Originally posted by Shyla Wild
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Governments, like corporations, are amoral institutions. They don't care about right or wrong.
Change comes from people mobilizing and taking to the streets. Politicians respond to the winds of change, as it were.
As the late historian Howard Zinn pointed out: Government is not our friend. Government was and is set up to serve corporate power. And, again, change happens when people demand it.
This'll happen with guns. I'm not opposed to gun ownership. But I strongly believe in regulation and public health care (I think Americans desperately need a public health care system) and, too, we could cut military spending by, say, 10 percent and put that $100 billion -- yep! billion with a b -- into mental health.
I mean, we've so many problems. But, again, I have faith in people. People organizing. And people demanding change.
It happened in the 30s. When people pushed Roosevelt....
It happened in the 60s. When people, well, civilized our society.