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A question for the Tgirls , The journey , Will it end??

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  • A question for the Tgirls , The journey , Will it end??

    Do all Tgirls end up getting the final SRS ?

    Will some of you never do it?

    When you do, Are you done with this industry?

    Who here has done a full complete SRS and was it what you thought?

  • #2
    3 types of transsexuals.
    Pre-op Transsexuals are girls who are looking forward to get rid of their penis.
    Post-op who already done SRS and Non-Op who, for their reasons, is not going to have srs. Simply as that.

    being a non-op trans doesn't make us less of women, no, we still take hormones and keep our estrogen level on the right level. Present ourselves as females. Also SRS is still not so advance these days.
    When I was 18-19 y.o I was 100% sure i will have srs one day; now I don't think so. Having my penis doesn't make me dysphoric at all, moreover, I like it.
    some post-op girls were writing, that they still work as an escort and make even more money then before.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Mia View Post
      3 types of transsexuals.
      Pre-op Transsexuals are girls who are looking forward to get rid of their penis.
      Post-op who already done SRS and Non-Op who, for their reasons, is not going to have srs. Simply as that.

      being a non-op trans doesn't make us less of women, no, we still take hormones and keep our estrogen level on the right level. Present ourselves as females. Also SRS is still not so advance these days.
      When I was 18-19 y.o I was 100% sure i will have srs one day; now I don't think so. Having my penis doesn't make me dysphoric at all, moreover, I like it.
      some post-op girls were writing, that they still work as an escort and make even more money then before.

      Thanks for your input !!

      I have learned so much from reading but when I started seeing Tgirls I was taken to a new level of understanding .

      I am not a violent man and if I was I would do a lot of damage being my size and strength .. but I have no use for people who disrespect other humans and their choices , In the bar a few guys were harassing a gay guy to the point of him not leaving cause he was afraid for his life ..

      I sat with him and we had a drink , told him how I understand and then escorted him out and to another bar .

      we are now friends and he invited me to a party where I met a couple tgirls that just got implants they do not work in the industry and both have rich boyfriends !!

      I just really like all kinds of people and their stories .


      • #4
        Originally posted by wayassfasterthanyou View Post
        Do all Tgirls end up getting the final SRS ?

        Will some of you never do it?

        When you do, Are you done with this industry?

        Who here has done a full complete SRS and was it what you thought?
        I'm very happy with the results of my SRS as I have a functioning vagina, a sensitive clit and great sex and orgasms with my boyfriend. Initially I was planning on continuing in some aspect of sex work or porn after my SRS but that changed after becoming involved in a committed relationship.
        There is no such thing as a transsexual who doesn't want SRS that's the meaning of the word. Though there are many under the "transgender" umbrella who have different goals as to the extent of their transition and reasons for it in the first place. To each their own . For me I didn't set out to make a hybrid I set out to be full female to the extent that modern medical science can achieve at this point and I have ZERO regrets.


        • #5
          Originally posted by wayassfasterthanyou View Post
          Do all Tgirls end up getting the final SRS ?

          Will some of you never do it?

          When you do, Are you done with this industry?

          Who here has done a full complete SRS and was it what you thought?
          I'm not eligible for SRS because of health concerns.. The continued use of hormones and a lack of natural hormones would cut 10-15 years off my life.. to me that's simply not worth it.. I've already engaged in enough things that could leave me short on years and I'm not going to add something that I know will be a certain contributor to a reduced quality of life and an early demise..

          I've been legally female for almost 3 years now.. Birth Certificate, passport and DL all say female..

          The only things I'm doing from here out are fighting aging and getting rid of the scars on my boobs..


          • #6
            Originally posted by TSFantasia View Post
            There is no such thing as a transsexual who doesn't want SRS
            not holy war again ( ︿)

            sadly seems like we have these "not trans enough" , "Trans Nazi" etc wars

            Ok, so you believe that girls who has medically transitioned to align their sex with their gender identity but does not intend to have SRS for many reasons from unsatisfactory surgical results to those that just comfortable with their male genitalia are not transsexuals? and there is no such term as non-op transsexuals?


