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  • #46
    Originally posted by Locomotion View Post
    I only call him Jr. because that's what he is. He was mainly voted in because of his name, not because people think he will a great leader. He's certainly not arrogant old Pierre (Sr.) and for that we can sigh a breath of relief.

    I have an opinion too, and it is that he is very bad for Canada. Let's pick this up in a year after he's had a chance to do some real damage.

    Anyways, love to stay on here and debate it until the cows come home but I gotta go to work.


    Here's an interesting article in the Washington Examiner about Harper:

    Just as Obama is being trashed in the US from troll propaganda, yet is respected by the rest of the world, it's apparently the same situation for our former leader.
    I'd like to take this time to remind everyone..

    Harper thinks everyone that pays for sex should be in jail.. that being gay is a disease.. and that transsexuals are aberrations against god..

    Fuck the Rich! Fuck Big Business! Fuck Big Oil! Fuck the Banks! Fuck Harper!

    The Conservative won't be back any time soon.. thank goodness for that..


    • #47
      Originally posted by AlexisDVyne View Post
      I'd like to take this time to remind everyone..

      Harper thinks everyone that pays for sex should be in jail.. that being gay is a disease.. and that transsexuals are aberrations against god..

      Fuck the Rich! Fuck Big Business! Fuck Big Oil! Fuck the Banks! Fuck Harper!

      The Conservative won't be back any time soon.. thank goodness for that..
      Utter nonsense.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Crag Rockheart View Post
        Who are all you people to say he has no substance? Like seriously.
        It is literally not true. Next time anyone says this please put some reasoning down.
        I am really tired of all the calls of airhead, no substance, not ready.
        It's all bullshit and you know it, he is smarter than most of us put together.
        Not saying he will be the best Prime Minister of all time but lay off the BS.
        He is not running the government single handed, even though Harper likes to give the impression he was but no PM runs the show.
        We are simply human beings who have the right to formulate opinions, and express those opinions without fear from the police state of tgirlforums.

        Originally posted by vancouverman View Post
        You don't like the guy, cool. But "no substance" has about as much evidence to support it as the earth being 6000 years old. Both are dogma and believers in them don't care what the evidence is.
        And what is your evidence that he got substance? We are all uttering opinions here.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Locomotion View Post
          Utter nonsense.
          No it isn't..

          Harper passed bill c36 which for the first time in Canada's history made the purchase of sexual services illegal..

          Harper is openly anti gay and a pro lifer.. and apparently a racist white bigot based on the election propaganda..

          Harper purposely stopped a bill allowing better rights for transgender people by using his goons in the senate..

          Do you live in Canada or are you hanging out with Rob Ford & Senator Brazeau??


          • #50
            Originally posted by AlexisDVyne View Post
            No it isn't..

            Harper passed bill c36 which for the first time in Canada's history made the purchase of sexual services illegal..

            Harper is openly anti gay and a pro lifer.. and apparently a racist white bigot based on the election propaganda..

            Harper purposely stopped a bill allowing better rights for transgender people by using his goons in the senate..

            Do you live in Canada or are you hanging out with Rob Ford & Senator Brazeau??
            Bill C36 is actually meant to close loopholes for the pimps that prey on children & young adults. The government really isn't interested in independent escorts like yourself doing it out of free will. Have you had any police raids lately?

            I don't recall Harper saying anything at all against the gay/tg community. He keeps his personal beliefs to himself. He does believe passionately in freedom and human rights.

            I've never heard him say anything racist.

            I HAVE heard a lot of Liberal trolls putting words into his mouth. (guns in the streets, anyone?)

            Bills get shot down in the senate all the time for one reason or another. Usually because the wording is too fuzzy and more important bills are pending. Maybe if the bill you're concerned about is reworded, it will be presented again with the outcome you prefer.

            As for the Fords, just because they showed up at a rally for a photo op, it doesn't mean the party supports those two. The Fords were more likely just looking to promote their own self interests.

            Gotta admit, if the Fords weren't so pathetic they'd be funny! There should be a comic strip about those two!

            Last edited by Locomotion; 10-29-2015, 01:33 PM.


            • #51
              I always laugh at people who moan and groan about immigration. If Canada closed its gates because people refused to assimilate into Canadian culture, then the population would start to decline. The labour force would be reduced and the economy would be shot all within 10 years.

              I mean we have a population of what? 36 million people and only 7.7-7.9 million are 0-19 years old, Canada is the land of the childless, we have to accept immigrants because people refuse to fuck without birth control and it is the only other way to re-populate our land.

              If you don't like it, go impregnate someone consensually.


              • #52
                Originally posted by RedRiddler View Post
                I always laugh at people who moan and groan about immigration. If Canada closed its gates because people refused to assimilate into Canadian culture, then the population would start to decline. The labour force would be reduced and the economy would be shot all within 10 years.

                I mean we have a population of what? 36 million people and only 7.7-7.9 million are 0-19 years old, Canada is the land of the childless, we have to accept immigrants because people refuse to fuck without birth control and it is the only other way to re-populate our land.

                If you don't like it, go impregnate someone consensually.
                I'm all for multicultural immigration myself. It was the one thing that Trudeau Sr. did right, at a time when "The Pill" was put on the market.

                Today? We are the world...

                I DON'T agree with letting in too many refugees without proper security screening which is what will happen with Jr., who just wants to prove how "liberal" (with a small "l") he is.

                The day is coming when a man or woman wearing a burka laced with explosives will kill a lot of Canadians. It's been happening in Israel for years.

