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Orlando Massacre Shooter: Terrorist? Homophobe? Self-loathing Closeted Gay?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by CBrake78 View Post
    I 100% agree with you Shyla. In Canada you cannot own an automatic weapon. You would have no problem defending yourself or family with a pump action 12 ga or a semi automatic rifle. There's no need to have automatic weapons. The same thing could easily happen here but I think there would be less of a chance or it being such a high number of casualties here.
    Originally posted by Shyla Wild View Post
    How about some better questions?

    How does someone buy a weapon like this so easily? At what point does a weapon called an Assault Rifle considered self defense or used to defend yourself? How would you even be able to defend yourself with a weapon you cannot openly carry?
    OK if you want to get technical and legal and stuff..

    In Canada you can legally open carry any (non-restricted) long arm you want as long as it's not a restricted or prohibited firearm..

    It can't be loaded but you can have the ammunition in your pocket.. you cannot have it in a speed loader attached to the firearm..

    Do this in the city you will find yourself surrounded by police in no time as people do not know the law and will immediately assume the worst..

    Up north lots of people have rifles in their truck and take them everywhere they go.. It's a non issue there..

    Now a standard AR15 is a restricted firearm and cannot be open carried without the right permit.. But you can open carry an AR18 or something more powerful like a CZ858 , just a few inches bigger and shoots 762's that will go through a level 2 vests.. I'm partial to the Hatsan MPA-TS Semi auto 12 gauge myself, very light weight, moderate kick with 00 and you can get all 5 off in 2 seconds..

    You cannot stop the crazies.. Well you can if you shoot them I suppose.. but not till they go psycho..

    As I said I like to be optimistic.. but I do prepare for the worst..

    When the day comes that you need to know how to use a gun.. it's probably not going to be the best time to learn..


    • #17
      Gun Controls The Answer?

      Every time there is a mass shooting there is a call for stiffer gun controls specifically on automatic weapons. The opponents such as the NRA and right wing conservatives repeat the same lines "Guns don't kill people, people kill people", "If more people carried handguns such maniacs would be stopped" and of course their proclamation of their 2nd Amendment rights being infringed upon.

      Of course its people using guns that kill people and the more automatic and powerful the weapon the greater the carnage and body count in the shortest amount of time. If more people carried handguns in such an exchange many would die due to "friendly fire" and few have the nerve to actually pull the trigger faced with a chaotic and life threatening situation. Increase in gun ownership would result in more fatalities due to accidents, domestic disputes gone wrong, road rage incidents, etc.

      I agree with some of the other posters that given the time in history we are at, the declared jihad against the West that has been declared, the general anti-west, anti-LGBT, anti-women's rights of most Muslims it is foolish of our governments to allow a mass influx of Muslim refugees other than families, women and children. All others should be accommodated in refugee camps with a return to sender policy once the violence in affected areas are quelled.


      • #18
        I bring you Tarek Fatah! If anyone finds the time pls watch this wonderful clip of this Canadian muslim scholar educating some of our ignorant idealistic senators. Tarek is exactly the type of immigrant that Canada needs more of. The interesting bits are his answers to questions directly from senators.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Mouthwideopen View Post
          I bring you Tarek Fatah! If anyone finds the time pls watch this wonderful clip of this Canadian muslim scholar educating some of our ignorant idealistic senators. Tarek is exactly the type of immigrant that Canada needs more of. The interesting bits are his answers to questions directly from senators.

          Quite the eye opener but as always history repeats itself like those who warned years before of the dangers of Hitler & the Nazi ideology that was one of world domination by a super race not of just another political party trying to make a better Germany. Hopefully we wake up to this one !


          • #20
            Originally posted by TSFantasia View Post
            ...and few have the nerve to actually pull the trigger faced with a chaotic and life threatening situation...
            For a lot of law-abiding people, it's the legal ramifications that make them hesitant to pull the trigger too, since depending on the circumstance, it might carry a mandatory sentence, and even in places where you're completely justified legally, so much depends on what you say afterwards to the police and how it's treated in court by a judge or prosecutor. In an instant, you could literally lose everything you've worked your entire life for, and find yourself in prison. This is also ignoring potential civil suits that can be taken out against you if you don't go to prison.

            There's also the possibility that if or when the police arrive on the scene, if you have a gun in your hand, they might think you're the one committing the crime and fire on you. A lot of cops dress in plain clothing too, so that guy you see with a gun might be a threat, or might be an undercover officer. It just looks like a huge mess.

