we as Canadians not perceived as a generous nation? Should we not try and help ourselves to avoid such things as unemployment?

      As a nation we are ranked 14th in the world as the best country to live in. We should indeed be higher ranked.

      Then there was the whole bilingualism / Quebec fight he had ongoing. He didnt want Quebec to be separate from Canada, Quebec nationalists didnt like whatever he did to get Quebec to stay. I know I am missing more here but thats a very very basic sum up.

      Look....I really think he was a trailblazer for defining who we are now as Canadians and gave Canada an identity. Again like it or not he had the balls to try and advance the country and was not a one hit wonder.

      As for Justin I understand everyones reservations but the start of every PM's term from past to present starts off rocky.

      Thats all I got