            • #7
              Hey Tia happy to see ya here again. I'm alright thanks and how have you been?
              didn't know you had you SRS, wow my congrats! ^_^

              And yes, sure Tia we have to be happy with who we are; no matter what is between my legs I am a woman. I'm pretty confident about it.

              When it comes to specific terms tho my statement is clear - Transsexual people who don't want to have SRS are called a non-op transsexuals.
              again the reasons for not have SRS might be different, including simple not having discomfort of having male genitalia.
              On the other hand we have counter argument from TsFantasia who is saying that there is not such thing as transsexuals who don't want SRS.
              I really want to hear more from her, and who knows, maybe she is right and all of these endocrinologists, doctors, gender therapists and wast majority of our community is wrong.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mia View Post
                not holy war again ( ︿)

                sadly seems like we have these "not trans enough" , "Trans Nazi" etc wars

                Ok, so you believe that girls who has medically transitioned to align their sex with their gender identity but does not intend to have SRS for many reasons from unsatisfactory surgical results to those that just comfortable with their male genitalia are not transsexuals? and there is no such term as non-op transsexuals?
                It's my opinion and based on the definitions of transsexual and transgender. Yes you are trans enough as a gender non-conforming individual, which most non-op transgenders are . My opinion is no more "Nazi" than others in the trans community, who scream blue murder if you address a trans group as ladies and gentlemen as that leaves out the non-binary and gender fluid individuals. No more "Nazi" than those who call SRS "genital mutilation" to justify their decision to keep their birth genitalia and still want the same recognition as women as those who do. I have my doubts about the reasons and motivations of many in the trans community when they don't want to conform to societies expectations of a gender's anatomy and appearance but still insist on being identified as that gender.
                But I do accept them as part of the transgender community as gender non-conforming individuals. If it works for them great. For me I'm asking society for an exception to the rule while I transition to what I know myself to be. I'm not asking them to rewrite the book.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Tia Phoenixx
                  Hi Kisa, my cute younger sister. How are you?

                  Gender dysphoria varies among tgirls.
                  So, it's OK if you don't think SRS will be an option.
                  You are not the only one for sure, especially in this business.

                  I have achieved my financial goals so my next step in life will be more productive and happy as a person.

                  And here I am as a post op, a happy and fulfilled being as i always want it

                  Btw, sexually i am much more powerful than I was as a pre op.

                  Gorgeous men keep coming in my bed daily, it never happened before as a pre op.

                  My vagina is really the most important determining factor for these straight men to have sex with me.

                  Now, go back to your statement:

                  Is post op more successful in this business?

                  Well, it depends on so many factors.

                  I will say definitely YES if she works in Asia and Arabic countries, including Turkey and North Africa.

                  It's more challenging in Europe as well as in Canada and USA.
                  Not too sure in Latin America ( I will find out this Winter), but probably is challenging as well due to homophobic upbringing.

                  However, there are few success stories though I never see one who can truly shine as a post op provider in North America.

                  For me, it's not really about the money anymore, though it's still important.

                  I am still happily doing this because I truly enjoy the sex... The travel... and well, yes the money too to certain extends

                  Back to pre, post op and non op argument:

                  Be yourself, and don't think you are less complete as a non-op ts.

                  Everybody has his/her life journey..
                  and let us make it worth


                  Tia Phoenixx
                  Congrats on the completion of your transition journey glad you are "enjoying" the results of your SRS


                  • #10
                    Most Provinces don't require SRS for changes to your ID. Ontario, BC, Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Quebec all agree that what's between your legs doesn't matter. Other provinces....well lack of forward thinking. Pity to those girls in those places.

                    As for this "she is more of a woman" "she not a real trans"....get over yourselves. Here is a little heads up. To some people, it doesn't matter how much surgery you had. You were born a boy to them. Not a girl in a boy's body....A BOY. They don't care about you or your situation. You want to continue this infighting and segagration; go ahead. You do nothing but continue to divide the entire community.
                    Shyla Wild
                    Transsexual Escort of Choice
                    Canada?s Finest

                    Twitter: @Shylawild




                    • #11
                      To Follow up, the Federal Government has changed their requirements as well. Meaning Provinces that refused to address the issue like Sask and PEI are now forced to adjust their laws.

