Wow. Unbelievable.
Hi discovigilante,
Are yu ready? Here we goooooooo....hang on!
Hmm. And here i am thinking, all this time, that i was writing about discrimination against transgender people.
Obviously, you can't grasp the concept of “little stuff” such as sexual discrimination. I can clearly see how you wish to broaden the scope so that you may confuse the issues giving you ample opportunities to do pli?s and Fouett? rond de jambe en tournant with words that sound intelligent but really show your lack of comprehension of my written words.
You can't grasp what i am talking about? There have been no stretching of issues here on my part. Discrimination is what i am talking about. What are you talking about?
You think that's what i am talking about? You sure?
I said Hollywood controls it all. That would include television, movies, cartoons, whatever Hollywood
is involved with, which is basically anything to do with moving-pictures for profit.
You see wrong. Clean your glasses or sober up. You are bringing up the subject of “diver topics” after starting your post by trying to introduce the idea that i had brought up these “divers topics”.
Again, I am discussing discrimination. To be more specific, I am discussing how the media discriminates against transgenders.
Components that are part of a Television? Electronic components...wha? “Watchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis?”
Please, name off the names of some the components that are part of a television that have the power over human beings' understanding of their selves and their world? I mean, if “there are many”?
A graduate of Communication Studies should be able to answer that.
Lemme see, now...hmmm, well, blacks are born with dark skin, curly hair etc. Can't help that, they are BORN THAT WAY.
Physically challenged people have visible signs of being,...well, physically challenged. Can't change that in many cases because they were born that way.
Guess wha?...transgenders are born that way, too.
Or do you think we just choose to be transgender?
No way, sweety! It, maybe, leaves you wondering.
You really have a degree? How much did you pay for it? Were they on sale? Did i miss another sale?
We don't compare cross-dressers to transsexuals. They are completely different mentally.
All transsexuals are cross-dressers but not all cross-dressers are transsexuals. Both fit under the transgender umbrella for the most part.
Based on how you argue a point or even comprehend the clear points i've presented, i am obliged to tell you to go back for a refresher course. Or hold your degree up to the light to see if it's real.
What needs to be seen to properly continue this conversation is for you, my dear, to re-read the thread and all the comments slowly because you are so off track, here. It's almost laughable.
They actually gave you a degree?
I clarified the purpose of this thread with practically every post i've made.
To make others aware of what i feel has happened to our transsexual image in mainstream society and how it got to where it is, is my objective.
With your degrees, all i can see you doing is writing flowery, educated paragraphs while still NOT understanding the points i've already made.
You've already missed the whole concept and reasoning of including other people with disabilities and people of different cultures who have all been discriminated against in the past. But not now. People are no longer allowed to do that to them, BUT here's the clincher, it's still okay for transgenders to be discriminated against on national television. That sends a nasty message.
And finally, with your degrees, you ask me what the solution is?
I think i've touched on that topic, too.
There goes the school bell. Class dismissed!
Don't forget to re-read this whole thread. There might be a pop quiz.
Be ready,
Hi discovigilante,
Are yu ready? Here we goooooooo....hang on!
Originally posted by discovigilante
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Obviously, you can't grasp the concept of “little stuff” such as sexual discrimination. I can clearly see how you wish to broaden the scope so that you may confuse the issues giving you ample opportunities to do pli?s and Fouett? rond de jambe en tournant with words that sound intelligent but really show your lack of comprehension of my written words.
Originally posted by discovigilante
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Originally posted by discovigilante
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I said Hollywood controls it all. That would include television, movies, cartoons, whatever Hollywood
is involved with, which is basically anything to do with moving-pictures for profit.
Originally posted by discovigilante
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Again, I am discussing discrimination. To be more specific, I am discussing how the media discriminates against transgenders.
Originally posted by discovigilante
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Please, name off the names of some the components that are part of a television that have the power over human beings' understanding of their selves and their world? I mean, if “there are many”?
A graduate of Communication Studies should be able to answer that.
Originally posted by discovigilante
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Physically challenged people have visible signs of being,...well, physically challenged. Can't change that in many cases because they were born that way.
Guess wha?...transgenders are born that way, too.
Or do you think we just choose to be transgender?
Originally posted by discovigilante
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You really have a degree? How much did you pay for it? Were they on sale? Did i miss another sale?
Originally posted by discovigilante
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All transsexuals are cross-dressers but not all cross-dressers are transsexuals. Both fit under the transgender umbrella for the most part.
Originally posted by discovigilante
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Originally posted by discovigilante
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They actually gave you a degree?
I clarified the purpose of this thread with practically every post i've made.
To make others aware of what i feel has happened to our transsexual image in mainstream society and how it got to where it is, is my objective.
With your degrees, all i can see you doing is writing flowery, educated paragraphs while still NOT understanding the points i've already made.
You've already missed the whole concept and reasoning of including other people with disabilities and people of different cultures who have all been discriminated against in the past. But not now. People are no longer allowed to do that to them, BUT here's the clincher, it's still okay for transgenders to be discriminated against on national television. That sends a nasty message.
Originally posted by discovigilante
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I think i've touched on that topic, too.
There goes the school bell. Class dismissed!
Don't forget to re-read this whole thread. There might be a pop quiz.
Be ready,