            I watched this clip recently where this guy named Massad Ayoob spoke about this one guy who fired a warning shot into the air and by mistake actually hit this innocent old lady who happened to be out on her balcony at the time - it's practically out of a South Park episode. The bullet pierced her heart and killed her, so there's also this nightmarish thought of all of these reckless idiot cowboys running around with guns too, which is sort of in line with what you were also saying.
            Last edited by alex99; 06-17-2016, 04:47 PM.


            • #21
              Click image for larger version

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              Shyla Wild
              Transsexual Escort of Choice
              Canada?s Finest

              Twitter: @Shylawild




              • #22
                Certainly he became sick,evil and had the worst kind of hatred(and rage) imaginable towards innocent gays,himself,men in general,society and usa due to their continued war and destruction on isis men. But what are usa to do? Isis have no right to take over properties and homes,murder the men and kidnap the women and girls. Throughout history,men are at war with men in so many different ways including taking over land,killing the men to control women and girls and isis is just 1 of the endless examples. Maby usa should not kill but capture each isis who has taken over someones home instead of destroying all of them as a whole? Why is it so many men in the world hate gay men? It begins with self hatred therefore hatred of other men. If men truly loved themselves,they would not hate men of different races,religions,or men being attracted to men and the sex they have. They dont have to agree to what they do but they should not hate them and need to be at peace and respect each other which this crapo failed to do.
                Last edited by dom r; 06-17-2016, 10:04 PM.


                • #23
                  Last edited by alex99; 03-11-2021, 06:10 PM.


                  • #24
                    Laughable... if it weren't so sad

                    Originally posted by Shyla Wild View Post
                    Shyla do you honestly believe and that his upbringing and father figure - a longtime supporter of the Afghan Taliban (who portrayed himself in recent videos the president of Aghanistan btw) had nothing to do with Omar Mateen's perspective? That the Muslim faith- regardless of being born in N.Y. that he was raised in -which openly not only discusses but practices the killing of gays- had nothing to do with his actions in Orlando?

                    Again I suppose I have to stress that Western societies are not and never will be perfect bubbles torn from a Disney children's book.... we're all very sorry for that?

                    There is a long list of people who have never been treated fairly in all western societies. No doubt. That being said.... have you ever in any western country seen something like in the videos on the following link?


                    You and countless others think that because he was born here... that America and it's much less hostile history with lgbt lifestyles is to blame? Really? Regardless of the demented indoctrination he had been exposed to like millions of people through standard muslim teachings and texts? ( Super Duper Double Eye Roll ).

                    I invite anyone who lives an openly gay/lesbian/bisexual/trans life in a western society to simply take a short quick trip to any majority Muslim country.... really get to know the culture.... live amongst them. You know.... go to a stoning... watch a few gays get thrown from rooftops and then reflect upon which culture has been more open and accepting of the lgbt communities throughout time.

                    Anyone who has studied psychiatry quickly becomes familiar with f.o.g.s. Any person with a personality disorder or psychotic behaviours controls other people in their lives with the fogs: Fear, Obliging, Guilting and Shaming. These are the soft squishy bits of the human psyche that one can pull a hook through and control another persons mind in many dysfunctional ways. When done to a culture it is called cultural subversion. The late Yuri Bezmenov can tell you all about it.

                    On a national scale no country in recent history has had more collective cultural guilt than Germany..... and little wonder why. Guilt and shame for a past generations wrongdoings is a powerful thing..... it can (and likely will) literally destroy a nation/culture. Let's all hope NA doesn't follow the lead with the kinds of self hating, guilting language displayed in that lovely post above..... or else perhaps we should all start measuring ourselves for Muslim attire and calling for the violent brutal deaths of gays and apostates?

                    I have no patience for Muslim apologists and self hating westerners. May they quickly move to a country they think is better.
                    Last edited by Mouthwideopen; 06-18-2016, 12:03 AM.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Mouthwideopen View Post
                      Shyla do you honestly believe and that his upbringing and father figure - a longtime supporter of the Afghan Taliban (who portrayed himself in recent videos the president of Aghanistan btw) had nothing to do with Omar Mateen's perspective? That the Muslim faith- regardless of being born in N.Y. that he was raised in -which openly not only discusses but practices the killing of gays- had nothing to do with his actions in Orlando?

                      Again I suppose I have to stress that Western societies are not and never will be perfect bubbles torn from a Disney children's book.... we're all very sorry for that?

                      There is a long list of people who have never been treated fairly in all western societies. No doubt. That being said.... have you ever in any western country seen something like in the videos on the following link?


                      You and countless others think that because he was born here... that America and it's much less hostile history with lgbt lifestyles is to blame? Really? Regardless of the demented indoctrination he had been exposed to like millions of people through standard muslim teachings and texts? ( Super Duper Double Eye Roll ).

