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Spark - T Women Weekly 2010

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  • #91
    Limited edition

    This photo card will be posted only for 30 minutes starting at 9 pm and ending at 9:30 pm after which it will be taken down and substituted. If you're playing this game or collecting these photos better get this one cus its either now or never.

    Last edited by Rantsalot; 06-22-2010, 08:32 PM.


    • #92
      TO, TS and TTFN

      Well I hope you had a great time in TO. Glad to have met you face to face. As to your opinion towards kids handling adult material, I think society can be over-protective. But they got to learn some of life's hard lessons at a young age. If they ask, we should tell, none of this stork crap. Here's an interesting test you would like:
      "The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money costs less." -Brendan Francis :D


      • #93

        Originally posted by maddplotter View Post
        Well I hope you had a great time in TO. Glad to have met you face to face. As to your opinion towards kids handling adult material, I think society can be over-protective. But they got to learn some of life's hard lessons at a young age. If they ask, we should tell, none of this stork crap. Here's an interesting test you would like:

        Where's the 'God Damned!' Dolphins there? I can't even see one.

        " To the world you maybe just one person, but to one person you maybe the world ."

        "Never lie to someone who trusts you, and never trust someone who lies to you."

        "Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it."


        • #94
          Rantsalot just txted me to inform the forum that he wont be able to post anything for the calendar for his internet is down temporarily and he will be back soon.


          - semi retired-
          03.2009 - 09.2014 - "I had an awesome time."


          • #95
            Originally posted by tsKITANA View Post
            Rantsalot just txted me to inform the forum that he wont be able to post anything for the calendar for his internet is down temporarily and he will be back soon.

            Oh okay!, and I thought he spent everything last thursday night and neglect to pay his internet bills good to know, Thanks!.

            Last edited by Lani; 06-27-2010, 10:16 PM. Reason: Need to modify, coz, he might kill!

            " To the world you maybe just one person, but to one person you maybe the world ."

            "Never lie to someone who trusts you, and never trust someone who lies to you."

            "Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it."


            • #96
              Originally posted by jenllani View Post
              Where's the 'God Damned!' Dolphins there? I can't even see one.

              OMG, Jenllani you are now seriously turning me on with your dirty mind. Really, you can not see the dolphins? Look at the dark shadows closely.
              "The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money costs less." -Brendan Francis :D


              • #97
                Originally posted by maddplotter View Post
                OMG, Jenllani you are now seriously turning me on with your dirty mind. Really, you can not see the dolphins? Look at the dark shadows closely.
                Dark shadows? isn't that the pubic hair?

                " To the world you maybe just one person, but to one person you maybe the world ."

                "Never lie to someone who trusts you, and never trust someone who lies to you."

                "Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it."


                • #98
                  Spark - Miss June 2010 - Lola

                  Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets
                  And little man, little Lola wants you
                  Make up your mind to have
                  (Make up you mind to have)
                  No regrets (no regrets)
                  Recline yourself
                  Resign yourself, you're through

                  I always get, what I aim for
                  And your heart and soul
                  Is what I came for

                  Whatever Lola wants (Lola wants)
                  Lola gets (Lola gets)
                  Take off your coat
                  Don't you know you can't win
                  You're no exception to the rule
                  I'm irresistible you fool .. give in
                  (Give in, you'll never win)

                  Whatever Lola wants
                  Lola gets'

                  Lyrics by Sarah Vaughn

                  Allow me to present to you the beautiful Miss June 2010

                  Click on the pics to enlarge

                  This was a long time coming. Now to avoid any confusion the 2009 calendar listed Lola as Miss March but I didn't officially start this calendar project until April 2009. What I did last year was choose ladies who I felt flt best to represent the missing months to make the year complete... but now in 2010 it's official.

                  Lola is quite the social butterfly. Always up for a talk with anyone. Loves to hug and greet people she meets. We've met at the clubs on a few occasions and each time its been great. We strike up a conversation about what her new plans are , where she's been and just day to day life. No beating around the bush, no embellishing of her stories but rather just good down to earth conversation. Oh yeah, she's flirty too. You know...a wee pinch here and there.

                  Now Lola does stick up for herself which is a great quality. Some may say feisty which is a great trait and others may disagree but to me I can truly appreciate a person who not only reacts to a situation but acts upon it as well if need be. She practices what she preaches with little fear. What better way to truly live life can there be. Fabulous.

                  By the way. If you look closely you will see 2 "new" photos of Lola on the 2nd set. These photos of her in the chair and her in the fishnet suit have never been released until now. Thank you Lola.

                  Her "REDUX" will be posted in a few days.

                  Last edited by Rantsalot; 06-28-2010, 06:50 PM.


                  • #99

                    Thank you Kitana for putting up that post! I truly appreciate it.

                    My net was down due to a terrible thunderstorm in my area. Half of the customers on the ISP I use were without net for nearly 2 days and the situation couldn't be looked at until after the weekend because the muinicipality would not allow any work to be done where the problem was originating from as it was on "private city property".

                    madplotter and jenllani thanks for the posts. It was nice meeting you madplotter the other day all be it it was brief. I truly hope you had fun at the club. Next time I visit TO we should commit to a longer conversation but I truly enjoyed the chat we had. What can I say. Habs fans for life.

                    Nice seeing you too jenllani in regards to the picture being posted here I can see the image mad is posting up. By the way, that was quite the sly move you pulled on introducing plotter and I. Oh! How was that house music cd by the way? it was rather surprising to see all those copies go so I didn't think house music was your thing though.

                    Oh well. Back to the grind again. Got lots more to say and share but will wait once I get settled here.
                    Last edited by Rantsalot; 06-28-2010, 06:25 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Rantsalot View Post

                      Nice seeing you too jenllani in regards to the picture being posted here I can see the image mad is posting up. By the way, that was quite the sly move you pulled on introducing plotter and I. Oh! How was that house music cd by the way? it was rather surprising to see all those copies go so I didn't think house music was your thing though.

                      Hey! what made you say that it's a sly move? I did wait until you pulled up your pants before my formal introduction between you and maddplotter, so I don't see it as a wily move, na' ah!

                      And yes! Thanks for the cd, so that's how it's called? a house music, we never had that kind of music in our house before, I thought it's the soundtrack for the G20 summit protesters, my Mom even said "it sounds violent and confusing" But! I've been dancing to it since the day I played it, though it gives me an occasional and brief moments of violent frenzy, but it's all cool! I think I want more of this music. Again, Thank You! Rantz, you're really a good friend.

                      PS, you can see the image? NO COMMENTS.
                      Last edited by Lani; 06-28-2010, 11:29 PM. Reason: Again I have to modify coz, he might........LOL!

                      " To the world you maybe just one person, but to one person you maybe the world ."

                      "Never lie to someone who trusts you, and never trust someone who lies to you."

                      "Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it."


                      • Hey Rants,

                        Just came across this picture ( literally)- She is hot !
                        Last edited by wellhungone; 06-30-2010, 08:17 PM. Reason: added


                        • WOW, very nice


                          • Spreading some sunshine !

                            Let the sunshine
                            Attached Files


                            • Amazing Ass

                              Hats ( & bottoms) off to Ms. K !


                              • Redux


                                June redux - Lola

                                "Station ID"