                The soldier murder on parliament hill last year indicates that more bad things are coming.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Locomotion View Post
                  Bill C36 is actually meant to close loopholes for the pimps that prey on children & young adults. The government really isn't interested in independent escorts like yourself doing it out of free will. Have you had any police raids lately?

                  I don't recall Harper saying anything at all against the gay/tg community. He keeps his personal beliefs to himself. He does believe passionately in freedom and human rights.

                  I've never heard him say anything racist.

                  I HAVE heard a lot of Liberal trolls putting words into his mouth. (guns in the streets, anyone?)

                  Bills get shot down in the senate all the time for one reason or another. Usually because the wording is too fuzzy and more important bills are pending. Maybe if the bill you're concerned about is reworded, it will be presented again with the outcome you prefer.

                  As for the Fords, just because they showed up at a rally for a photo op, it doesn't mean the party supports those two. The Fords were more likely just looking to promote their own self interests.

                  Gotta admit, if the Fords weren't so pathetic they'd be funny! There should be a comic strip about those two!

                  The supreme court of Canada ordered the government to amend the prostitution laws that were found to be unconstitutional.. Instead the conservatives and Harper came up with Bill C-36 which did not fix the unconstitutional laws.. It made the purchase of sexual services illegal for the first time in Canada.. This is a fact it cannot be disputed..

                  The reason it's not getting enforced is because the police are refusing to enforce it and know the changes are unconstitutional. The Vancouver police department released a statement on their website about the new laws and how they see these as harming sex workers and not helping them.. Other police departments across the country also have similar statements on their websites..

                  I'm not a liberal.. I voted liberal cuz green can't win in my riding and the conservatives must never win again!

                  Harper and the conservatives do not believe in freedom or human rights.. C36 is a good example and bill C51 is and even better example where Harper has classified Environmentalists and Political protesters as terrorists..

                  Harper believes in freedom for big business to destroy the environment and make the rich richer..

                  The conservatives are a bunch of bible thumping racist fucktards that have no place running our country..

                  Brazeau is a fine example of a conservative coconut fucktard.. appointed by Harper himself.. If some black dude from Toronto was facing the same charges he would have got 3-6 months and a record.. Meanwhile Brazeau got off with no record at all even tho he pleaded guilty to 3 indictable offences!

                  Crooked fucking bullshit..

                  Again the only reason that you aren't getting busted when seeing a hooker is because your local police will not enforce the new unconstitutional law..
                  Last edited by Ahole; 10-30-2015, 03:40 PM.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Locomotion View Post
                    The day is coming when a man or woman wearing a burka laced with explosives will kill a lot of Canadians. It's been happening in Israel for years.

                    The soldier murder on parliament hill last year indicates that more bad things are coming.
                    Unfortunately, things may become significantly worse if Sweden is any indication of things to come.


                    • #55
                      Last edited by VanessaBell; 05-04-2017, 09:46 PM.


                      • #56

                        Originally posted by Ray View Post
                        Congratulations Canadians for electing a liberal.
                        And a good looking liberal.
                        He's socially liberal. But fiscally conservative. He isn't hard right like Harper. But soft right.
                        He isn't rooted in a neoliberal ideology like Harper.
                        But his social liberalism should change things -- for the better.
                        America -- w/ Trump, Carson, PAUL RYAN etc. -- is now way to the right of our cousins in the nice North.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Locomotion View Post
                          We simply can't afford another big bloated corrupt Liberal government right now. Give Tredeau a chance you say? First thing he does is arrange $10 million renovations done to 24 Sussex. Now this climate change summit photo op that will do nothing except make his eastern voters happy and severely harm Alberta at a time when oil prices are down. Now more refugee welfare bums are coming into the country receiving around $2400 per month, much more than the $1200 per month CPP pays. I'm sure there will be some ISIS parasites hidden in the refugees too.

                          Junior is bad for Canada.
                          All governments simply serve the interests of the corporate sector.
                          We live in a liberal democracy. What does that mean? Well, in liberal democratic theory the elites rule. That begs the question: who are the elites in, say, North America? Well, CEOs.
                          We've a neo-democracy. We've a democracy for the very rich. (And Trudeau is hardly hostile of oil... and that's the problem.)
                          Climate change is serious. OK, say you're right and climate change is a "liberal" conspiracy. And so we spend a few bucks doing what we should do. But say it isn't. Then what? Should we gamble with the fate of our species?
                          Your xenophobia is idiosyncratic. Seeing as that you're on a "shemale" site. People could easily attack you for being a "fag." Would you like that hatred directed at you?
                          All I'm saying: Be kind to others.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by VanessaBell View Post
                            ........and the amount of people willing to one day surrender their national identity in the name of naive idealism is quite disappointing.
                            they have a name for those people, liberals.
                            I am Greep, hear me roar


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Mike72 View Post
                              All governments simply serve the interests of the corporate sector.
                              We live in a liberal democracy. What does that mean? Well, in liberal democratic theory the elites rule. That begs the question: who are the elites in, say, North America? Well, CEOs.
                              We've a neo-democracy. We've a democracy for the very rich. (And Trudeau is hardly hostile of oil... and that's the problem.)
                              Climate change is serious. OK, say you're right and climate change is a "liberal" conspiracy. And so we spend a few bucks doing what we should do. But say it isn't. Then what? Should we gamble with the fate of our species?
                              Your xenophobia is idiosyncratic. Seeing as that you're on a "shemale" site. People could easily attack you for being a "fag." Would you like that hatred directed at you?
                              All I'm saying: Be kind to others.



                              • #60
                                What a reply....

                                Leave politics to the real worker-bees who actually put their names on the line everyday.

                                Loco, you can whine and bitch all you want from behind your golden keyboard, but the real and constructive input requires action - from real Canadians!