                      I quote the Explaination of the New Law:
                      "every person has a right to define their own gender identity that is independent of what their physical body looks like and what kind of transition they?ve gone through.?
                      Maybe Trans-women should learn the meaning of acceptance. It seems like tons of TS think they are a select few that can be considered women.
                      Shyla Wild
                      Transsexual Escort of Choice
                      Canada?s Finest

                      Twitter: @Shylawild




                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Shyla Wild View Post
                        Most Provinces don't require SRS for changes to your ID. Ontario, BC, Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Quebec all agree that what's between your legs doesn't matter. Other provinces....well lack of forward thinking. Pity to those girls in those places.

                        As for this "she is more of a woman" "she not a real trans"....get over yourselves. Here is a little heads up. To some people, it doesn't matter how much surgery you had. You were born a boy to them. Not a girl in a boy's body....A BOY. They don't care about you or your situation. You want to continue this infighting and segagration; go ahead. You do nothing but continue to divide the entire community.
                        Always so hostile guess some things never change No one has said anything about NOT a woman or Not trans enough the transgender community encompasses a wide variety of gender non-conforming individuals, non-binary, intersexed, gender fluid, men who crossdress, etc. NOT all of these want to be identified as MALE/ FEMALE or Man/Woman categories but all are considered transgender.
                        The term transsexual refers to those within the transgender community who seeking SRS/GRS as a completion to their transition/transformation. At best in total we are .3-.7% of the population asking the rest of the population to abandon their concepts of gender and social structure and redefine
                        their gender terms so we shouldn't be afraid to be defined within the trans community regarding our differences or distinctions.

                        Relationship of transsexual to transgender[edit]

                        Around the same time as Benjamin's book, in 1965, the term transgender was coined by John Oliven.[2] By the 1990s, transsexual had come to be considered a subset of the umbrella term transgender.[1][2][3] The term transgender is now more common, and many transgender people prefer the designation transgender and reject transsexual.[24][25][26] The term transsexual, however, continues to be used,[27] and some people who pursue medical assistance (for example, sex reassignment surgery) to change their sexual characteristics to match their gender identity prefer the designation transsexual and reject transgender.[24][25][26] One perspective offered by transsexual people who reject a transgender label for that of transsexed is that, for people who have gone through sexual reassignment surgery, their anatomical sex has been altered, whilst their gender remains constant.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by TSFantasia View Post
                          The term transsexual refers to those within the transgender community who seeking SRS/GRS as a completion to their transition/transformation.

                          This early morning I had an appointment with my endo. I asked him on such topic, just to make sure. On some of my official papers it says I'm a non-op transsexual or MtF Transsexual . Like referrals from the Gender Therapist and my Family dr.

                          He pointed out to the bill

                          "Transsexuals are people who transition from one sex to another. A person born as a male can become recognizably female through the use of hormones and/or surgical procedures." Bill C-297 of Canada
                          This is not an argumentative debate, this is already a fact.

                          Wait maybe in your country is different? Where are you from tsFantasia?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by TSFantasia View Post
                            The term transsexual refers to those within the transgender community who seeking SRS/GRS as a completion to their transition/transformation. At best in total we are .3-.7% of the population asking the rest of the population to abandon their concepts of gender and social structure and redefine their gender terms so we shouldn't be afraid to be defined within the trans community regarding our differences or distinctions.

                            Relationship of transsexual to transgender[edit]

                            Around the same time as Benjamin's book, in 1965, the term transgender was coined by John Oliven.[2] By the 1990s, transsexual had come to be considered a subset of the umbrella term transgender.[1][2][3] The term transgender is now more common, and many transgender people prefer the designation transgender and reject transsexual.[24][25][26] The term transsexual, however, continues to be used,[27] and some people who pursue medical assistance (for example, sex reassignment surgery) to change their sexual characteristics to match their gender identity prefer the designation transsexual and reject transgender.[24][25][26] One perspective offered by transsexual people who reject a transgender label for that of transsexed is that, for people who have gone through sexual reassignment surgery, their anatomical sex has been altered, whilst their gender remains constant.