                      I invite anyone who lives an openly gay/lesbian/bisexual/trans life in a western society to simply take a short quick trip to any majority Muslim country.... really get to know the culture.... live amongst them. You know.... go to a stoning... watch a few gays get thrown from rooftops and then reflect upon which culture has been more open and accepting of the lgbt communities throughout time.

                      Anyone who has studied psychiatry quickly becomes familiar with f.o.g.s. Any person with a personality disorder or psychotic behaviours controls other people in their lives with the fogs: Fear, Obliging, Guilting and Shaming. These are the soft squishy bits of the human psyche that one can pull a hook through and control another persons mind in many dysfunctional ways. When done to a culture it is called cultural subversion. The late Yuri Bezmenov can tell you all about it.

                      On a national scale no country in recent history has had more collective cultural guilt than Germany..... and little wonder why. Guilt and shame for a past generations wrongdoings is a powerful thing..... it can (and likely will) literally destroy a nation/culture. Let's all hope NA doesn't follow the lead with the kinds of self hating, guilting language displayed in that lovely post above..... or else perhaps we should all start measuring ourselves for Muslim attire and calling for the violent brutal deaths of gays and apostates?

                      I have no patience for Muslim apologists and self hating westerners. May they quickly move to a country they think is better.
                      Self hating westerners?? what does that mean?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Mouthwideopen View Post
                        I have no patience for Muslim apologists and self hating westerners. May they quickly move to a country they liken to be better.
                        That was someone else's rant that Shyla copied..

                        But anyhow..

                        I am not an apologist and most certainly not a self hating westerner.. I don't believe in racism.. There's good people, bad people, dumb people and smart people.. They come in all races, colours, faiths, shapes, sizes and ages.. The worst people I know of in this world are unfortunately white..

                        I also firmly believe that the most racist, dishonest and loathful people in the world are those that follow the Talmud and consider themselves as the master race, who are also typically white.. After that comes the Saudis and the whole Wahhabi version of Islam.. Wahhabi Islam is also the same sect of Islam as ISIL.. It worries me a bit cuz Vancouver is full of Saudi male students that travel around in groups.. Other versions of Islam are generally much more moderate than Wahhabiism..

                        I think all sects of the god of Abraham should be phased out.. God as in the bible and other holy books just doesn't jive in this day and age..

                        And the west has been oppressing the people of the middle east since the fall of the Ottoman empire.. That's like 200 years.. There's a reason they hate the west.. Have a look at Iran before the revolution.. Iraq before the USA.. Lybia before the USA.. Syria before the USA..

                        With all the recent crap going on in the Baltic, The South China Sea, mounting tension Palestine and in Syria with new calls for American's to bomb Assad's army we might well be on our way to fixing global warming and our consumption problem via a nuclear winter.. I'm sure that those who have the means have a plan to survive it..

                        War is money and power and more war is more money and power.. that's the way of the west.. I don't particularly approve..
                        Last edited by Ahole; 06-18-2016, 01:44 AM.


                        • #27
                          Social Justice Warriors .... Ugggg

                          Well said, sir. The whole "social justice warrior" white guilt mentally is a pile of brainwashing extremist left crap. Most of it comes from sites like Tumblr where many of them hang out, like a mini Borg Collective. No independent thought allowed here folks so move along.

                          Here's a clip of a brilliant comedian destroying a Social Justice Warrior at a college when they heckled him. No matter what side of the fence you're on... This is fucking hilarious!!

                          Originally posted by Mouthwideopen View Post
                          Shyla do you honestly believe and that his upbringing and father figure - a longtime supporter of the Afghan Taliban (who portrayed himself in recent videos the president of Aghanistan btw) had nothing to do with Omar Mateen's perspective? That the Muslim faith- regardless of being born in N.Y. that he was raised in -which openly not only discusses but practices the killing of gays- had nothing to do with his actions in Orlando?

                          Again I suppose I have to stress that Western societies are not and never will be perfect bubbles torn from a Disney children's book.... we're all very sorry for that?

                          There is a long list of people who have never been treated fairly in all western societies. No doubt. That being said.... have you ever in any western country seen something like in the videos on the following link?


                          You and countless others think that because he was born here... that America and it's much less hostile history with lgbt lifestyles is to blame? Really? Regardless of the demented indoctrination he had been exposed to like millions of people through standard muslim teachings and texts? ( Super Duper Double Eye Roll ).