                            Well.. Nothing here says anything about genitalia.. In fact someone like me for instance has had surgery (boobs) which alters the sex anatomically and done hormone therapy (2 years before it caused problems) and I've done what is required to make my outward appearance match my gender identity.. Further I am considered female by law..

                            Yet I still have a dick.. and it's a very big one.. lol..

                            I've chosen to die with it rather than die from getting rid of it and staying on a chemical cocktail till death..

                            I am confident tho that if a transwoman in any operative stage wishes to be accepted as a woman then she should provide that same courtesy to other trans women that are on this very difficult journey through life.. Regardless of how pretty, how much surgery, which procedures and what not, if a trans woman makes the effort to live her life 24/7 as a woman she should be respected as such..

                            Sometimes I feel sorry tho for those whose gender condition is so bad that they never reach that goal because they can't accept themselves..

                            Inevitably.. we all reach the end..
                            Last edited by Ahole; 06-08-2016, 01:20 PM. Reason: ytpo..


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Mia View Post
                              This early morning I had an appointment with my endo. I asked him on such topic, just to make sure. On some of my official papers it says I'm a non-op transsexual or MtF Transsexual . Like referrals from the Gender Therapist and my Family dr.

                              He pointed out to the bill

                              "Transsexuals are people who transition from one sex to another. A person born as a male can become recognizably female through the use of hormones and/or surgical procedures." Bill C-297 of Canada
                              This is not an argumentative debate, this is already a fact.

                              Wait maybe in your country is different? Where are you from tsFantasia?
                              Yes & OUI I am Canadian Maybe your endocrinologist should stick to hormone dosages and leave the distinctions within the transgender community to others
                              It's all good I respect every transgender individual I'm just a stickler for definitions

                              Available on the Parliament of Canada Web Site at the following address:
                              Disponible sur le site Web du Parlement du Canada ? l?adresse suivante :
                              2nd Session, 41st Parliament,
                              62 Elizabeth II, 2013
                              house of commons of canada
                              BILL C-279
                              An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code (gender identity)Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
                              CANADIAN HUMAN RIGHTS ACT
                              L.R., ch. H-6

                              1. Section 2 of the Canadian Human Rights Act is replaced by the following:2. (1) The purpose of this Act is to extend the laws in Canada to give effect, within the purview of matters coming within the legislative authority of Parliament, to the principle that all individuals should have an opportunity equal with other individuals to make for themselves the lives that they are able and wish to have and to have their needs accommodated, consistent with their duties and obligations as members of society, without being hindered in or prevented from doing so by discriminatory practices based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, family status, disability or conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered.Objet

                              (2) In this section, ?gender identity? means, in respect of an individual, the individual?s deeply felt internal and individual experience of gender, which may or may not correspond with the sex that the individual was assigned at birth.D?finition de ? identit? de genre ?

                              2. (1) Subsection 3(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:3. (1) For all purposes of this Act, the prohibited grounds of discrimination are race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, family status, disability and conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered.Motifs de distinction illicite

                              (2) Section 3 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (2):(3) In this section, ?gender identity? has the same meaning as in subsection 2(2).D?finition de ? identit? de genre ?

                              CRIMINAL CODE
                              L.R., ch. C-46

                              3. Subsection 318(4) of the Criminal Code is replaced by the following:?identifiable group? means any section of the public distinguished by colour, race, religion, ethnic origin, gender identity or sexual orientation.? identit? de genre ?
                              ?gender identity?

                              4. (1) Subparagraph 718.2(a)(i) of the Act is replaced by the following:(i) evidence that the offence was motivated by bias, prejudice or hate based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, or any other similar factor,(2) Section 718.2 of the Act is renumbered as subsection 718.2(1) and is amended by adding the following:(2) In this section, ?gender identity? has the same meaning as in subsection 318(4).D?finition de ? identit? de genre ?

                              COMING INTO FORCE
                              5. This Act comes into force 30 days after the day on which it receives royal assent.Entr?e en vigueur
                              Last edited by TSFantasia; 06-08-2016, 01:26 PM.