                          I invite anyone who lives an openly gay/lesbian/bisexual/trans life in a western society to simply take a short quick trip to any majority Muslim country.... really get to know the culture.... live amongst them. You know.... go to a stoning... watch a few gays get thrown from rooftops and then reflect upon which culture has been more open and accepting of the lgbt communities throughout time.

                          Anyone who has studied psychiatry quickly becomes familiar with f.o.g.s. Any person with a personality disorder or psychotic behaviours controls other people in their lives with the fogs: Fear, Obliging, Guilting and Shaming. These are the soft squishy bits of the human psyche that one can pull a hook through and control another persons mind in many dysfunctional ways. When done to a culture it is called cultural subversion. The late Yuri Bezmenov can tell you all about it.

                          On a national scale no country in recent history has had more collective cultural guilt than Germany..... and little wonder why. Guilt and shame for a past generations wrongdoings is a powerful thing..... it can (and likely will) literally destroy a nation/culture. Let's all hope NA doesn't follow the lead with the kinds of self hating, guilting language displayed in that lovely post above..... or else perhaps we should all start measuring ourselves for Muslim attire and calling for the violent brutal deaths of gays and apostates?

                          I have no patience for Muslim apologists and self hating westerners. May they quickly move to a country they think is better.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Mouthwideopen View Post
                            Shyla do you honestly believe....
                            I will tell you what I believe. I believe that a country that has a mass shooting every 3-4 months should take a hard look at itself. Does this happen anywhere else? No. You can spew anything you like here, play any angle. But this is the truth. Every few months, someone shoots out the place south of the border. will blame everyone and anything except itself, it's culture and its society.
                            Shyla Wild
                            Transsexual Escort of Choice
                            Canada?s Finest

                            Twitter: @Shylawild


                            PRESENTLY NOT TRAVELING DUE TO COVID 19


                            • #29
                              Last edited by alex99; 03-11-2021, 06:13 PM.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Shyla Wild View Post
                                I will tell you what I believe. I believe that a country that has a mass shooting every 3-4 months should take a hard look at itself. Does this happen anywhere else? No. You can spew anything you like here, play any angle. But this is the truth. Every few months, someone shoots out the place south of the border. will blame everyone and anything except itself, it's culture and its society.

                                And me; I believe a culture that throws people from rooftops and stones people would benefit from taking a hard look at itself... and those who defend- who would most certainly be thrown off rooftops themselves of course... should also take a hard look at themselves and who they defend.
                                When I see some of you ts escorts with tour dates posted for Pakistan and Saudi Arabia I'll reconsider your stances on these complicated geopolitical issues but until then, this all just an online circle jerk of virtue signalling that reminds me of one of my favourite quotes; "convictions are a luxury of those on the sidelines". Unless you've spent any time defending our way of life... you have very little skin in the game.

                                The military strength that allows for such a high quality of life as one enjoyed in the west is the very target of people kept warm and safe behind the very blanket of security that is provided. How ironic. It's like a petulant child complaining about the machete that the bushman keeping themselves and their family safe in the jungle - is using to protect them.

                                As for society and culture... are they not byproducts of human nature? Is it society for example that turns people gay? Or is it nature? Is it the gay gene? Many experiments have proven that newborn children blindfolded since birth with zero cultural/societal influence when dropped in the middle of a blanket with Tonka trucks and lego on one end and pink barbie toys on the other display inherent traits. Anyone want to guess which sexes or sexual preferences chose which end of the blanket to crawl to?

                                As the obesity crisis grows should we blame forks and move for a ban of forks or simply ask that people control their eating habits? Do we get to conveniently pick and choose depending on our biases and cognitive dissonance when to blame society/culture and when we demand that it's nature? For example does studying ballet make someone gay or are some of us simply "born that way"? Do gun laws make people violent or are people violent by nature?

                                For anyone thinking that 200 years is a long time to be waging war... they should take a gander at the over 1400 years that Islam itself has been waging war on a variety of nation states and religious groups. To read some posts one might think that only the West engages in war.... or only the west is "bad" for engaging in wars.....laughable. It's as if war wouldn't even exist in the middle east if it weren't for Western interference. Again.... laughable. Protecting our interests in a region that's been soaking in bloody warfare since history has ever been recorded... doesn't sound so crazy to some. If it weren't for the evil "West" I'm convinced we would all be one race by now sharing all of our collective resources and food around campfires singing together.

                                Puff puff pass. I'll gladly have some of whatever you're smoking.

                                I'm not posting this to change any of the fellow posters minds.... cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing not to be undone by brutally honest introspection; ego investment is a hard thing to overcome. It's future readers that will really enjoy this thread for all it's irony.
                                Last edited by Mouthwideopen; 06-18-2016, 10:00 PM.

